It is a major site of metabolic functions, including those affecting protein, fat, minerals, and vitamins. It processes the internal wastes your body produces during the normal course of metabolism; produces or aids in the manufacture of bile, hormones, and enzymes; and stores and processes fats and carbohydrates. It is a major detoxification organ in your body. However, it can become overtaxed because of the enormous load of chemicals from the highly processed food we tend to ingest, pesticides and other toxins to which we are constantly exposed, and the many other assaults of modern living. | He had amassed droves of minerals and elements from calcium to potassium to zinc, and he had samples of environmental chemicals and toxins. He then attempted to match energetic aspects of the contents of each ampoule to various acupuncture points on the body, using himself as the guinea pig. All acupuncture points are connected via channels of energy, called meridians, which can zigzag around the body connecting to various organs and body tissues. In TCM, there are twelve main meridians and 365 acupuncture points along those meridians. | Homeopathic remedies are made from substances, such as minerals or plants, that are placed in a solution, usually mostly water, which is then succussed (vigorously shaken). The solution is then diluted further and the procedure repeated, often until not a single molecule of the original substance remains in the remedy. All that remains is information. In effect, the remedy retains a memory of information about the healing substance that the body can recognize and use. | Lester A. Mitscher and Victoria Toews See book keywords and concepts | Osteoporosis develops when bones become overly porous and brittle from the loss of calcium and other minerals. It should not be taken lightly; osteoporosis is the twelfth leading cause of death in America. More than 25 million Americans, four-fifths of them women, currently suffer from osteoporosis. After age sixty-five, one-half of all women and one-fifth of all men break bones due to osteoporosis—a total of 1.3 million fractures a year.
Treatments for osteoporosis are few and have a low success rate, but the disease may be preventable. | Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. See book keywords and concepts | Shrimp have all nine essential amino acids, plus small to moderate amounts of nine important minerals. They're relatively high in the important trace mineral selenium, with one 3-ounce serving providing 46 percent of the Daily Value for this cancer-fighting nutrient. They also provide more than 30 percent of the Daily Value for vitamin D. I happen to think the Daily Value (400 IUs) for vitamin D is way too low, but 3 ounces of shrimp gives you 129 IUs of this cancer-fighting, bone-building vitamin, whose true value is only now beginning to be appreciated.
Then there's astaxanthin. | J. Douglas Bremner See book keywords and concepts | Many products are manufactured in Asia, and are adulterated with chemicals, minerals, pharmaceuticals, and sometimes other harmful ingredients, such as pesticides. (Check www.consumer for details.)
The usual tactic that vitamin makers use to sell their products is to point to evidence that a vitamin has had a particular effect in laboratory studies, ignoring data related to their actual use by humans. Like the pharmaceutical companies, they have found a larger audience in healthy people by emphasizing the so-called preventative qualities of their products. | Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. See book keywords and concepts | When clients tell me they have muscle cramps, the first thing I think of is that they're low on minerals, especially potassium, magnesium, and calcium.
< m m oo r— m
Pumpkin would be a great food just on the basis of its high amount of potassium. But there's much more. One cup of mashed pumpkin contains more than 5,000 meg of beta-carotene, another 853 of alpha-carotene, and more than 3,500 meg of beta-cryptoxanthin, a member of the carotenoid family that seems to reduce the risk of lung and colon cancer. | And for its tiny amount of calories (14 for 2 tablespoons) it contains a nice assortment of minerals, particularly potassium. But that's really the least of the benefits this cabbage family member has to offer.
Why Horseradish Beats Broccoli
Horseradish is a member of the distinguished Cruciferae family, the Medici of vegetables, whose relatives include broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, rutabaga, and turnip. | Arugula: Loaded with minerals and antioxidants. Delicious cruciferous vegetable that helps protect us against toxins, especially xenohormones (hormone disruptors in pesticides, plastics, pollution, etc.), and helps us detoxify. Protects us against cancer. Loaded with indole-3-carbinol. Tastes great raw or cooked.
