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Consumer's Dictionary of Food Additives: A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients Vitamin E

Ruth Winter
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Talc is not considered food grade by the FDA as it contains asbestiform minerals. GRAS. TALLAMIDE DEA • See Tall Oil. TALLAMPHOPROPIONATE • See Tall Oil TALL OIL • Liquid Rosin. A byproduct of the wood pulp industry. Tall is Swedish for "pine." Dark brown liquid. Acrid odor. A fungicide and cutting oil. It may be a mild irritant and sensitizer. The final report to the FDA of the Select Committee on GRAS Substances stated in 1980 that it should continue its GRAS status with no limitations other than good manufacturing practices.
Any of numerous insoluble complex metal salts that contain silicon and oxygen that constitute the largest group of minerals and that with quartz make up the greater part of the earth's crust (as rocks, soils, and clays). Contained in building materials such as cement, concrete, bricks, and glass. No known toxicity. The simplest silicate is sand, a molecule formed by joining one silicon atom with two oxygen atoms. SILICIC ACID • Silica Gel. White, gelatinous substance obtained by the action of acids on sodium silicate (see). Odorless, tasteless, inert, white, fluffy powder when dried.
It is used in foods to keep metals from oxidizing and affecting the taste or color of fats, oils, salad dressings, and other foods containing minerals. REDUCTION • The process of reducing by chemical or electrochemical means. The gain of one or more electrons by an ion or compound. It is the reverse of oxidation. REGENERATED CELLULOSE • Miscellaneous use with resins. See Cellulose. RELEASING AGENT • A compound such as butter or an oil that prevents a product from sticking to the sides of a container.
Proteins participate in the transport of some lipids, vitamins, and minerals and help maintain the body's homeostasis. PROTEIN CONCENTRATE, WHOLE FISH • Dietary supplement. PROTEIN FATTY ACID CONDENSATES • See Amides. PROTEIN HYDROLYSATES • Used as flavor enhancers, particularly in meat products. See Proteins and Hydrolyzed. PROTEIN, VEGETABLE, HYDROLYZED • See Hydrolyzed Vegetable Proteins. PROVITAMIN A • See Carotene. PRUSSIATE OF SODA, YELLOW • Salt of hydrocyanic acid derived from ammonia. Anticaking agent in salt. Hydrocyanic acid is toxic by ingestion, inhalation, and skin absorption.
TITANIUM DIOXIDE • Occurs naturally in minerals. Used chiefly as a white pigment and as an opacifier; also a white pigment for candy, gum, and marker ink. A pound has been ingested without apparent ill effects. The greatest covering and tinting power of any white pigment used in bath powders, nail whites, depilatories, eyeliners, white eye shadows, antiperspirants, face powders, protective creams, liquid powders, lipsticks, hand lotions, and nail polish. In high concentrations the dust may cause lung damage.

Diet, Nutrition and Cancer

Committee on Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer, Assembly of Life Sciences National Research Council
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Certain vitamins and most of the minerals are known to be toxic above certain levels. But these known adverse (pathologic) effects of vitamin and mineral overdoses have, like the deficiency diseases, a conspicuously direct relationship with the nutrients in question. That is, the effects of denying or restoring a nutrient to an experimental subject, whether animal or human, are usually observable within a short time—at most, months. The links between diet and metabolic, degenerative, and malignant diseases are considerably less obvious.

Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs

John Heinerman
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But hips still have quite a bit of minerals in them and other antibiotic principles to knock out a cold with, which aren't affected by heat. Heat a quart of water to lukewarm. Remove from heat and add 6 tbsp. of rosehips. Steep for 20 minutes or so. After straining, add some honey, stir well, then drink right away. Or you can take 3-4 rosehip capsules (Nature's Way) from any health food store several times a day with some warm juice or water. Strawberries for Clean Teeth and Beautiful Skin Nothing else quite cleans the skin so well as strawberries do.

Earl Mindell's Secret Remedies

Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.
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Similar to other minerals such as fluoride, the levels of selenium in soil varies from region to region. Several studies have documented that people who live in areas where there is a high level of selenium in the soil (which presumably seeps into the food and water supply) have significantly lower levels of stroke that those who live in areas with low levels of selenium in the soil. In fact, because of the high rate of stroke and low levels of selenium in the soil, the selenium poor regions of the southwest United States have been dubbed the "stroke belt.

Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs

John Heinerman
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Consists of particular health conditions, amino acids, minerals and vitamins, herbs/botanicals, foods and diets. Researched, edited and compiled by a team of distinguished scientists over a four-year period. Two of the major participants in this enormous project were Dr. John Heinerman and Dr. Jeffrey Bland. Over six million bytes of text information obtained from some 30,000 publications.
I also add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in order to leach or draw out all of the minerals in the meat. "After the liquid has been boiled down to half the volume, I take the chicken out, but leave the broth in the pot. Next I peel and juice in my food extractor, 3 garlic cloves, a large red onion, 1 sweet potato that's been cleaned and with the skin intact, 1 wwpeeled zucchini or yellow crookneck squash, 3 wnpeeled carrots, 1 wnpeeled parsnip, 1 to the broth. "After this, I return the pot to the stove and cook on a medium setting just long enough to where it starts to boil.

Earl Mindell's Secret Remedies

Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.
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As long as the multisupplement you choose contains the appropriate vitamins, minerals and herbs, there is no reason not to use it. