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B vitamins

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Overcoming Arthritis

David Brownstein
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Inadequate Vitamin B levels will contribute to chronic disease. b vitamins are found in animal products, grains, nuts and seeds. Recommended dose: B-100, two times a day. 4. Vitamin B-3 (Niacinamide): Recommended dose: 1,500-3OOOmg per day. Please see Niacinamide section above. 5. Vitamin B-6 Recommended dose: lOOmg per day. 6. Vitamin B-12 Vitamin B12 is found only in foods of animal origin, such as dairy, eggs, meat, fish and poultry. It is often deficient in those with a chronic illness. Recommended dose: lOOOmg by injection two to three times per week.

The Alternative Medicine Handbook: The Complete Reference Guide to Alternative and Complementary Therapies

Barrie R Cassileth, Ph.D.
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Signs of Overdose: Deficiency of other b vitamins. Supplement Needed? If diet does not provide RDA, use multivitamin instead of Bj supplement. RDA for Women: 1.3 mg (milligram). ~D RDA for Pregnant Women: 1.6 mg. 2 RDA for Men: 1.7 mg. (riboflavin) Purpose: Helps release energy to cells; helps build red blood cells; needed for proper function of nerves, eyes, and adrenal glands. Source: Leafy green vegetables, fish, poultry, liver, organ meats. Signs of Deficiency: Mouth and nose sores, visual problems, difficulty swallowing. Signs of Overdose: Interferes with Bj and Bg. Supplement Needed?

Overcoming Arthritis

David Brownstein
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The most common deficiencies that I have observed include the following: 1. b vitamins (B12 and B6 are usually low in individuals with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue) 2. Vitamin D 3. 4. 5. Magnesium Essential Fatty Acids (particularly Omega 3) Selenium Though the above list does not contain all of the nutrients that can be deficient, these are the most common deficiencies I have observed. Unless specific nutritional deficiencies are addressed, there will be a sub-optimal response to any therapy. I recommend the following dosages of nutrients when levels are found to be sub-optimal: 1.

Optimum Health - A Cardiologist's Prescription for Optimum Health

Stephen T., M.D. Sinatra
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Recently it has been discovered that many suffer from large deficiencies of b vitamins, especially in the elderly population. I am very skeptical of microwaves and don't have one in my house. Habits such as microwaving are in a sense similar to using a low-grade fuel. Freshness can also be fleeting. Frequently, fresh produce will lose much of its vitamin value because of storage, shipping, and handling. Asparagus, for example, loses up to two thirds of its vitamin C after just two days at room temperature.
The water-soluble vitamins such as b vitamins and vitamin C must be ingested on a daily basis as they cannot be stored in the body. Vitamin A and Beta Carotene Vitamin A is essential to prevent night blindness and the formation of cataracts. It is also important in the development of healthy bones, skin, hair, and mucous membranes. It enhances immunity and is important in the maintenance and repair of epithelial tissue (skin and mucous membranes). As an antioxidant, vitamin A helps protect against the adverse effects of radiation and chemical pollutants.
Most of these nutritionals, including L-tyrosine, b vitamins, and ginkgo, can be purchased in health food stores. NUTRITIONAL SUPPORT FOR PROSTATE HEALTH As a cardiologist, I treat many men over the age of fifty. Many of these men have prostate problems as well. While lecturing to the prostate support group at Manchester Memorial Hospital, I was amazed at how many younger men (in their forties) had prostate problems, including cancer. Diet is one of the best ways to protect against prostate cancer. Throughout this book I have been praising the healing capabilities of soybean products.
In order for methionine to be properly metabolized, the body needs sufficient quantities of folic acid and other b vitamins. If these vitamins are lacking, methionine cannot be broken down properly, and the dangerous amino acid homocysteine results. Homocysteine is extremely toxic to the walls of the blood vessels and capillaries, causing cell membrane inflammation. The blood vessels become vulnerable to LDL, and plaque is deposited on the blood vessel wall, thus causing atherosclerosis. This can also occur in young people.
Eat a diet high in fiber and foods that inhibit aluminum absorption, including almonds, spinach, and rhubarb. The b vitamins, particularly B-6, are also recommended. In addition to a high-fiber diet, magnesium, calcium, vitamin C, and zinc are helpful nutrients in counteracting aluminum toxicity. Potassium Potassium is a mineral that truly concerns physicians. The effects of either low potassium or high potassium can be life-threatening. Since potassium is necessary to the healthy functioning of nerves, cells, and membranes, it is an important electrolyte to monitor.
The brain contains the highest concentration of pantothenic acid in the body; therefore, a deficiency of pantothenic acid, as with all the b vitamins, would include symptoms such as fatigue, depression, and insomnia. Alcoholics may be particularly prone to B-vitamin deficiency, especially if foods high in B-5 are not consumed. Excellent sources of pantothenic acid include whole grains, meat, cabbage, cauliflower, beans, eggs, ocean fish, and poultry. Vitamin B-6 (Pyridoxine) Vitamin B-6 is important for the regulation and formation of blood cells.

Stopping the Clock: Longevity for the New Millenium

Ronald Klatz and Robert Goldman
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THYROID AND VITAMIN DEFICIENCIES Sometimes vitamin deficiencies result in either primary or secondary hypothyroidism. The b vitamins are particularly key to efficient thyroid production: • A shortage of vitamin B2 will depress the function of ovaries and testes and will prevent the thyroid and adrenal glands from secreting necessary hormones. • Vitamin B3 (niacin) is necessary not only for TH production but also for respiration and for the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats.

Overcoming Arthritis

David Brownstein
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In addition, he was found to have low levels of zinc, essential fatty acids and b vitamins. I treated Andy with Minocin (an antibiotic effective for treating mycoplasma bacteria), flaxseed oil, zinc, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B complex 100. Within one month of this therapy, Andy noticed a marked improvement. "I feel 75% better. I no longer wake up stiff and I feel like I am getting my mobility back. This is the first time since I have been sick that I finally feel like I am getting better, " he claimed.

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Dr. Gary Null
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People are under the impression that they can take b vitamins, minerals, and immune stimulants, and continue to drink toxic water with insecticides, pesticides and metals, eat foods that they react to, and get better. They don't get better, because although they are taking good nutrients, they are still poisoning their body." Dr. Zane Card, an expert in toxicology, reports methods of detoxification that have impressive results in the reversal of environmental illness: "Heat stress detoxification includes wood saunas, hot sand packing, steam baths and sweat lodges.

Dr. Earl Mindell's Unsafe at Any Meal: How to Avoid Hidden Toxins in Your Food

Earl Mindell and Hester Mundis
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Caffeine can rob the body of b vitamins, vitamin C, zinc, potassium, and other minerals, as well as prevent the proper absorption of iron; 5 (6-ounce) cups drunk within three hours can seriously deplete the body's supply of thiamine. ?
Though still 65 percent sucrose, blackstrap molasses contains minor but useful amounts of iron, calcium, potassium, and b vitamins, particularly vitamin B6. Lighter molasses is less endowed with nutrients. CAUTION If you are under levodopa treatment for Parkinson's disease, blackstrap molasses is not recommended. Sorghum Molasses This is a lighter molasses, made from sweet sorghum (a cereal grass in the millet family). The juice is extracted from sorghum stalks through crushing and is then boiled down into syrup. Unless the syrup is heated properly it may quickly ferment in the jar.
Potato chips or pretzels, both of which are veritable mines of salt (pretzels have 495 mg per ounce) and can deplete you of b vitamins, while offering you no nutritional benefits and taxing your liver unfairly. Salted peanuts, which are roasted in oil and high in fat, sodium, and calories. How About... Popcorn. It is filling instead of fattening (only 41 calories per ounce), a great source of fiber, and if you sprinkle it with some debittered yeast (not brewer's yeast) instead of salt, you'll have a terrific snack with nutrients galore. Shelled or unshelled dry unsalted roasted peanuts.
You eliminate the sodium and still benefit from protein and b vitamins. Raw peanuts should be cooked quickly at a high temperature in the oven or a nonstick pan o ^ n a i j in a. ^ i\ j Instead of... How About... before eating. This destroys a substance in them that can otherwise interfere with the body's ability to metabolize essential nutrients. Commercial tortilla chips, such as Doritos, which are made with the most saturated of hydrogenated oils (coconut, palm, and cottonseed) and contain 7 g of fat per ounce, along with a roster of unwanted additives, including MSG, FD&C Yellow No.
NUTS AND GRAINS These are healthy, high-protein sources of b vitamins, fiber, and energy, provided they are free of aflatoxins. Aflatoxins are the by-products of molds that grow on grains and nuts, and may be carcinogenic. (Studies have shown correlations between anatoxin consumption from foods and increased incidences of liver cancer.) Aflatoxin levels in susceptible foods (peanuts, for instance) are monitored by the government, but government monitoring often leaves much to be desired—namely, safety.

The Omega Solution: Unleash the Amazing, Scientifically Based Healing Power of Omega-3 & -6 Fatty Acids

Jonathan Goodman ND
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Stress has been shown to deplete many of the nutrients in the body that support the production of EFAs, such as zinc, magnesium, vitamin C, and b vitamins. Stress can make us susceptible to infections, which can also lower levels of EFAs. In addition, high levels of "stress" hormones such as Cortisol and epinephrine may reduce the activity of the desaturase enzymes. A common cause of EFA deficiency is malabsorption, in which the body isn't able to absorb and utilize essential nutrients.
Fish, for example, is rich in b vitamins, which can help lower levels of homocysteine, a naturally occurring enzyme that has been linked to heart disease. Flaxseed is especially helpful even apart from its rich stores of EFAs. It contains a type of dietary fiber called soluble fiber. This kind food sources rather than supplements. It also looks at studies that used "whole" fish oil rather than individual types of EFAs. To summarize the findings: ?

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Dr. Gary Null
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BIRTH CONTROL PILLS deplete the body's b vitamins, which are needed for natural hormone production. The pill increases the tendency toward allergies and liver problems, which can affect hormonal balance. CAFFEINE is found in coffee, tea, chocolate, soft drinks, and certain medications. Like alcohol, it blocks GLA production. In addition, chocolate inhibits the liver's breakdown of hormones, and tea interferes with the absorption of iron and zinc, particularly if drunk with meals. Caffeine also raises adrenaline levels and increases stress. EXERCISE.

Radical Healing: Integrating the World's Great Therapeutic Traditions to Create a New Transformative Medicine

Rudolph M. Ballentine, M.D.
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If you don't draw a line somewhere, you'll end up needing extra b vitamins just because you're so frantic about which vitamins to take! A homeopathic remedy, chosen according to your present symptoms or tailored to your constitution, might reorganize how your system operates and decrease, or even eliminate, your tendency to use more than your share of a vitamin or mineral. So might insights that come through meditation or by working with a therapist. But in the meantime, using a supplement to supply your special needs for that nutrient is a reasonable temporary measure.

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Dr. Gary Null
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Janson adds, "Other b vitamins, such as folic acid and B12, can help to lower levels of homocystine in the blood, a risk factor for heart disease." TAURINE. This amino acid is another important antioxidant that helps prevent atherosclerosis. Additionally, it can avert heart failure by improving strength of contraction. That improves the outflow of blood from the heart and reduces congestive heart failure. Generally, 500 mg are taken twice a day. THYROID SUPPLEMENTS. Thyroid supplementation may normalize high cholesterol, according to Dr.

