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B vitamins

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Likewise, an inadequate intake of the b vitamins places stress on the cells' ability to convert carbohydrates and fats into energy. Suboptimal amounts of antioxidants like vitamin C weaken the body's antioxidant defenses, exposing the tissues to damage and disease. In addition, how well your body is nourished prior to and during a stressful event will affect how well you handle the stress. In short, a well-nourished person will cope better than a poorly nourished person.
Researchers at the Division of Human Nutrition in Adulate, Australia, report that the more sugar people consume, the higher their calorie intakes and the lower their intakes of vitamins and minerals—in particular vitamin C, beta carotene, the b vitamins, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. Using sugar as a quick fix for dwindling energy results in a temporary high. In the long run, it could create a vicious cycle.
Despite these concerns, fish and shellfish still remain one of the healthiest, low-calorie sources of many nutrients, such as the b vitamins (especially vitamin B2, niacin, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12), fluoride, iodine, and iron. Canned salmon and sardines eaten with the bones are excellent sources of calcium. Oysters are the best dietary source for zinc (one large oyster supplies an entire day's requirement for this trace mineral) and a good source of copper.
Effects of the b vitamins on Thought, Memory, and Mood," on pages 204—205.) Poor intake of other nutrients, including zinc, iodine, and vitamin D, also clogs thinking, shortens attention span, sidetracks motivation, and slows learning capacities. When a mental funk is caused by a poor diet, boosting the intake of vitamins (and minerals, such as boron, iron, and zinc) revs brain power.

Food and Healing

Annemarie Colbin
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Deficiencies need not be absolute; they can be relative in terms of excesses elsewhere, as when an intake of too much of one B vitamin raises the need for all the other b vitamins, or, as mentioned above, when a high sugar intake creates a calcium deficiency. In such a case it may be simpler to reduce the food or substance in excess rather than increasing the deficient elements. Whenever I've presented these concepts to my classes, incidentally, there have always been several positive responses.

Feed Your Body Right: Understanding Your Individual Body Chemistry for Proper Nutrition Without Guesswork

Lendon H. Smith, M.D.
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A more natural approach by alternative doctors employs vitamin A, zinc, the b vitamins, selenium, omega-6 oil, flax oil, sulfur, garlic, and lecithin along with the herbs: Aloe vera, burdock, kelp, slippery elm, red clover, silybum, berberis, dandelion, chickweed. They will stop dairy products, and proscribe wheat, eggs, sugar, and chocolate. A liver cleanse is worthwhile. Homeopathy will help. Pantothenic acid and calendula creams are soothing. lupus Erythematous The allopathic approach is to use cortisone and other antiinflammatory drugs.

Food and Healing

Annemarie Colbin
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Indeed, modern research has shown that nutritional values of foods, especially the b vitamins, are actually enhanced by fermentation.* Miso and tempeh (both cultured soybean products) have been shown to have antibacterial properties, and therefore can also be effective as disease-preventive agents.18 In addition, both tempeh and natto (another cultured soy food) show manyfold increases in vitamin B12.19 We can safely assume that all that microbial activity in fermented food also increases the food's energy level.

Feed Your Body Right: Understanding Your Individual Body Chemistry for Proper Nutrition Without Guesswork

Lendon H. Smith, M.D.
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I used as much as 100 to 200 grams of C, diluted with water and mixed with calcium, magnesium, and the b vitamins. These large doses, suitably diluted, dripped into the patient's vein during a four-hour period. It was very satisfying to see the patient get well as I was letting the safe vitamin mixture run in. But some of the patients reported that they did not feel well as the vitamins dripped in; some were irritable, or sad, or anxious. Something was still not right even though they gained temporary relief from the allergy or the infection. I did not know how to individualize the mixtures.

Encyclopedia of Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts and Seeds for Healthful Living

Dr. Joseph M. Kadans, N.D.
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Folic acid has been recognized as one of the b vitamins necessary for good nutrition. Its chemical formula is C19H19N706 and it is slightly soluble in water and easily oxidized in acid and sunlight. It helps in the growth of a healthy blood system and aids the intestinal tract to stay healthy. It has been indicated that up to three milligrams daily would be an adequate amount. The bacteria in the intestines will ordinarily work to combine or synthesize various elements together to form folic acid. Results of deficiency.
This vitamin, as well as the other b vitamins, works closely with the proteins and amino acids for good health. Usually, the recommendation for the amount of niacin is that it is required by the body approximately ten times the need of the body for thiamine (Vitamin Bt). Results of deficiency. A deficiency of niacin leads to pellagra, a skin disease (dermatitis) affecting the skin surfaces generally exposed to light or subjected to trauma (physical contacts).
It is obviously more desirable to eat some brewer's yeast or other natural substance which contains all of the b vitamins, both known and unknown, rather than to purchase a few isolated vitamins that have been presently identified. In some instances, in the course of processing of foods, a manufacturer will remove vitamins during the process of manufacturing and will "enrich" the resultant product by adding one, two, or three vitamins.
Besides the health properties derived from the b vitamins, it also is recommended in cases of arthritis, rheumatic fever, and perhaps in some types of cancer. Preparation: Whole wheat flour is the perfect baking flour. Containing all the nutrients of the wheat, it is not only very healthful, but also adds delicious flavor to bread, pancakes, pastry, and all baked goods. It may be purchased at most stores in flour form; however, for the most nutrients and added flavor, it is best to buy whole wheat grain and grind it yourself.

Alternative Medicine the Definitive Guide, Second Edition

Larry Trivieri, Jr.
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Not established Limit daily intake to 1,500 mg Phosphorus: The second most prevalent mineral in the body, involved in virtually every metabolic function; constituent of the molecule phosphate, which plays a major role in energy production and activation of the B vitamins; component of RNA/DNA, bones, and teeth. Although essentially nontoxic, a disproportionately large amount of phosphorus relative to calcium intake may muse a deficiency in calcium and mineral imbalance.
ADULT RDA/DRI ADULT DAILY SUPPLEMENT RANGE Vitamin B2 (riboflavin): Essential for food metabolism and release of energy for cellular functions; important in the formation of red blood cells and activation of other B vitamins; promotes healthy hair, nails, and skin; benefits vision, prevents and treats cataracts, and is important for pregnancy.
Bland, some of the accessory nutrients that help support metabolism include B-complex cofactors choline and inositol, as well as coenzyme Q10 (a close relative of the b vitamins) and lipoic acid. Other accessory nutrients that have demonstrated preventative functions include PABA (para-aminoben-zoic acid) and substance P (bioflavonoids), which work with vitamin C. Certain amino acids are also considered nonessential because they can be synthesized by the body from the essential amino acids.These include alanine, carnitine, cysteine, glutamine, taurine, and tyrosine.

Food & Mood: The Complete Guide to Eating Well and Feeling Your Best, Second Edition

Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D.
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Look for one that contains vitamins A, D, and K, all of the b vitamins (vitamins B1; B2, B6, B12, niacin, and folic acid), and the trace minerals (chromium, copper, manganese, selenium, and zinc). Children, teenagers, and women during the childbearing years should take a multiple that contains iron; men and posrmenopausal women don't need supplemenral iron unless blood tests show they are iron deficient.

Rapid Healing Foods

Ben Davis
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Campbell's list of allowed foods, you'll notice you get your b vitamins from liver, Brewer's yeast and blackstrap molasses (iron, too); you get your calcium from fresh vegetables; your A and D vitamins from cod liver oil and your iodine from fish. In his book, An Eighty-Year-Old Doctor's Secrets of Positive Health, William Brady, M.D. states: "If you ask me about 'rheumatiz' (that's what he calls all forms of arthritis), I'll tell you it is a degeneration of the joint tissues due to nutritional deficiency., and that it is chiefly a calcium, vitamin D, iodine and vitamin B deficiency.

Stopping the Clock: Longevity for the New Millenium

Ronald Klatz and Robert Goldman
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Israel treated the woman with 10 mg of thyroid and brewer's yeast (the best source of b vitamins then available) three times a day. Within two weeks, the woman was mentally alert and physically strong enough to walk to church. Soon after, her dead skin peeled off, revealing a smooth, pink complexion underneath. Black hairs even appeared amidst the white. The woman went on to live an active, energetic life for another 20 years. Clearly, hypothyroidism had created many of the signs of aging we've come to expect and consider normal!
For this process, it requires B vitamins: B6, B12, niacin, and folic acid. You can also find natural sources of CoQ-10 in many types of foods—eggs have been found to be a prime nutritional source—in addition to rice bran and wheat germ. Other food sources include fatty fish, like mackerel and sardines, organ meats like heart, liver, and kidney, soy oil, and peanuts.
Although all the b vitamins aid in the relief from stress, the one that can truly help reduce stress is pantothenic acid, or vitamin B5. Also known as the "anti-stress" vitamin, B5 is a key element involved in the production of adrenal hormones, which are rapidly depleted when the body experiences stress. In addition, B5 helps convert fats, carbohydrates and proteins into energy, and it is required for normal functioning of all the cells in our bodies. It also aids in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract—an area commonly affected and disturbed by stress.

Secrets of the Chinese Herbalists

Richard Lucas
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Unpolished brown rice contains valuable minerals and vitamins, among which are the major b vitamins, known as the anti-neuritic vitamins. The lack of these essential elements tends to bring on neuritis. TWO SPECIAL CHINESE HERB FORMULAS Centuries of experience of compounding herbs has led the Chinese to develop several unique formulas which are reputed to be effective for the treatment of various types of arthritis. Following are two of the herbal combinations most often used.
Because of the restricted diet, the medics considered it important to administer vitamin supplements such as A, D, and the b vitamins, but were certain that lecithin was the agent responsible for the therapeutic effects on the condition of psoriasis. Of the 235 patients, 155 were considered adequately treated, and the rest either refused to cooperate or abandoned the program before definite conclusions could be reached. Of those who followed the regime, only 37 experienced no improvement. Twenty-three became well and remained well after one year of treatment and three years of observation.

The Scientific Validation of Herbal Medicine: How to Remedy and Prevent Disease with Herbs, Vitamins, Minerals and Other Nutrients

Daniel B. Mowrey, Ph.D.
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Burdock is high in the healing b vitamins and vitamin C. It possesses activity against tumor growth (13), and is a natural antibiotic (14). See Also blood purification/detoxification. detoxify/nurture. skin disorders MARSHMALLOW is demulcent and mucilaginous, containing up to 35% mucilage. It soothes mucous membranes, and has been used externally for hundreds of years as a wound healer. Marshmallow ointments and cremes are used on chapped hands and lips.
The effectiveness of these assorted uses probably depends on the herb's high nutritive content, which includes vitamin A, several b vitamins, vitamin C, phosphorous, zinc and calcium. HOREHOUND's popularity as a cough remedy can hardly be disputed. Not so well known is the fact that Horehound and/or its derivatives are used in virtually thousands of bronchial medications around the world (17). Its activity is no doubt due to a high content of volatile oil. This oil has vasodilatory, as well as expectorant properties (18).

Rapid Healing Foods

Ben Davis
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Liver is rich in b vitamins. One man said: "Eight months ago I bought some dessicated liver, never dreaming it would really do wonders for my health... I am 53 and my health was foiling fast. I had arthritis of the spine in an advanced stage ... In three days, I could jump out of bed without dragging myself... My friends who had not seen me for months could hardly believe I was the same person they once knew. And do you think I tell them what I have discovered? You bet I do! I have started over 50 people taking dessicated liver. This is what it has done for me.

Food and Healing

Annemarie Colbin
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This is fortunate, because human beings do not always have access to Water Protein, carbohydrate Iron, calcium Phosphorus, sodium Potassium, b vitamins Fiber (the chewy part!) Vitamin A a wide variety of foods. If each food has a range of nutrients, we are then more likely to be assured ample nourishment. Nature has also designed us so that we can chew, swallow, digest, and assimilate the carrot with all its nutrients. But when we take the vitamin A out of the carrot, put it in a pill with sugars or starches, and swallow that, our body system will be surprised.

Rapid Healing Foods

Ben Davis
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Perhaps that is why the program as a whole is so successful. Take b vitamins, for example: * Mrs. F.L. said: "I never realized just how badly my ankles, wrists and fingers were swollen until my fingers began to have sharp fleeting pains, especially in the joints (I am a typist, violinist and stenographer). My hands are my livelihood. Vitamin B complex drained off pounds of water; my fingers now look actually 'skinny' and much thinner, and the most important thing, my spirits have lifted tremendously." * Mrs. H.E.

Alternative Medicine the Definitive Guide, Second Edition

Larry Trivieri, Jr.
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Other benefits include: • The manufacture of certain b vitamins, including niacin (B3), pyridoxine (B6), folic acid, and biotin.3 • Enhanced immune system activity.4 • Manufacture of the milk-digesting enzyme lactase, which helps digest calcium-rich dairy products.5 • Production of antibacterial substances that kill or deactivate hostile disease-causing bacteria.6 Friendly bacteria do this by changing the local levels of acidity, by depriving pathogenic bacteria of their nutrients, or by actually producing their own antibiotic substances.

Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Healing Juices

John Heinerman
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Dandelion leaf and flower, of course, are very high in this and b vitamins. Through experimentation he found that dandelion helenin is also good for improving the nyctalopia that accompanies retinitis pigmentosa. His highly interesting report appeared over four decades ago in Deutsche medizinische Wochenschrift (76:210, February 16, 1951). Tuberculosis. TB is an infectious disease that was one of the leading causes of death worldwide in centuries preceding our own. For many decades it has been virtually extinct.

Gary Nulls Ultimate Anti Aging Program

Gary Null, Ph.D.
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Oats/oatmeal Whole-grain oats are rich with seven b vitamins, Vitamin E, and nine minerals, including iron and calcium. They are reasonably high in protein, in a form that is higher in quality than the protein in wheat. Most importantly, oats are high in soluble fiber, which helps to lower serum cholesterol levels. Unlike most grains, only the inedible hull is removed by the milling process, with the bran and germ left intact on the edible kernel.

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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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Related Concepts:

Vitamin C
Folic acid
Vitamin E
Vitamin b12
Vitamin A
Vitamin b6
Nervous system
Immune system