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Consumer's Dictionary of Food Additives: A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients Vitamin E

Ruth Winter
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There are about two hundred known anthocyanins, including those obtained from grapes, cranberries, cherries, and plums. They can be used to color acid compounds, such as wines and cranberry juice cocktail. The twenty anthocyanins in grapes are the major source of anthocyanin pigment for food color. No known toxicity. ANTHRACITE COAL, SULFONATED • A resin for miscellaneous uses, according to the FDA. ANTHRANIL1C ACID • o-Aminobenzoic Acid. Yellowish crystals with a sweet taste used in flavorings, dyes, and perfumes. See Benzoic Acid.

The Constituents of Medicinal Plants: An Introduction to the Chemistry and Therapeutics of Herbal Medicine

Andrew Pengelly
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Anthocyanins in Fruits, Vegetables and Grains, CRC Press, Boca Raton. Middleton, E. and Drzewiecki, G. 1984, 'Flavonoid inhibition of human basophil histamine release stimulated by various agents', Biochemical Pharmacology 33: 3333-3338. Middleton Jr, E. 1988, 'Plant flavonoid effects on mammalian cell systems', in L. E. Cracker and J. E. Simon (eds), Herbs, Spices & Medicinal Plants, Vol. 3, Oryx Press, Arizona. Miller, L. P. (ed.) 1973, Phy to chemistry, Vol. 2, Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Mills, S. and Bone, K.

The Green Pharmacy: New Discoveries in Herbal Remedies for Common Diseases and Conditions from the World's Foremost Authority on Healing Herbs

James A. Duke, Ph.D.
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This herb is also a vasodilator that opens blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. anthocyanins help prevent formation of the blood clots that trigger heart attack. Until pharmaceutical firms start studying anthocyanins, we won't know how effectively these compounds help to prevent coronary problems. But one Hawthorn The flowers, leaves and fruits of this plant are all used for medicinal purposes. thing is clear. Bilberries are not the only fruit that contains them.

Cancer & Natural Medicine: A Textbook of Basic Science and Clinical Research

John Boik
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Two potential sources of anthocyanins are Vaccin-ium myrtillus (bilberry) and Crataegus oxyacantha (shan zha). For arthritic conditions and reducing capillary permeability, bilberry is commonly used at doses of 20 to 40 mg (calculated as pure anthocyanidins) 3 times per day (reviewed by Pizzorno and Murray, 1987). Crataegus is used in Chinese medicine to treat maldigestion, and is used in both western herbology and Chinese medicine to treat heart disease. It contains both (+)-catechin and anthocyanins. The normal dose in Chinese medicine is 9 to 15 grams/day of the whole fruit.

The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs

Mark Blumenthal
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However, very high doses (more than 170 mg anthocyanins daily for 30-60 days) may interact with anticoagulating drugs such as warfarin (Coumadin, Sofarin). Bilberry reportedly may reduce daily insulin requirements. Patients who are simultaneously taking antidiabetic medications and bilberry may need to be monitored or have the dosage of their antidiabetic drugs adjusted. Comments When using a dietary supplement, purchase it from a reliable source. For best results, use the same brand of product throughout the period of use.

Fundamentals of Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy

Dr. Michael Heinrich, Joanne Barnes, Simon Gibbons and Elizabeth M. Williamson
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Quality assurance and analysis The anthocyanins are estimated using their absorption at 528 nm, as described in the Eur. Ph. Butcher's broom, Ruscus aculeatus H (Rusci rhizoma) The plant and the drug Butcher's broom (Ruscus aculeatus L., Liliaceae) is native to Europe, and is found in dry woods and among rocks. It is often cultivated for its tough, spiky twigs and 'leaves', which can be preserved and are used for decoration.
Some data on the chemopreventive effects of garlic, anthocyanins (bilberry) and others can be found in the monographs of these plants. TONICS. IMMUNE STIMULANTS, ADAPTOGENS AND OTHER SUPPORTIVE THERAPIES Ashwagandha, Withania somniferum (L.) Dunal. The plant and the drug Ashwagandha, also known as winter cherry (Solanaceae), is a woody shrub, native to the Middle East, Africa and parts of Asia, growing in stony and semi-arid regions; cultivated widely.

The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants

Andrew Chevallier
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The fruit contains tartaric and malic acids, sugars, pectin, tannin, flavone glycosides, anthocyanins (in red leaves and red grapes), vitamins A, B,, B^, and C, and minerals. The anthocyanins reduce capillary permeability. History & Folklore Nicholas Culpeper in 1652 recommended grapes as a mouthwash, writing that "the ashes of the burnt branches will make teeth that are as black as a cole to be as white as snow; if you do but every morning rub them with it. It is a most gallant tree of the sun very sympathetica!

The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs

Mark Blumenthal
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Computer-aided evaluation of the relative stability of Vaccinium myrtillus anthocyanins. Anal Chim Acta 1992;259:109. McGuffin M, Hobbs C, Upton R, Goldberg A. American Herbal Product Associations Botanical Safety Handbook. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 1997. Medical Products Agency (MPA). Naturlakemedel: Authorised Natural Remedies (as of January 24, 2001). Uppsala, Sweden: Medical Products Agency; 2001. Meunier M, Duroux E, Bastide P. Antioxidizing action of procyanidolic oligomers and anthocyanosides. Plant Medicin Phytother 1989;23(4):267-74. Meyer-Buchtela E.

Herbal Medicine, Healing and Cancer: A Comprehensive Program for Prevention and Treatment

Donald R. Yance, j r.,C.N., M.H., A.H.G., with Arlene Valentine
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There are five categories of flavonoids: 1. anthocyanins, anthochlors. anthocyanins are red-blue pigments in plants (such as plums and cherries). Anthochlors are yellow and are found primarily in flowers (such as calendula) in abundance. 2. Minor flavonoids. Minor flavonoids include flavonons, flavon-3-ols, dihydroflavones, and dihydrochalcones. Some flavon-3-ols include catechin and epigallocatechin 3-gallate, which is found in green tea, and proantho-cyanidin oligomers (PCOs). Pycnogenols include a group of PCOs. 3. Flavones and flavonols.

The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs

Mark Blumenthal
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Drug Interactions Pharmacological studies suggest that very high doses (>170 mg anthocyanins per day for 30-60 days) may interact with warfarin or other antiplatelet drugs. Bilberry (form unstated) reportedly may reduce insulin requirements; therefore, conventional antidiabetic therapy would need close monitoring or dosage adjustment. Clinical Review Fifteen clinical studies on bilberry that included a total of 694 participants were reviewed.

The Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants

Andrew Chevallier
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The fruit contains tartaric and malic acids, sugars, pectin, tannin, flavone glycosides, anthocyanins (in red leaves and red grapes), vitamins A, B,, B^, and C, and minerals. The anthocyanins reduce capillary permeability. History & Folklore Nicholas Culpeper in 1652 recommended grapes as a mouthwash, writing that "the ashes of the burnt branches will make teeth that are as black as a cole to be as white as snow; if you do but every morning rub them with it. It is a most gallant tree of the sun very sympathetica!

Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals: A Handbook for Practice on a Scientific Basis

Josef A. Brinckmann and Michael P. Lindenmaier
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Bioavailability and physiological effects of anthocyanins from elderberry {Sambucus nigra) [abstract], The Fourth International Symposium on Natural Colorants, (2-5 April 2000). [19] A. Zakay-Rones et al, J. Alt. Compl. Med. 1, 361-369 (1995). [20] V. Barak et al, Eur. Cytokine Netw. 12, 290-296 (2001) Willuhn Santali rubri lignum Red saunders in 1 cm Fig. 1: Red saunders Description: The drug consists of the heartwood, which has been separated from the light-colored sapwood.
Phenolic carboxylic acids (including chlorogenic-, gallic- and salicylic-acid), traces of the napthodian-throne fagopyrin and very small amounts of sitosterol, anthocyanins and plant acids are present as well. Two digalactosyl D-chiro-inositols and two tri-galactosyl D-chiro-inositols were isolated from the seeds [11]. Indications: Buckwheat herb is primarily taken as a tea or as powdered herb (in tablets or capsules) for chronic venous insufficiency. Its efficacy has been proven in several placebo-controlled clinical trials [1, 3, 4].