The Alternative Medicine Handbook: The Complete Reference Guide to Alternative and Complementary Therapies

Barrie R Cassileth, Ph.D.
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The remaining nine vitamins (C and the eight b vitamins) are water-soluble.This means they dissolve in body fluids, and the body eliminates excess amounts of them in the urine. ?All vitamins are designated by both letter and scientific names. By convention, some are called primarily by their letters (for example, C and D), while others are known more frequently by their scientific names (such as pantothenic acid (B5) and biotin (B7). Not as Simple as We Think Vitamins and minerals interact in complex ways. Here are a few examples: ?

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Dr. Gary Null
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SUGAR interferes with the absorption of nutrients, particularly b vitamins. It also reduces hormone transport around the body. EXCESS WEIGHT adversely affects hormonal balance. The ratio of fat to lean body mass is critical in the initiation and continuation of the ovarian cycle. Being too thin is equally undesirable. If you fall below a certain weight, the pituitary hormone stops sending the message to the ovaries, and ovulation and menstruation stop.

The Miracle of Natural Hormones

David Brownstein
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As previously mentioned, diets high in chicken, beef, fish, lamb, turkey and pumpkin seeds contain high amounts of tryptophan and may promote the body's own production of melatonin. The b vitamins are important for the conversion of melatonin from tryptophan. I recommend one B Complex per day along with B6 50mg/day. L-tryptophan supplementation may also be helpful in promoting melatonin production. Final Thoughts I have found melatonin effective for about 60% of patients that have sleep difficulties.

The Enzyme Cure: How Plant Enzymes Can Help You Relieve 36 Health Problems

Lita Lee, Lisa Turner and Burton Goldberg
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At the same time, refined sugar has none of the b vitamins and trace minerals of the raw sugar cane from which it was derived, while refined fructose contains none of the fiber and nutrients of its mother fruit. When it comes to fat, it is important to be aware that not all fats are bad for you (if you can digest them) and your body needs a certain amount of the right kinds of fat: the saturated fats such as raw butter and coconut oil, and extra virgin olive oil (a healthy unsaturated fat).
They are also involved in the production of enzymes such as protease, lipase, and lactase, along with b vitamins, and they produce their own antibiotic substances which can kill at least 27 types of pathogenic bacteria. They thus aid healing of skin diseases, including acne. For healthy thyroid function, eat thyroid-friendly foods and avoid thyroid-inhibiting foods. The friendly foods include all organic animal protein (beef, lamb, eggs, raw and cultured dairy products), fish, especially halibut and other white fish, and coconut oil.
Nutritional Supplements To avoid seizures, it is important to get sufficient b vitamins, especially folic acid and vitamin B6, as well as the minerals magnesium, calcium, manganese, and zinc. I am against the use of chelated colloidal minerals because they may contain toxins such as aluminum, arsenic, and iron.100 I recommend getting all of your minerals from whole organic foods. Good sources, especially for calcium and magnesium, are organic fruits and juices.
In addition, refined white sugar (sucrose), white flour, and white rice are devoid of b vitamins, so even if you can digest the sugar or the starch (flour and rice), you still cannot transport it into the brain. Protease Deficiency People who are deficient in protease cannot digest protein. Even those who become vegetarians still have trouble digesting plant protein. Protease deficiency leads to a buildup of excess alkaline reserves (an alkaline pH, see quick definition) because there is not enough digested protein to supply the necessary acidity.
Instead, taking a combination of brewer's yeast and the right amount of enzymes required to predigest the yeast, provides the lacking b vitamins in proper ratio with the B complex. Acute or Chronic Support Taken as a supplement on an empty stomach, plant enzymes enter the bloodstream, where they assist the immune system by digesting and disposing of toxins (any substance that does not belong in the blood) and "eating" the protein coating on certain viruses, enabling immune system workers to then destroy them. Thus, taking enzymes in this way can help reverse inflammation.

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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

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...and Oxidation
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...and Aphrodisiac

...and Supplements:

...and Flaxseed oil
...and Spirulina
...and Fish oil
...and Coenzyme q10
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...and Glucosamine

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Related Concepts:

Vitamin C
Folic acid
Vitamin E
Vitamin b12
Vitamin A
Vitamin b6
Nervous system
Immune system