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B vitamins

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It is also a rich source of iron, phosphorus, various b vitamins, and Vitamin E. Toast quinoa, a little at a time, in a dry skillet before cooking to enrich its flavor. Rinse 1 cup quinoa under cold running water; drain, and add to 2 cups water or vegetable stock. Heat to boiling, stir, cover, and reduce heat. Cook until liquid is absorbed, ten to fifteen minutes. Yields 3 cups. Cooked quinoa is transparent. Rice Rooted in history, rice has been cultivated on almost every continent, and while it is not the most nutritious grain in the world, it is probably the most often consumed.
They are high in b vitamins, which work to support the brain, and rich sources of vitamin E, making them good for the heart and skin. In addition, whole grain fibers, such as brown rice, contain zinc, for nourishment of the male reproductive system and repair of the body. Oils Contrary to common trends, we all need some fat in our diets.
Most of the nutritional value of barley is lost in this process since valuable protein, fiber, and b vitamins are in the aleurone. Therefore, the most nutritionally valuable form of barley is simply hulled, leaving most of the aleurone layer intact. Despite the low vitamin count in pearled barley, a substance known to inhibit cholesterol production in the blood has been found in the nonfibrous portion of the grain. To cook, use 3 cups water to 1 cup pearl barley. Cook for thirty-five to forty-five minutes. To cut cooking time, presoak grain at least five hours and cook for fifteen minutes.
B vitamins. A cup of cooked wild rice contains a mere 130 calories. to cook: Use 3 cups water to 1 cup wild rice to yield approximately 3'A cups cooked rice. A short-grained variety can be cooked in as little as 35 minutes; long grains can take as long as an hour. LET THERE BE LEGUMES Legumes, which includes anything that grows in a pod, have been an important part of the human diet around the world for at least four thousand years.
While some b vitamins, which are water-soluble, are lost in cooking, a single serving of cooked dry beans can supply as much as 40 percent of the body's recommended daily requirements for thiamin and B6. Iron is also high on the nutritional list. For example, a one-cup serving of lentils provides 42 percent of the RDA for iron for an adult male, and 23 percent for an adult female. Serve with foods rich in vitamin C—tomatoes, broccoli, green or red peppers, citrus fruits—to increase the body's ability to absorb iron from legumes.

Food and Healing

Annemarie Colbin
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Some vitamins can be obtained by bacterial syntheses in the intestines (mostly the b vitamins) or on the skin in the presence of sunlight, as with vitamin D. On the whole, however, vitamins must be obtained from food. They are needed in exceedingly small amounts: All together, maybe one-eighth of a teaspoon daily. Yet their absence from the diet can cause serious deficiency diseases (pellagra, beri-beri, scurvy, night blindness), as well as nonspecific disorders such as poor appetite and failure to grow.

Rapid Healing Foods

Ben Davis
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In another case, a woman with vitiligo who lost all the pigmentation of her skin on her entire body, cured herself with massive doses of b vitamins. It also made excruciating burning sensations in her shoulder (whenever she lifted something) disappear. Warts and growths can be removed with cabbage juice, comfrey or garlic. One woman with hundreds of ugly black warts all over her face, neck and chest was advised to drink lots of raw cabbage juice. In a few weeks, the ugly mess cleared up entirely.

Herbal Defense

Robyn Landis
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Because b vitamins are neurotransmitter (brain chemical messenger) precursors, they may be useful as part of natural therapy for any condition involving mood or behavior—including child hyperactivity, as some studies show. Often children are overconsuming milk, yet not metabolizing or absorbing calcium well. Nutrients such as zinc, boron (found in fruits, beans, and vegetables, or supplements), and magnesium are needed in order for calcium actually to calcify bone. Too much protein—milk again, as well as meat—increases calcium loss.

Miracle Medicine Foods

Rex Adams
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But when eyes become fatigued, as in the case of lack of b vitamins, the optic nerves become so jumpy that even those shadows are noticed. Robert B. thought that he was going blind, when he began to see large spots before his eyes. He couldn't read or watch television or concentrate on anything—even looking out the window on a bright, sunny day was spoiled for him because of annoying spots that seemed to travel as his eyes moved—or settle—directly in his line of vision. He described these spots to his doctor. They had strange shapes and looked like germs in a microscope.

Hormone Deception

D. Lindsey Berkson
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Liver disease, drugs that tax the liver, inadequate b vitamins, junk-food diets, and abuse of alcohol (the liver is the main organ of alcohol detoxification) all reduce the liver's role in biotransformation. Note: Sometimes people feel worse when they are detoxing or on a cleansing program. One theoretical explanation is that they initiated phase i, but there was a problem with the next steps—such as an increase in free radicals with inadequate antioxidants to squelch them, inadequate minerals to support phase 2 systems, or inadequate excretion.
It is my belief that hormone disruptors will be found to play a role, and their impact will probably be strongest in certain sensitive populations—such as the fetus, or in those with underactive thyroids, or those with diets low in indole-3 carbinol or b vitamins, or in women who abuse alcohol, or women with lipid (fat) problems, or women who have genetically reduced levels of the proteins that protect against dna damage. This will all be affected by genetic predisposition, which probably comes in all kinds—from brca genes to other genes not yet found.
If the liver is too busy struggling with overconsumption of alcohol, a deficiency of b vitamins, or trying to detoxify drugs and pollutants, it may not be able to eliminate enough estrogen. Friendly bacteria: After the liver binds estrogen to a sugar molecule, the compound enters the intestines before being excreted in the feces. "Bad guy" bacteria can destroy the binding and free the estrogen so it gets reabsorbed back into the body through the gut wall. In essence, the person becomes exposed to the same estrogen twice. A good balance of probiotics (intestinal-friendly bacteria such as L.

Herbal Medicine, Healing and Cancer: A Comprehensive Program for Prevention and Treatment

Donald R. Yance, j r.,C.N., M.H., A.H.G., with Arlene Valentine
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Whole grains are filled with many important nutrients, including vitamin E, the b vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, and many other important phytonutrients. Whole grains contain a substantial amount of insoluble fiber. Fruits and vegetables, on the other hand, contain soluble fiber. The combination of these two forms of fiber promotes bowel regularity and protects against colon cancer. It is estimated that colon cancer in the United States could be reduced by as much as one-third if people just consumed more whole grains, fruits, and vegetables and less refined "white" starches.
The activated soy in Breast Basics is produced using an active nutritional yeast culture that is an abundant source of b vitamins, glutathione, beta-glucans, and enzymes such as superoxide dismutase. When this yeast culture interacts with soybeans, the isoflavones become converted into genistein, a very biologically active form, thereby aiding in the digestive and assimilation process. Genistein Genistein, an isoflavone that is presently being investigated for its anticancer activity, has an antiangiogenesis effect on tumors.
It contains high-quality protein (58 percent protein), vitamins (all the b vitamins plus vitamins C and E), minerals, including many important trace minerals, omega-3 fatty acids, and mucopolysaccharides. Chlorella has been shown to improve immune function in people undergoing chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. Chlorella increases macrophage activity, activates both T-cells and B-cells, and has shown antitumor effects. In addition, chlorellan, a substance found in chlorella, stimulates interferon production.
They are rich in plant iron and contain carotenoids, vitamin C, and all the b vitamins, including vitamin B12 (one of the only vegetable sources of this vitamin). They are the best source of calcium in its organic form, but they are most impressive as antitoxins. Sea herbs are specific for detoxifying and healing from radiation exposure. The brown sea herb wakame, which is thought to have the strongest cancer-inhibiting activity of all sea herbs, was used in miso soup to protect those who survived the atomic blast at Nagasaki against the effects of radiation.

Alternative Medicine the Definitive Guide, Second Edition

Larry Trivieri, Jr.
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To Reduce the Effects of Aging—Deficiency of the b vitamins can result in numerous conditions related to the brain and nervous system, including memory loss or impairment, disorientation or confusion, irritability or mood swings, fatigue, or depression.26 It is estimated that at least 30% of elderly Americans who have been institutionalized are deficient in niacin (vitamin B3).27 Niacin helps support the healthy functioning of the nervous system, lowers cholesterol levels, and improves circulation throughout the body.

Herbal Defense

Robyn Landis
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It's nutrient-packed, an excellent source of very digestible b vitamins, and rich in iron. The sweet taste also makes it appealing. (This is not to be confused with rice syrup, a sweetener.) Bee pollen supports the immune system and can actually desensitize children to pollen allergies over time. It's naturally sweet, and can be stirred into juice, a blender drink, cereal, or eaten off a spoon (up to 1 teaspoon a day). The flavor depends on what plant the bee took the pollen from. You can find bee pollen at most natural foods stores.

Miracle Medicine Foods

Rex Adams
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None of his doctors had ever told him to eat foods rich in calcium, protein, b vitamins, and vitamin C (what I call garlic foods), but as soon as he did improvement was rapid. He now walks briskly and normally. A Proven New Home Cure for Arthritis! As was pointed out previously, strong mental commands can wall out pain to an astonishing degree, some experts going so far as to say that arthritis can be cured by mind power alone! One such expert is Dr. Evelyn Monohan, who says in her book, The Miracle of Metaphysical Healing (Parker Publishing Co., Inc.

