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Earl Mindell's Supplement Bible: A Comprehensive Guide to Hundreds of NEW Natural Products that Will Help You Live Longer, Look Better, Stay Heathier, ... and Much More!

Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.
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Throughout this book, I cite study after study clearly showing that when blood levels of vitamins, minerals, and other important micro-nutrients drop below optimal levels, our bodies cannot function properly. For example, the RDA for vitamin E, an essential vitamin for a healthy heart and proper immune function, is a paltry 8 to 10 IU daily; yet, studies sponsored by the U.S. government's own National Institute on Aging shows that you need at least 200 IU daily of vitamin E to begin to reap any significant benefit.
Albumin is one of the body's most powerful antioxidants as well as its main transport system, carrying vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, hormones, and other essential substances throughout the body. Albumin is also instrumental in carrying toxins away from cells and into the liver, where they are broken down and later excreted from the body. Without adequate levels of albumin, the kidneys, liver, and other vital organs cannot do their jobs as well, and the immune system cannot function as efficiently.

Power Healing: Use the New Integrated Medicine to Cure Yourself

Leo Galland
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Dietary antioxidants include vitamin E, vitamin C, vitamin A, carotene and related carotenoids, bioflavonoids, and the minerals selenium, manganese, copper, zinc, and sulfur (which is usually consumed as part of protein). Some antioxidants inhibit free radical-induced damage directly by quenching the sparks, in essence sacrificing themselves. Other antioxidants inhibit free radicals indirectly, by activating enzymes that convert free radicals to less destructive compounds.

Earth Right

H. Patricia Hynes
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Water softener Replaces water hardness minerals (calcium, magnesium) with sodium. Improves cleaning action of soaps. Prevents scales in water pipes and equipment. Sodium content in water increased. Softened water can be more corrosive and dissolve lead in pipe or solder. Maintenance necessary. Neutralizer Treats acidic water. May increase sodium content in water. SOURCE: Adapted from Annette Bach and Darnell Lundstrom, "Quick Reference to Water Treatment Devices," Household Water Treatment, North Dakota State University Extension Service, June 1988.
The model of industrial development is to take air, water, metals, minerals, and fossil fuel resources from nature and to give back "junk." With industrial growth, an increasing amount of toxic industrial chemicals are stored, transported, used, and disposed of, sometimes adjacent to residential neighborhoods, often within a watershed. Groundwater is a subsurface reservoir for rainwater and snow, but increasingly it is also a sink for pollutants carried through the soil with rain and melting snow.

The Alternative Medicine Handbook: The Complete Reference Guide to Alternative and Complementary Therapies

Barrie R Cassileth, Ph.D.
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These individuals practice megavitamin or orthomolecular therapy (the latter adds minerals and other nutrients), unproven methods considered dangerous by mainstream scientists. In the 1950s, two psychiatrists theorized that a biochemical abnormality causes schizophrenia (it is now known that genetic defects are responsible).They administered large doses of niacin and C, creating "mega (large dose) vitamin therapy." In 1968 the Nobel-prize-winning scientist Linus Pauling coined the term "ortho-molecular" to describe the treatment of disease with large quantities of nutrients.

Earl Mindell's Supplement Bible: A Comprehensive Guide to Hundreds of NEW Natural Products that Will Help You Live Longer, Look Better, Stay Heathier, ... and Much More!

Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.
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Along with other minerals, calcium is required for the development and maintenance of strong bones. If you don't get enough calcium, you run the risk of developing osteoporosis, a common disease characterized by the thinning of bone, which leaves it vulnerable to fracture. More than 25 million Americans—more than two-thirds of them women—have osteoporosis. Low-fat dairy products, such as yogurt, and to a lesser extent green leafy vegetables, such as broccoli, are good food sources of calcium. However, even though dairy foods are rich in calcium, for many people they cause problems.

The Omega Solution: Unleash the Amazing, Scientifically Based Healing Power of Omega-3 & -6 Fatty Acids

Jonathan Goodman ND
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But I always advise people to get these vital nutrients from natural food sources whenever possible, if only because foods also provide an abundance of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemi-cals that we need for optimal health. In the following pages we'll take a look at several of the best sources of EFAs. Some of them, such as fish or nuts, are available in any supermarket. Others, such as oils made from borage, fish, or evening primrose, may require a trip to the health food store. For people with specific health problems, EFA supplements may be the only way to get sufficient amounts.

The Alternative Medicine Handbook: The Complete Reference Guide to Alternative and Complementary Therapies

Barrie R Cassileth, Ph.D.
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Megadoses of certain nutrients, especially fat-soluble supplements such as beta carotene taken to prevent ill- Vitamins, minerals, and Colds People seem to believe that vitamin C cures colds. But at least sixteen double-blind studies found no benefit. A classic study conducted by the University ofToronto divided 3,500 people into eight groups.Two groups each received 250, 1,000, or 2,000 mg of vitamin C daily; the final two groups got a placebo.

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Dr. Gary Null
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Women once mixed earth with herbs, plants, minerals, and water to treat many illnesses and conditions. They were the first physicians and the first scientists. Out of the pain, trauma, and, often, death associated with childbirth, the mantle of healer fell to them out of necessity. Women, who saw death loom near so often during the birthing process, learned to work together to assist one another to prevent the tragedy of death from childbirth. Healing knowledge began to make a difference, increasing the odds of survival for all the human race.

Allergic to the Twentieth Century: The Explosion in Environmental Allergies--From Sick Buildings to Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Peter Radetsky
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And I almost routinely measure the minerals inside red blood cells. If patients are low in magnesium, that's almost always correlated with chronic fatigue. And chemically sensitive patients are frequently low in sulfur or selenium. If they are, they have trouble clearing toxins from their system. That's very well known in the basic science literature." Ross also goes after what environmental docs — but not conventional physicians — consider one of the most common impediments to good health: Candida yeast. "Sometimes we'll measure antibody levels against Candida," he says.

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Dr. Gary Null
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Magnesium cleanses by entering cells and forcing out excesses of calcium and other minerals. Iodine drops. Iodine speeds up the metabolism of the thyroid gland. As the metabolism perks up, breast lumps tend to disappear. Iodine drops from seaweed can be obtained in the drugstore in a saturated solution of potassium iodide or Lugol solution. There is also an Edgar Cayce remedy called Atomodine. In addition, health food stores sell iodine drops as liquid kelp. Before using iodine, a thyroid blood test should be done to check for thyroid antibodies.

The Omega Solution: Unleash the Amazing, Scientifically Based Healing Power of Omega-3 & -6 Fatty Acids

Jonathan Goodman ND
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Essential fatty acids, or EFAs, are oils that are just as essential for health as vitamins or minerals. Available as supplements and also found in cold-water fish, game meats, and a variety of vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds, the EFAs are divided into two main types: omegaSs and omegaSs. The body uses both types to create all the other fatty acids. The standard American diet is often lacking in EFAs. This may be one factor in the increasing incidence of cancer, heart disease, and other chronic conditions.
EFAs) are oils that are just as essential for health as vitamins or minerals. Available as supplements and also found in fish, cooking oils, grains, nuts, and a variety of other foods, the EFAs are divided into two main types: the omega-3s and the omega-6s. What people often don't realize is that there are other fatty acids in the body that are considered nonessential, but which still may play important roles in protecting our health. Olive oil is the source of one type of nonessential fatty acid. Another is butyric acid, which is obscure but nonetheless important.

A Dose of Sanity: Mind, Medicine, and Misdiagnosis

Sydney Walker III, M.D.
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Conversely, a poor diet low in vitamins or minerals can cause severe behavioral disorders; iron deficiency, for instance, can cause irritability, fatigue, and symptoms labeled as "conduct disorder" or "hyperactivity." • Does the patient eat unusual foods, eat too much or too little, or have unusual reactions to any foods? Eating habits can indicate allergies, anemia, and other conditions that can cause severe "mental" symptoms.
What vitamins or minerals does the patient take? Vitamin/ mineral supplements are generally harmless and often therapeutic, but excessive intakes of some nutrients can cause neurological symptoms. I once diagnosed a young girl whose seizures, behavior problems, bone pain, and dry and kinky hair were caused by excessive intake of vitamin A. Overdoses of vitamin D can also cause "mental" symptoms such as fatigue, despondency, and even psychosis.

Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition

Paul Pitchford
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They have built up various other minerals depending on the geology of the surrounding land. Whole salt from the sea has a mineral profile most similar to that of our blood. In order to obtain this salt, one must usually seek it out. Salt labeled "sea salt" at health stores is typically the refined pure white variety. Whole natural sea salt is slightly grey and will be in larger crystals, granules, or a powder. Brands currently available throughout most of Western Europe and America are Lima and Celtic (from Brittany), Muramoto and "Si" (from Mexico), and Maldon (from England).
Quality vinegars for internal use contain more of their own minerals; even so, these are potent and should be used sparingly The best types of vinegars are naturally brewed, unfiltered versions of apple cider, (brown) rice wine, white wine, and umeboshi. As a folk remedy in America, apple cider vinegar has been used for many types of disorders.1 However, when chronic conditions are benefited by vinegar as the sole remedy, one must usually continue to use vinegar, or the condition returns.
Such an exchange, rather than consisting of just protein, is in reality the emotional and physical sense of having consumed a large concentration of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, fatty acids, amino acids, sugars, and other nutrients. This initial experience, nevertheless, is often short-lived because only a certain portion of meat is digestible.
The commonly used seaweed gel agar-agar is an exception, containing a relatively small amount of minerals and protein. The origin of Heaven and Earth is based on the principle of the middle path. —Shao Yung, 11th-century Chinese sage. Protein and Brain Function The micro-algae are generally used to help attain high levels of physical and mental health and to increase energy. When a wide range of amino acids is plentiful in the body, an ample amount will be available to manufacture brain chemicals.
However, even schizophrenics who are low in copper can safely be given manganese and zinc because they too are usually deficient in these minerals. This suggests that the mineral deficiency is related to an additional problem: Schizophrenics are often lacking in the prostaglandin PGEi.93 The synthesis of linoleic acid into gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) as well as GLA into PGEi are both absolutely dependent on zinc.94 Manganese is additionally helpful because it assists in the synthesis of fatty acids in general. Taking GLA fatty acids in the diet also increases PGEi in the schizophrenic.

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Dr. Gary Null
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The addition of green drinks, including chlorella, barley grass, spirulina, and wheat grass, supplied her with high potencies of vital minerals. "All these go into the body very quickly and help it to recover, even from a death situation," explains Dr. Rector-Page. "By going on a program of concentrated nutrients, I was eventually able to create a state of health that was better than before." PREVENTION Alternatives to tampons have included sea sponges. However, sea sponges are no longer sold as menstrual products.

Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
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This herb is also rich in calcium, phosphorus, and the B-complex vitamins, as well as other vitamins, minerals, and micro-nutrients. Benefits of avena for specific health conditions include the following: • Attention deficit disorder (ADD). Herbalists report that oat top extract reduces symptoms of withdrawal from methylphenidate (Ritalin), and relieves sadness and mild depression in adults with ADD. Avena has pharmacological actions surprisingly similar to those of opium, which accounts for its calming effects. • Eczema. Avena or oatmeal baths soothe inflamed skin.