10. Buckwheat: Delicious, versatile seed that can be used instead of wheat or other gluten-containing grains. Great as a side dish, or for use in making waffles, pancakes, or pasta. Has a low glycemic index and is a rich source of magnesium and manganese.
Shari Lieberman, Ph.D., c.N. | Dr. Steven R. Gundry See book keywords and concepts | THE FAB FIVE: SUPPLEMENT YOUR DIET
A multivitamin and mineral supplement from a reputable supplier will ensure at least the bare minimum of 20 to 50 trace elements, vitamins, and minerals that may be missing from even the best diets. Taken twice a day, it forms a good base upon which to restore your "house." The following four supplements also give you the best bang for your buck:
Vitamin E A potent antioxidant, but most products are a synthetic dl-alpha tocopherol, which actually may have no antioxidant activity! | At a certain dose, almost all vitamins, minerals, and other supplements show toxic side effects. Recent evidence suggests that antioxidants like vitamins E, D, A, DHEA, and melatonin are alike in their effects in that they show exactly the same hormetic response curve as any other stressor.10"13 At low doses they're good for you and at high doses they are bad for you. You could even say that low-doses of supplements induce longevity, and high-doses of supplements decrease it. | Dr. Sharon Moalem See book keywords and concepts | Even most water in nature doesn't freeze at exactly 32 degrees, because it usually contains trace minerals or other impurities that lower the freezing point.
Like alcohol, sugar is a natural antifreeze. The higher the sugar content in a liquid, the lower the freezing point. (Nobody knows more about sugar and freezing than the food service chemists at 7-Eleven who were in charge of developing a sugar-free Slurpee beverage. In regular Slurpees, the sugar is what helps to keep the frozen treat slurpable—it prevents the liquid from completely freezing. | David Brownstein M.D. See book keywords and concepts | This statement holds true when comparing all natural products to synthetic products, including vitamins, minerals, and herbs. It is a common-sense argument to use a natural product over a foreign substance to treat disease and promote health, and there are multiple studies that back up this idea.
When there are bioidentical natural versions of a hormone available, the synthetic versions should not be used. Provera? the synthetic version of progesterone (see Figure 1) should never be used. | Dr. Steven R. Gundry See book keywords and concepts | As alchemists of the highest order-able to convert sunlight into matter, no less-plants have developed sophisticated systems to produce biochemicals out of light and basic nutrients such as carbon dioxide, water, and minerals. In their efforts to pass their genes on to the next generation, plants have developed thousands of compounds to convince animals, particularly insects, not to eat them. | So after Big Ed left the hospital, I asked him to bring in his treasure trove of vitamins, minerals, and herbs. As I listened to how he had constructed his "diet," I was transported back thirty years to when I researched this field for my honors thesis on Human Evolutionary Biology at Yale. After medical school, I applied this knowledge as a Clinical Associate at The National Institutes of Health, where I developed methods and treatments to prevent and reverse damage in coronary arteries and heart muscle cells. | Micronutrients are basically the vitamins, minerals, trace elements, phyto-chemicals (phyto means "plant"), and thousands of other compounds that naturally occur in plants. Micronutrients produce a host of biologic effects in animals that eat them, and actually tell our genes to turn on or off, and to make proteins, fats, and hormones that affect every one of our cells. As you will soon learn, they're key to turning your health around.
But back to apes. The average mountain gorilla has to eat about 16 pounds of leaves a day to get enough calories to maintain its weight. | Peter h. Fraser and Harry Massey See book keywords and concepts | Dowsers, using various methods, but today usually employing wooden or metal rods as "antennas" to pick up energies, can detect where the best place might be to drill a water well or to prospect for oil or minerals. The energies dowsers are able to detect are not measurable by conventional standards, such as in terms of frequency or amplitude, so scientists, for the most part, dismiss them and their techniques, although modern businesses, especially those of the mining and petroleum industries, have used dowsers for decades. | Brigitte Mars, A.H.G. See book keywords and concepts | It is naturally sweet and can extract mucilage, vitamins, minerals, and tannins from plant material, although it doesn't extract resins very well. It is itself slightly antiseptic, demulcent, and healing when diluted. Glycerin tinctures, known as glycerites, are usually prepared using 1 part water to 2 parts glycerin. Glycerites have a shorter shelf life than alcohol tinctures, about 1 to 3 years.
Apple cider vinegar, preferably organic, can also be used as a menstruum, and it is itself a digestive tonic. Look for a vinegar that is 5.7 percent acetic acid or thereabouts for a long shelf life. | Mehmet C. Oz., M.D. and Michael F. Roizen, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | In a way, what we lack in minerals, we make up in heavy metals.
Now, that doesn't mean you should fear every chemical that you come into contact with. Chemicals aren't out to get us. Instead, they're really intended to make our lives better. Take shampoo, for example. There are specific ingredients in shampoo that are included to make sure that it lathers up foamier than a cumulus cloud—something that many of us like. But in some people, those very chemicals may also cause a skin irritation. |
Too Profitable to CureBrent Hoadley, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Codex directives are currently seeking to eliminate all vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and most other supplements as free-trade items. They are seeking to reclassify all these supplements as be bought, sold, traded, and regulated by the pharmaceutical industry. In an earlier chapter, we mentioned that this restriction on the supplement tryptophan had occurred in the U.S. When tryptophan became a "pharmaceutical" product instead of a "supplement" or "nutriceutical," the price increased tenfold.
Chronic disease is the backbone of the pharmaceutical industry. | Dr. Mary Dan Eades See book keywords and concepts | And finally, vitamin C enhances the absorption of iron from the intestinal tract by chelating it (see the discussion on chelation of minerals on pages 30-31).
• The citrus biovflavinoids (vitamin-like molecules naturally present in the peeling of citrus fruits) improve your ability to absorb and hold vitamin C by about 35%.7 But does that mean you should eat the peeling of your grapefruits and oranges? Not unless you particularly like to do that. You can purchase vitamin C supplements that contain bioflavinoids or you can purchase the bioflavinoiods separately. | A hair analysis can determine the levels of these minerals.
• Increased calcium intake without adequate phosphorus (a ratio of 2 calcium to 1 phosphorus or more) may inhibit the synthesis or absorption of vitamin K, which in theory could cause a decrease in normal blood clotting.
• Some antibiotics, such as penicillin and neomycin, may enhance the intestinal absorption of calcium.
• Drugs such as Cortisol (cortisone and its relatives), anticonvulsant medications, and thyroid hormone may decrease the intestinal absorption of calcium. | Lester A. Mitscher and Victoria Toews See book keywords and concepts | Some health-care providers warn people against drinking tea if they are taking iron supplements (in the non-hemic ferrous salt form), since early research suggested that the tea could interfere with the absorption of iron, and possibly other minerals. But this concern appears to be unfounded. In a study of four elderly patients with iron-deficiency anemia and eleven healthy older adults, supplements of iron increased blood levels of iron equally well in both anemic and non-anemic people, whether they drank green tea or did not. | Vitamins, minerals, and Amino Acids
The nutritional content of tea varies greatly according to the type of tea and the place where it was grown. A gram of green tea contains approximately 2 milligrams of vitamin C. However, vitamin C levels in black tea are much lower, since this water-soluble vitamin is partially lost during the auto-oxidation process that turns fresh tea leaves into black tea. Accordingly, green tea contains ten times the vitamin C of black tea. | C), minerals (e.g., fluoride and manganese), and amino acids (e.g., theanine). However, these nutrients are present only in very small amounts. color deeper than that of green tea and a flavor different from green tea's. The unoxidized polyphenols in green tea are responsible for its astringency, subtle color, and distinct taste. It follows that green tea, because it does not undergo oxidation, has much higher levels of unaltered polyphenols than oolong or black tea. | Many minerals are present in green tea, including chromium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, zinc, molybdenum, sodium, phosphorus, strontium, cobalt, nickel, and potassium. Depending on whether it was grown in selenium-rich or selenium-poor soil, green tea can also be a rich source of this essential mineral. Tea drinking can also be a significant source of manganese, a mineral used by the body in the digestion of protein and to maintain healthy bones and connective tissue. Just one cup of tea can provide the daily requirement of manganese. | Paula Begoun and Bryan Barron See book keywords and concepts | There is no substantiated research proving that minerals, whether concentrated or not, exfoliate skin or have any effect on pore size. Any perceived reduction in pore size from using this product is solely from its teflective quality and natural opacity, the same as any other powder foundation. It can work to temporarily fill in large pores, but when it's washed off any potential benefit is washed away at the same time.
You may be wondering about the vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in this product. | Dr. Steven R. Gundry See book keywords and concepts | Most legume (bean) seeds, for example, contain compounds called phytates, which effectively slow or prevent the absorption of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from the intestinal tract of animals. So the more of certain seeds an animal eats, the less nourishment it receives. You can bet that an animal losing weight rapidly learns which plant parts to avoid. (Cooking beans diminishes but does not eliminate the effect of phytates.)
Another type of anti-nutrient acts in a way similar to that used by cancer specialists to destroy or slow the development of rapidly growing cells. | Ron Garner See book keywords and concepts | When the diet is predominantly acid, the body will reabsorb sodium from the bile in order to conserve alkaline minerals, leaving the bile with an acid pH. As a result, the bile begins to crystallize and form stones. Acid bile can also irritate the gallbladder, causing a gallbladder attack. When acid bile is dumped into the intestine, it can burn and cause pain. Further, because the bile is now acidic, it cannot raise the pH of food from the stomach, rendering digestive enzymes in the small intestine ineffective, and resulting in nausea, bloating, belching, and flatulence. | Hyla Cass, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | These minerals also help improve asthma symptoms and reduce muscle cramping.
• Vitamin K promotes bone health and healthy blood clotting.
• Good micronutrient nutrition, which also includes iron, zinc, manganese, chromium, and antioxidant nutrients such as the mineral selenium and vitamins A, C, and E, bring enhanced energy, memory, blood sugar regulation, and immunity.
The recommended rfaily allowance (RDA) of essential nutrients is intended to be available entirely through food. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (, a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company ( that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (, a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series ( and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at
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...and Anatomy:...and Body ...and Blood ...and Cells ...and Liver ...and Skin ...and Bone ...and Heart ...and Brain ...and Bones ...and Tissue
...and Substances:...and Water ...and Food ...and Acid ...and Acids ...and Bacteria ...and Extract ...and Lead ...and Oxygen ...and Liquid ...and Salts
...and Objects:...and Vitamins ...and People ...and Plant ...and Soil ...and Label ...and Oil ...and Produce ...and Product ...and Animal ...and Seed
...and Macronutrients:...and Mineral ...and Protein ...and Fiber ...and Enzymes ...and Salt ...and Seeds ...and Carbohydrates ...and Proteins ...and Fats ...and Calories
...and Concepts:...and Trace ...and Source ...and Energy ...and Elements ...and Life ...and Time ...and Sources ...and Work ...and Process ...and Healing
...and Adjectives:...and Natural ...and Essential ...and Healthy ...and Organic ...and Raw ...and Nutritional ...and Whole ...and Fresh ...and Sea ...and Toxic
...and Physiology:...and Levels ...and Function ...and Helps ...and Absorption ...and Balance ...and Deficiency ...and Effects ...and Prevent ...and Intake ...and Effect
...and Foods and Beverages:...and Vegetables ...and Sugar ...and Juice ...and Fruits ...and Grains ...and Fruit ...and Tea ...and Nuts ...and Meals ...and Beans
...and Actions:...and Eat ...and Taking ...and Eating ...and Avoid ...and Drink ...and Growth ...and Making ...and Drinking ...and Cooking ...and Play
...and Health Conditions and Diseases:...and Cancer ...and Pain ...and Diabetes ...and Osteoporosis ...and Diarrhea ...and Inflammation ...and Arthritis ...and Heart disease ...and High blood pressure ...and Infection
...and Plants and Herbs:...and Leaves ...and Root ...and Garlic ...and Kelp ...and Ginseng ...and Alfalfa ...and Leaf ...and Roots ...and Flowers ...and Ginger
...and Who:...and Women ...and Human ...and Children ...and Animals ...and Patients ...and Doctors ...and Men ...and Physician ...and Family ...and Child
...and Medical Terms:...and Properties ...and Results ...and Doses ...and Dose ...and Drops ...and Dosage ...and Stimulant ...and Dosages ...and Syndrome ...and Potency
...and Medical Adjectives:...and Digestive ...and Living ...and Cellular ...and Intestinal ...and Mental ...and Internal ...and Biological ...and Therapeutic ...and Adrenal ...and Water-soluble
...and Biological Functions:...and Digestion ...and Metabolism ...and Concentration ...and Strength ...and Memory ...and Period ...and Weight loss ...and Attention ...and Vision ...and Breath
...and Where:...and Chinese ...and United states ...and America ...and Asia ...and Europe ...and China ...and California ...and Japan ...and India ...and France
...and Chemicals:...and Free radicals ...and Chlorine ...and Caffeine ...and Pesticides ...and Aluminum ...and Mercury ...and Fluoride ...and Additives ...and Poisons ...and Carcinogens
...and Drugs:...and Diuretic ...and Tablets ...and Antibiotic ...and Antibiotics ...and Laxative ...and Diuretics ...and Chemotherapy ...and Aspirin ...and Sedative ...and Steroids
...and Ingredients:...and Sodium ...and Fructose ...and Lactose ...and Preservatives ...and Food additives ...and Msg ...and Aspartame
...and Hormones and Biochemistry:...and Hormones ...and Insulin ...and Estrogen ...and Methionine ...and Lipids ...and Saliva ...and Steroid ...and Homocysteine ...and Neurotransmitter ...and Histamine
...and Biological Measures:...and Blood pressure ...and Blood sugar levels ...and Blood levels ...and Body weight ...and Triglycerides ...and Blood cholesterol ...and Height ...and Heart rate ...and Blood glucose
...and Treatment Modalities:...and Detoxification ...and Fasting ...and Cleanse ...and Massage ...and Relaxation ...and Chinese medicine ...and Acupuncture ...and Homeopathy ...and Meditation ...and Ayurvedic
...and Properties:...and Anti-inflammatory ...and Oxidation ...and Antiseptic ...and Relieves ...and Expectorant ...and Calming ...and Antifungal ...and Relieving ...and Aphrodisiac ...and Analgesic
...and Organizations:...and Health food stores ...and Fda ...and Clinic ...and Manufacturers ...and School of medicine ...and Government ...and Usda ...and Epa ...and Food and drug administration ...and Medical center
...and Supplements:...and Spirulina ...and Flaxseed oil ...and Fish oil ...and Coenzyme q10 ...and Glucosamine ...and Lactobacillus
...and When:...and Spring ...and Winter ...and Summer ...and At night ...and July ...and December ...and April ...and September ...and August ...and February
...and Animals:...and Turkey ...and Rats ...and Insects ...and Worms ...and Insect ...and Mice ...and Cat ...and Dogs ...and Cats ...and Cows
...and Persons:...and Murray ...and Parent ...and Johnson
Related Concepts:
Body Vitamins Water Calcium Foods Food Mineral Diet Magnesium Nutrients Acid Vitamin Protein Blood People Iron Zinc Health Potassium Vegetables Trace Natural Levels Sugar Essential Source Energy Eat Supplements Fiber Plant Enzymes Disease Vitamin C Soil Cells Plants Elements Vitamins and minerals Label Acids Cancer Salt Life Function Oil Sodium Liver Trace minerals Supplement Juice Skin Healthy Seeds Helps Fruits Copper Absorption Time Products Herbs Selenium Bone Sources Heart Taking Organic Raw Manganese Balance Amino acids Nutritional Deficiency Problems Grains Eating Nutrition Effects Work Prevent Process Healing Content Whole Brain Leaves Intake Substances Research Fresh Effect Carbohydrates Root Blood pressure Bones Avoid Proteins Example Fruit Iodine