Herbal Defense

Robyn Landis
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These grasses are a concentrated source of chlorophyll, b vitamins, vitamin K for bone metabolism, minerals, and enzymes. A teaspoon a day of the powder can be stirred into juice. Chlorophyll can be used by itself and is an excellent blood cleanser and purifier—cooling, calming, and not extremely strong, so it's appropriate for kids. It's also a good source of magnesium. Interestingly, it's the same molecule as hemoglobin, except instead of iron, chlorophyll has magnesium, which makes chlorophyll green and hemoglobin red.
Additional b vitamins in liquid form, vitamin A, and high-dose chewable calcium are also part of therapy for these children (calcium deficiency can lead to hyperactive behavior and is common in kids with milk sensitivities). The "superfoods" listed earlier are also added to the diet. For treatment of yeast infection in children, caprylic acid, essential fatty acids, and evening primrose oil can be given. Ear infections are treated as described earlier.
Get enough of these b vitamins and take good care of yourself in general, eat a wide variety of healthful foods, don't drink or smoke, and exercise moderately. Magnesium deficiencies have been documented in significant percentages of heart-disease and high-blood-pressure study subjects. Magnesium is important for proper functioning of the heart and vascular system. Unfortunately, the same dietary and lifestyle habits that are disease causing in their own right—high fat, high sugar, alcohol, stress, and high-phosphate processed food and sodas—all aggravate magnesium deficiency.

Food Revolution: How your diet can help save your life and our world

John Robbins
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But like the fungi in soil that assist plants in taking up nutrients, and like the bacteria in our own intestines that produce b vitamins, insects have a role to play in the greater scheme of things. If Bt crops weaken the populations of ladybugs and Monarch butterflies, lacewings, and bees, and damage innumerable other insects and microorganisms, we will have paid an incredible price for factory farms to have cheap corn for feeding livestock and for agribusiness hiring fewer employees to tend its cotton fields.

Food Politics

Marion Nestle
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And the b vitamins in Kellogg's Frosted Flakes and Corn Pops. So do K-SENTIALS mean that kids will no longer have to eat their brussels sprouts or peas? (Sorry kids, not by a long shot.) Not by a long shot, indeed. The advertisement fails to mention that Froot Loops cereal ("Marshmallow-Blasted") contains no fruit and no fiber and provides 53% of the calories from added sugar. The New Froot Loops ("same great taste with zinc, iron, & now calcium"), reduces the sugar to 50% of calories and offers all of 1 gram of fiber per serving.
Statements on package labels about nutrients and disease risk are health claims that require FDA approval, but the FDA had not yet approved a claim that b vitamins could prevent heart disease. Thus, in publishing the fact sheet, the ADA became an unwitting participant in Kellogg's strategy to evade FDA restrictions on label statements.37 The intermingling of advice and advertising does not mean that the association ignores conflicts of interest with food companies; it just does not seem terribly concerned about them.
In view of the demonstrable health benefits of such diets, our statement—a hard-fought compromise—seemed unnecessarily cautious ("Meat, fish, and poultry are major contributors of iron, zinc, and b vitamins in most American diets, and vegetarians should pay special attention to these nutrients").7 Although the Dietary Guidelines document is a statement of federal policy and is supposed to govern the design of the Pyramid, the popularity of the Pyramid changed this relationship and caused the two guides to be linked more closely.

A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients

Ruth Winter, M.S.
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It contains proteins, prolamines, albumen, sugars, starch, fats, b vitamins, and alkaloids (see). BARLEY FLOUR • A cereal grass cultivated since prehistoric times. Used in the manufacture of malt beverages, as a breakfast food, and as a demulcent (see) in cosmetics. No known toxicity. BARM • A yeast formed during the fermentation of alcoholic beverages. BARRIER INGREDIENT • A protective for hand creams and lotions, which acts as a barrier against irritating chemicals, including water and detergents.

Herbal Defense

Robyn Landis
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This hardly seems coincidental when you realize that the standard diet is stripped of this important trace mineral—both through processing of grains (which removes about 85 percent of the magnesium along with important b vitamins and others) and through use of potassium fertilizers before food is even harvested. Avoiding processed foods is one way to get more magnesium from the diet, but a supplement at half the adult dose of 250 to 500 milligrams will not hurt your child (or you). Junk Food The same immune-supporting dietary recommendations outlined earlier apply to children.

Sugar Blues

William Duffy
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When refined sugar is taken daily, these bacteria wither and die, and our stock of b vitamins gets very low. Too much sugar makes one sleepy; our ability to calculate and remember is lost. Shipwrecked sailors who ate nothing but sugar and rum for nine days surely went through some of this trauma; the tales they had to tell created a big public relations problem for the sugar pushers. The dead dogs in Professor Magendie's laboratory alerted the sugar industry to the hazards of free scientific inquiry.

The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy

E. D. Hirsch
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THEYE-uh-min, THEYE-uh-meen) One of the b vitamins, found in many plant and animal foods, especially wheat germ. It is needed by the body for metabolism and for proper functioning of the nervous system. Also called vitamin B,. thorax The part of the body between the neck and diaphragm; the chest. thrombosis (throm-BOH-sis) The development of a blood clot in the circulatory system. Dependthe uterus. Tubal pregnancy is usually caused by a defect in the tube that prevents the fertilized ovum from moving freely through it.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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Related Concepts:

Vitamin C
Folic acid
Vitamin E
Vitamin b12
Vitamin A
Vitamin b6
Nervous system
Immune system