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B vitamins

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Age Erasers for Men: Hundreds of Fast and Easy Ways to Beat the Years

Doug Dollemore, Mark Giuliucci and the Editors of Men's Health Magazine
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Bihova says that working tense 145 65-hour weeks won't give you gray hair—unless your stress is so bad that you deplete your store of some b vitamins. The evidence remains sketchy on this. Overexposure to the sun might also cause hair to gray early, Dr. Bihova says—though the emphasis here is on might. The theory is that ultraviolet rays cause pigment cells on your scalp to work overtime, just as they do on your arms or legs when you get a tan. If they work too hard and burn out early, Dr. Bihova says, the result could be prematurely gray hair. Again, there's no concrete evidence, but Dr.
Watet-soluble vitamins—vitamin C and the eight b vitamins (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, pantothenic acid, B12, biotin and folate)—are fast-acting compounds that gtavitate to the watery parts of body cells and assist the cells in chemical reactions and energy processing. They aren't stored for very long; the body quickly puts these vitamins to work and usually excretes any excess. Fat-soluble vitamins—A, D, E and K—are found in the fatty parts of cells and regulate a wide variety of metabolic processes. They tend to be put in long-term storage and are then drawn upon as the body needs them.
Restless legs syndrome has been linked to a low intake of the b vitamins, specifically vitamin B12 and folic acid, as well as many minerals, including iron, potassium and calcium, says Dr. Stern. So it's important to get enough of them in your diet. Eat light and early. Do you chow down seven-course meals at 9:00 p.m.? Or make midnight raids on the fridge? If so, your overstuffed stomach may be to blame for your restless legs. "The process of digesting a heavy or spicy meal can trigger restless leg symptoms," says Dr. Stern. Apply warmth ... or cold. Here again, you must experiment.

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Dr. Gary Null
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B vitamins. It also reduces hormone transport around the body. excess weight adversely affects hormonal balance. The ratio of fat to lean body mass is critical in the initiation and continuation of the ovarian cycle. Being too thin is equally undesirable. If you fall below a certain weight, the pituitary hormone stops sending the message to the ovaries, and ovulation and menstruation stop.
B vitamins, which are needed for natural hormone production. The pill increases the tendency toward allergies and liver problems, which can affect hormonal balance. caffeine is found in coffee, tea, chocolate, soft drinks, and certain medications. Like alcohol, it blocks GLA production. In addition, chocolate inhibits the liver's breakdown of hormones, and tea interferes with the absorption of iron and zinc, particularly if drunk with meals. Caffeine also raises adrenaline levels and increases stress. exercise.
People are under the impression that they can take b vitamins, minerals, and immune stimulants, and continue to drink toxic water with insecticides, pesticides and metals, eat foods that they react to, and get better. They don't get better, because although they are taking good nutrients, they are still poisoning their body." Dr. Zane Gard, an expert in toxicology, reports methods of detoxification that have impressive results in the reversal of environmental illness: "Heat stress detoxification includes wood saunas, hot sand packing, steam baths and sweat lodges.
Janson adds, "Other b vitamins, such as folic acid and B12, can help to lower levels of homocystine in the blood, a risk factor for heart disease." TAURINE. This amino acid is another important antioxidant that helps prevent atherosclerosis. Additionally, it can avert heart failure by improving strength of contraction. That improves the outflow of blood from the heart and reduces congestive heart failure. Generally, 500 mg are taken twice a day. THYROID SUPPLEMENTS. Thyroid supplementation may normalize high cholesterol, according to Dr.

Miracle Medicine Foods

Rex Adams
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I promptly stocked up on high concentrations of the b vitamins as well as all other vitamins, especially E and a big bottle of E liquid—the oil to be applied liberally over all red spots on my chest and back. Two weeks later I kept my appointment with the doctor and cheerfully removed my shirt. He gaped in utter amazement and disbelief. He said, 'I never saw anthing like that before! What in heaven's name did you put on it?' When I told him vitamin E oil, he sneered. Needless to say, I soon healed up." Immediate Relief for Shingles! Another woman, Mrs. L.V.

Sugar Blues

William Duffy
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Natural carbohydrates supply their own B vitamins; refined carbohydrates don't] Dr. Van Italie. An antinutrient is a substance that interferes with the utilization or metabolism of a nutrient. Something that actually antagonizes its metabolic use. It might be, let's say, an excess of certain toxic metal that might interfere with metabolism. Certain drugs interfere with the nutrients and are called antinutrients. The antifertility pill may have antinutrient properties. Senator Schweiker.

Miracle Medicine Foods

Rex Adams
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I almost feel like I get a 'high' from b vitamins. (By the way, when I asked my doctor if I might have a B deficiency, he almost laughed at me.) Also, I noticed another effect—since taking the vitamins my monthly period has been cut almost in half. And another thing—my craving for sweets, which I have fought for years, has been diminshed." Excruciating Wrist Pain Gone! Mrs. H.E. reports: "Last year, after spraining my wrist several times, I lost the use of it completely. A prescription for the pain did nothing for the wrist, and made me sleepy.

Sugar Blues

William Duffy
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The fact that the requirement for vitamin Bx and certain other b vitamins will increase somewhat when you take more carbohydrate does not justify the statement that carbohydrates—or sugar—is an antinutrient. Senator Schweiker. I am not talking carbohydrate; I'm talking sugar. Let's keep it on the sugar track. Dr. Van Italie. There is no difference between sugar or carbohydrate with respect to vitamin Bj. [This is inaccurate, unless refined carbohydrates are specified.] Senator Schwedcer.

Natural Prescriptions: Dr. Giller's Natural Treatments & Vitamin Therapies For Over 100 Common Ailments

Robert M. Giller, M.D.
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It seems that the b vitamins, particularly vitamin Bi and vitamin BJ2, can enhance the effect of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, thereby reducing the amount of drugs needed to reduce pain. In one study, the effect was seen in as little as seven days, allowing some patients to reduce the amount of pain medication needed by as much as 90 percent. If you rely on regular doses of NSAIDs to relieve pain, you should try !$! and B12 supplementation to see if allows you to reduce your drug intake. There's long been a connection between copper and reduction of arthritic pain.
Two other b vitamins work in conjunction with Bs to make the treatment more effective: B2 and B12. In addition, folic acid is beneficial. I recommended that Betty begin supplementation immediately. As it takes six to twelve weeks for improvement to be felt, I cautioned patience. In the meantime, because her condition was quite painful, I suggested that she rest the hand completely for a week, using a simple splint to limit its motion. I also suggested that she use heat—either a heating pad or warm water soak—at least twice a day.
It seems that in patients with arthritis, administration of these two b vitamins enhanced the effectiveness of the pain-killing drugs, allowing for a lower dosage of the drugs. The effect was seen in as little as seven days. If you take drugs for pain relief, it would be worth taking vitamins B! and B12 to see if they help you reduce your dosage. Finally, vitamin A and the minerals zinc and copper are crucial to the formation of collagen and connective tissues. Be sure that your daily multivitamin contains at least the minimum RDA of these.
B vitamins along with vitamin C, vitamin E, beta-carotene, and selenium. Extract of Ginkgo biloba, a plant, has been shown to facilitate the rate at which the nerve cells can transmit information—a system that becomes impaired in the course of Alzheimer's disease. A number of studies have demonstrated that taking supplements of Ginkgo biloba can help patients with Alzheimer's reach near-normal levels of vigilance and performance. You can get ginkgo extract at health food stores.
Pantothenic acid, one of the b vitamins, is especially important in eliminating the symptoms of hay fever. Some people find that a dose of pantothenic acid will clear their stuffy nose within a half hour. It doesn't work for everyone, but for those who report success it seems like a miracle. I suggest you take pantothenic acid daily, along with vitamin B complex. Evening primrose oil is another natural substance that has just recently gotten attention for its powerful antinflammatory action that has proven helpful in fighting bronchial congestion.

Miracle Medicine Foods

Rex Adams
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Brewer's yeast, which he says is rich in nucleic acid, is the cornerstone of this program—which includes desiccated liver, large quantities of sardines, sweetbreads, and supplementary b vitamins and minerals. This was tested on people ranging in age from 40 to 70! If the reported results are any indication, think how much more effective this method would be with garlic—and its power to speed absorption of B-l tenfold—added. Immediate results included an increase in energy and well-being, especially with high doses. Rapid effects were noted within 48 hours. Wrinkles Diminished, Skin Smoother!
In so doing, it may also increase your absorption of other b vitamins. A Diet For Youthfulness! Vitamin B-l, if taken apart from the other B complex vitamins in increased amounts, can cause induced deficiencies in the rest. Vitamin B-l is most readily available—with all the others—in high B complex foods such as brewer's yeast and garlic foods—lean pork, liver and kidneys (the organ meats) and lima beans (foods that go well with garlic).

Alternative Medicine the Definitive Guide, Second Edition

Larry Trivieri, Jr.
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Lee recalls a case of myasthenia gravis (a disease characterized by extreme muscle weakness), which is associated with a deficiency in the b vitamins, vitamin E, and manganese. With enzymes, the patient was able to lower the vitamin and mineral dosage since these nutrients were now more easily absorbed. In another case, a young child was diagnosed with severe iron anemia. Given a formulation of iron plus enzymes, the child's condition improved within three days. Dr.

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Dr. Gary Null
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Bee propolis is anti-inflammatory, while b vitamins combat stress. Also good are bee pollen, blue-green algae, and pycnogenol. Nervous system stressors, such as caffeine, alcohol, and hard-to-digest foods like meat, should be avoided, especially at the onset of an attack. Foods high in the amino acid arginine, such as chocolate, peanut butter, nuts, and onions, are also associated with higher incidences of outbreaks. Since stress promotes outbreaks, it is important to make time for activities that alleviate tension.

Overcoming Arthritis

David Brownstein
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She was deficient in many of the b vitamins as well as magnesium, calcium, zinc and other minerals. Grace was also anemic, with a low blood count and a low iron level. However, she was unable to take any supplements. "How can I take any supplements? They all make me sick. I get extremely tired and sick to my stomach when I take any vitamins or minerals," she said. Grace was also found to have a hypothyroid condition, but she could not tolerate taking any type of thyroid medication. After two months of NAET, her reactions to many foods began to subside. "It feels like a miracle, " she claimed.

Radical Healing: Integrating the World's Great Therapeutic Traditions to Create a New Transformative Medicine

Rudolph M. Ballentine, M.D.
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Your environment may be quiet, but if you're going through lots of emotional upheaval, you're probably going to burn more b vitamins. Folks dealing with acute schizophrenic states, or a highly amped-up emotional crisis, often use enormous quantities of one or more of B6, niacin, and/or vitamin C. If you're not in the sunlight, take more D. If there's a flu going around, up your C. Read about supplements, but don't get crazy about them. There is a point of diminishing returns.

PowerFoods: Good Food, Good Health with Phytochemicals, Nature's Own Energy Boosters

Stephanie Beling
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B vitamins and iron; pellagra and beriberi were eliminated, and the incidence of anemia dropped markedly. In addition to flour, there are wheat foods that are not flour-based. Bulgur, for example, is made by cracking and toasting the kernel of wheat after removing some of its outer coating, known as the bran. Couscous, a staple in North African countries like Morocco, is a granular substance that is made, like pasta, from durum wheat by grinding, steaming, and drying the wheat berries. Cracked wheat, similar to bulgur, results from breaking the whole kernel.
Mushrooms have no chlorophyll,Vitamin C, or carotenoids, but they make up for this omission by being filled with b vitamins, copper, and other minerals. They are a source of protein and fiber, and they are low in calories, a fact that surprises many people.Yet it is their medicinal properties, long made use of in traditional Chinese medical practice, that have recently been the subject of scientific research and analysis.
Also, a diet high in carbohydrates is more filling, so that you eat less while still getting the maximum amount of vitamins (particularly the b vitamins and Vitamin E), minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals. The fiber content of whole grains is important in reducing cholesterol, lowering the incidence of heart disease, and ensuring gastrointestinal motility. Where diets are rich in unrefined whole grains, people have far less colon cancer, diverticulosis, hemorrhoids, even constipation than we Americans do.
PowerFood Phytochemicals Benefits Beans and other legumes Soy and soy products Phytosterols, isoflavones, protease inhibitors, saponins, b vitamins, calcium, fiber Flavonoids, phytosterols, saponins, protease inhibitors, fiber Lower LDL cholesterol, anticancer enzymes, alter harmful hormone pathways, aid elimination, promote healthy digestive system. Lower heart disease risk, fight cancer (especially hormone-related cancers in prostate, breast, and ovaries), useful in diabetes, may reduce menopause symptoms.
Mushrooms Lentinan,B vitamins, copper, fiber Boost immune system, antiviral, antitumor, prevent abnormal clotting. Sea vegetables Carotenoids, vitamin C, calcium, iodine, fiber Promote strong bones, boost metabolism, minimize heavy metal toxicity. Garlic and company Organosulfur compounds, allicin, quercetin, selenium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, fiber Lower LDL cholesterol, fight infections, fight cancer, boost heart health, antiinflammatory.
The bran is the outer covering of the kernel, and although it's only about 14 percent of the kernel weight, it carries a disproportionate share of the nutrients, particularly the b vitamins, and most of the fiber. The smallest part of the kernel, only about 2 percent of its weight, is the germ, the embryo of the seed; it too is rich in vitamins and nutrients and contains essential fatty acids. The three parts of the kernel are separated during the milling or refining process, and the bran and germ are often removed and sold separately.

Overcoming Thyroid Disorders

David Brownstein
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Her nutritional deficiencies were corrected by increasing her protein intake and adding b vitamins. I also recommended that she replace Synthroid (a T4 medication), with Armour thyroid. Armour thyroid contains T4 in addition to T3 and other substances that help the body convert T4 into the more active T3 thyroid hormone. (More information on thyroid medication can be found later in this chapter). After six weeks of this treatment regimen, all of Martha's hypothyroid symptoms improved. "It was like I woke up. My skin began to feel better and I began to feel better.

Nature's Medicines : From Asthma to Weight Gain, from Colds to High Cholesterol -- The Most Powerful All-Natural Cures

Gale Maleskey
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If you have a supplement that provides 100-milligram strengths of the b vitamins, take just one capsule daily, preferably with a meal. "There are a lot of good B formulas out there in the health food stores," he says. If you're feeling run-down and fatigued, you can take a supplement of B12, which has been shown in some studies to boost low energy. Dr. Gazsi suggests 1,000 micrograms twice a day for up to four months. ^allstoiies_ Whenever you eat a high-fat meal, your body has to secrete bile to help you digest the fat. Bile is manufactured in the liver and stored in the gallbladder.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Treatment Modalities:

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...and Properties:

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...and Oxidation
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...and Antifungal
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...and Aphrodisiac

...and Supplements:

...and Flaxseed oil
...and Spirulina
...and Fish oil
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Lactobacillus
...and Glucosamine

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Related Concepts:

Vitamin C
Folic acid
Vitamin E
Vitamin b12
Vitamin A
Vitamin b6
Nervous system
Immune system