Healing foods, herbs and nutrients reference sites to be launched; Update from Truth Publishing

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Using this online reference site, you can find out which nutrients help certain health conditions, or even which foods contain specific nutrients. SupplementReference.com is the smallest of these sites, listing dietary supplements like psyllium, glucosamine and others that don't quite qualify as individual nutrients. Currently, this site is sparse, but we are working on adding new supplements as quickly as we can. In time, we plan to list actual recommended products in this database as well. All of these reference sites are hyperlinked to each other where appropriate.

Prescription for Dietary Wellness: Using Foods to Heal

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
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Important phytochemicals include beta-carotene, anthocyanins, myris-tic acid, pectin, psoralen, and phytosterols. Select fresh figs with a rich color, unbruised and unbroken skins, and a mild fragrance. Fresh figs should be soft to the touch, but not mushy. Slightly shriveled skins indicate sweetness. Avoid figs that smell sour. Black Mission figs are the most popular variety, but greenish-yellow skinned Kadota and Calimyrna are available also. Ripe fresh figs should be stored in the refrigerator in a shallow dish lined with a paper towel and covered with plastic wrap.

The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs

Mark Blumenthal
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It has been inferred, based on pharmacological °ts studies, that very high doses (>170 mg anthocyanins per day for >¦§ 30-60 days) may interact with warfarin or other antiplatelet *J drugs (Bone and Morgan, 1997). Leaf only: There have also been claims that bilberry leaf, as mentioned in the overview, may reduce insulin requirements. Therefore, conventional antidiabetic therapy would require close monitoring or adjustment (De Smet etal, 1993; Bailey and Day, 1989).

Eat and Heal (Foods That Can Prevent or Cure Many Common Ailments)

the Editors of FC&A Medical Publishing
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For instance, purple carrots get their color from anthocyanins, which could thin your blood and reduce your risk of heart disease. The red carrots, on the other hand, contain the carotenoid lycopene, famous for preventing prostate and other cancers. So keep your eyes peeled. One day soon, these colorful carrots may be in a supermarket near you. Pantry pointers When shopping for carrots, look for the ones that have a regular shape and the deepest orange color. Avoid carrots with black or dark-colored tops, cracks, mushiness, or root-like hairs growing out of their bodies.
A recent study by researchers at Michigan State University found that anthocyanins, the same compounds that give cherries their red color, also help squash inflammation. These compounds stop the enzymes that make prostaglandins, hormone-like substances that cause inflammation and pain. Prostaglandins are the bad guys that aggravate conditions like headaches, arthritis, and gout. Eating cherries every day may help relieve those conditions, says Dr. Muralee Nair, one of the MSU researchers.
Cherry's antioxidants include its anthocyanins as well as quercetin, a powerful flavonoid also found in apples and onions. German studies of large numbers of fruits and vegetables found even more evidence. In one study, sweet cherries had some ability to counter two known clastogens, substances that can damage your chromosomes and potentially cause cancer. In another, both sweet and sour cherries were found to protect genes from mutations that can lead to cancer.
Located in the anthocyanins that give cherries their red color, these antioxidants may protect against atherosclerosis and heart disease by preventing the buildup of plaque in your arteries. Like many fruits, cherries also provide fiber and potassium, both good soldiers in the war against heart disease. Fiber has been shown to lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Potassium fights heart disease by controlling your blood pressure so your heart doesn't have to work overtime. It also shields you from stroke. Puts insomnia to bed. Have trouble sleeping?

Permanent Remissions

Robert Hass, M.S.
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PROANTHOCYANIDINS Peanuts, cranberries, red wines, grape skins and seeds, and citrus peels contain phytonutrients (catechins, flavonols, anthocyanins, pro-anthocyanidins, and soluble tannins) with powerful antioxidant properties. The antioxidant activity of proanthocyanidins is much greater than either vitamin C or vitamin E. In addition, proanthocyanidins protect against radical damage in both water soluble and fat soluble components of the cell.

Eat and Heal (Foods That Can Prevent or Cure Many Common Ailments)

the Editors of FC&A Medical Publishing
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Called anthocyanins, they stop your body from producing prostaglandins, chemicals that cause inflammation. If eating a whole bowl of cherries sounds like a task fit for Hercules, dried cherries can provide a more concentrated dose. Ginger and turmeric. According to the Arthritis Foundation, ginger and turmeric might be two more natural weapons against gout. Both spices contain curcumin, a phytochemical renown for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory powers. It may even work as well as ibuprofen and other NSAIDs, according to recent research.