Dr. Earl Mindell's Unsafe at Any Meal: How to Avoid Hidden Toxins in Your Food

Earl Mindell and Hester Mundis
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Honey has more fructose than glucose and contains small quantities of minerals, as well as traces of B-complex vitamins and vitamins C, D, and E. ?Because honey is almost twice as sweet as cane or beet sugars, less of it is needed to achieve the same sweetness. ?Some manufacturers will add sugar syrup to their honey because it's cheaper and lightens the honey's color and flavor. (Be suspicious of inexpensive brands that are unusually thin when poured.) ?
Though a disaccharide, meaning a double sugar (composed of glucose and fructose, in this case), it is totally lacking in protein, vitamins, and minerals. The B vitamins needed for its assimilation must be obtained from other foods or supplements; when ample B vitamins are not supplied, they are taken from the body and can cause deficiencies. Glucose The body's blood sugar, glucose is also found in most fruits. It's a monosaccharide, the simplest form of sugar in which a carbohydrate is assimilated.
Home RO systems remove not only salts, but also sediments and other minerals, cleansing water of chemicals and providing clean, clear taste. A good reverse-osmosis system will have an NSF (National Sanitation Foundation) seal. Along with the seal, the manufacturer will list the contaminants the system is designed to remove. The good news is that the NSF certificate means that the product does filter what it claims it does, and does not add anything harmful to the water. The bad news is that only half the products on the market are certified.
If a bottled water has 500 ppm (parts per million) or more of TDS, it must be labeled "mineral water," even if the minerals themselves have litde to do with the water's quakty. On the other hand, if the water has less than 250 ppm it cannot be labeled as mineral water. (Bottled waters with less than 500 ppm must be labeled "low mineral content"; those with TDS above 1,500 must be labeled "high mineral content") This has caused confusion for consumers and consternation for bottlers. Perrier just barely made it as a mineral water with 545 ppm TDS.
Natural" mineral water, sparkling or still, usually comes from a spring and contains only the minerals present in the water as it flows from the ground. TAPPING INTO SPRING WATER All "spring water" must, under truth-in-labeling laws, come from a spring (Deer Park 100% Spring Water, Evian Natural Spring Water). It may already be carbonated, as is the case with Vittelloise Natural Spring Water, or have carbonation added, which is what Deer Park Sparkling 100% Spring Water does.

Healing with Whole Foods: Asian Traditions and Modern Nutrition

Paul Pitchford
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The phytic acid of grains is located in the bran; therefore, even moderate amounts of bran will cause a sizeable concentration of phytic acid in the body, which depletes zinc and other minerals. Phytic acid is neutralized in the sourdough bread-making process and in soaking whole grains before cooking. (Both processes are described in the recipe section.) Enemas and colonics are valuable during constipation resulting from excess heat of the intestines (signified by thick yellow tongue coating).

Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
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The herb also restores minerals lost after stimulant laxative use. In addition, mate contains polyphenols similar to those in green tea, compounds that prevent the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or "bad") cholesterol in the process of atherosclerosis. The primary weight-loss component of mate, however, is caffeine. Caffeine stimulates weight loss by short-circuiting the feedback mechanisms that keep the body from producing more adrenaline when stimulated by herbs such as ephedrine. (See EPHEDRINE under The Herbs in Part One.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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with Minerals...

...and Nutrients:

...and Calcium
...and Magnesium
...and Vitamin
...and Iron
...and Zinc
...and Potassium
...and Vitamin C
...and Vitamins and minerals
...and Copper
...and Selenium

...and Key Health Concepts:

...and Foods
...and Diet
...and Nutrients
...and Health
...and Supplements
...and Disease
...and Plants
...and Supplement
...and Products
...and Herbs

...and Anatomy:

...and Body
...and Blood
...and Cells
...and Liver
...and Skin
...and Bone
...and Heart
...and Brain
...and Bones
...and Tissue

...and Substances:

...and Water
...and Food
...and Acid
...and Acids
...and Bacteria
...and Extract
...and Lead
...and Oxygen
...and Liquid
...and Salts

...and Objects:

...and Vitamins
...and People
...and Plant
...and Soil
...and Label
...and Oil
...and Produce
...and Product
...and Animal
...and Seed

...and Macronutrients:

...and Mineral
...and Protein
...and Fiber
...and Enzymes
...and Salt
...and Seeds
...and Carbohydrates
...and Proteins
...and Fats
...and Calories

...and Concepts:

...and Trace
...and Source
...and Energy
...and Elements
...and Life
...and Time
...and Sources
...and Work
...and Process
...and Healing

...and Adjectives:

...and Natural
...and Essential
...and Healthy
...and Organic
...and Raw
...and Nutritional
...and Whole
...and Fresh
...and Sea
...and Toxic

...and Physiology:

...and Levels
...and Function
...and Helps
...and Absorption
...and Balance
...and Deficiency
...and Effects
...and Prevent
...and Intake
...and Effect

...and Foods and Beverages:

...and Vegetables
...and Sugar
...and Juice
...and Fruits
...and Grains
...and Fruit
...and Tea
...and Nuts
...and Meals
...and Beans

...and Actions:

...and Eat
...and Taking
...and Eating
...and Avoid
...and Drink
...and Growth
...and Making
...and Drinking
...and Cooking
...and Play

...and Health Conditions and Diseases:

...and Cancer
...and Pain
...and Diabetes
...and Osteoporosis
...and Diarrhea
...and Inflammation
...and Arthritis
...and Heart disease
...and High blood pressure
...and Infection

...and Plants and Herbs:

...and Leaves
...and Root
...and Garlic
...and Kelp
...and Ginseng
...and Alfalfa
...and Leaf
...and Roots
...and Flowers
...and Ginger

...and Who:

...and Women
...and Human
...and Children
...and Animals
...and Patients
...and Doctors
...and Men
...and Physician
...and Family
...and Child

...and Medical Terms:

...and Properties
...and Results
...and Doses
...and Dose
...and Drops
...and Dosage
...and Stimulant
...and Dosages
...and Syndrome
...and Potency

...and Medical Adjectives:

...and Digestive
...and Living
...and Cellular
...and Intestinal
...and Mental
...and Internal
...and Biological
...and Therapeutic
...and Adrenal
...and Water-soluble

...and Biological Functions:

...and Digestion
...and Metabolism
...and Concentration
...and Strength
...and Memory
...and Period
...and Weight loss
...and Attention
...and Vision
...and Breath

...and Where:

...and Chinese
...and United states
...and America
...and Asia
...and Europe
...and China
...and California
...and Japan
...and India
...and France

...and Chemicals:

...and Free radicals
...and Chlorine
...and Caffeine
...and Pesticides
...and Aluminum
...and Mercury
...and Fluoride
...and Additives
...and Poisons
...and Carcinogens

...and Drugs:

...and Diuretic
...and Tablets
...and Antibiotic
...and Antibiotics
...and Laxative
...and Diuretics
...and Chemotherapy
...and Aspirin
...and Sedative
...and Steroids

...and Ingredients:

...and Sodium
...and Fructose
...and Lactose
...and Preservatives
...and Food additives
...and Msg
...and Aspartame

...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

...and Hormones
...and Insulin
...and Estrogen
...and Methionine
...and Lipids
...and Saliva
...and Steroid
...and Homocysteine
...and Neurotransmitter
...and Histamine

...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
...and Blood sugar levels
...and Blood levels
...and Body weight
...and Triglycerides
...and Blood cholesterol
...and Height
...and Heart rate
...and Blood glucose

...and Treatment Modalities:

...and Detoxification
...and Fasting
...and Cleanse
...and Massage
...and Relaxation
...and Chinese medicine
...and Acupuncture
...and Homeopathy
...and Meditation
...and Ayurvedic

...and Properties:

...and Anti-inflammatory
...and Oxidation
...and Antiseptic
...and Relieves
...and Expectorant
...and Calming
...and Antifungal
...and Relieving
...and Aphrodisiac
...and Analgesic

...and Organizations:

...and Health food stores
...and Fda
...and Clinic
...and Manufacturers
...and School of medicine
...and Government
...and Usda
...and Epa
...and Food and drug administration
...and Medical center

...and Supplements:

...and Spirulina
...and Flaxseed oil
...and Fish oil
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Glucosamine
...and Lactobacillus

...and When:

...and Spring
...and Winter
...and Summer
...and At night
...and July
...and December
...and April
...and September
...and August
...and February

...and Animals:

...and Turkey
...and Rats
...and Insects
...and Worms
...and Insect
...and Mice
...and Cat
...and Dogs
...and Cats
...and Cows

...and Persons:

...and Murray
...and Parent
...and Johnson

Related Concepts:

Vitamin C
Vitamins and minerals
Trace minerals
Amino acids
Blood pressure