Healing Pets With Nature's Miracle Cures

Henry Pasternak, D.V.M., C.V.A.
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Recancostat (Stabilized Glutathione) This is a combination of stabilized glutathione and anthocyanins. Glutathione is one of the most important antioxidants in the body. It helps slow down the degenerative processes. Remember, raw eggs and raw milk are great sources of precursors to glutathione. Rehmannia This herb increases blood flow to the kidneys and helps ward off urinary infections as well. I prefer to use a combination called Rehmannia Eight, which contains rehmannia, cornus, dioscorea, hoelen, alisma, aconite, cinnamon, and moutan.
I use a product called Recancostat, a stabilized reduced glutathione with anthocyanins, which are bioflavonoid plant pigments that vary in color from orange-red to blue-black. Remember, the best precursors to glutathione are raw milk and raw eggs. Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Licorice root has a long history of use as an anti-inflammatory and anti-allergy agent. The primary active component of licorice root in this application is glycyrrhetinic acid, a component shown to have cortisol-like activity.17 Licorice also has expectorant activity, which is useful in asthma.

Foods That Fight Disease: A Simple Guide to Using and Understanding Phytonutrients to Protect and Enhance Your Health

Laurie Deutsch Mozian, M.S., R.D.
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Olives and their oils also contain tocopherols, flavonoids, anthocyanins, sterols, and phenols. Extra virgin olive oil has the highest content of polyphenols and thus delivers the most antioxidant activity. Monounsaturated fatty acids appear to protect good cholesterol, decrease bad cholesterol levels, and decrease total blood cholesterol levels. Diets rich in monounsaturated fatty acids also may be linked to a lowered risk of diabetes. In the area of the world that surrounds the Mediterranean Sea, olive trees have been cultivated since about 3000 b.c.

Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
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This process is also retarded by the anthocyanins found in cherries, grapes, and plums, and the isoflavones found in soy. In addition to the action of the immune system, attacking cancer cells in the same way that it attacks infectious microorganisms, there are genetic safeguards to catch the errors in DNA that propel this process. There are "watchdog" genes that "turn off" cancer cells unless the watchdog genes themselves are damaged. Certain herb compounds activate these genes.

Foods That Fight Disease: A Simple Guide to Using and Understanding Phytonutrients to Protect and Enhance Your Health

Laurie Deutsch Mozian, M.S., R.D.
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This may make anthocyanins protective against both cancer and heart disease. Ascorbic (as-COR-bik) acid. Ascorbic acid is the plant form of vitamin C. It is found in a variety of fruits and vegetables, most notably citrus fruits and their juices, broccoli, green pepper, and tomatoes. It is sensitive to heat and can be destroyed by cooking. In addition to its role as an antioxidant, vitamin C also works in the stomach to bind with nitrates and prevent the formation of carcinogenic nitrosamines. It is needed for formation of collagen, which is an integral part of connective tissue structure.

Healing Pets With Nature's Miracle Cures

Henry Pasternak, D.V.M., C.V.A.
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Research has shown that certain antioxidants, such as plant anthocyanins, help maintain adequate intracellular levels of glutathione by recycling oxidized glutathione.50 It was further shown in animal studies that oral stabilized glutathione administration resulted in a doubling of plasma glutathione levels.51 It was also absorbed intact into isolated kidney cells via a sodium-dependent pathway. The increase in intracellular reduced glutathione levels protected kidney cells from damage by toxins.521 routinely use glutathione in cats with kidney degeneration.

1001 Chemicals in Everyday Products

Grace Ross Lewis
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They are anthocyanins. These flavonoids are the blue pigment material in the fruit. This is an antioxidant that has been credited with improving eyesight, slowing the effects of aging and memory loss, and improving circulation. 124. What is Pycnogenol®? This is a supplement containing more than forty water-soluble antioxidants It is a complex of antioxidant flavonoids obtained from the bark of French maritime pine trees. These flavonoids are credited with reducing stroke and heart disease and improving the immune system to effectively fight viruses. Cosmetics 1.

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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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Fruits and vegetables
Platelet aggregation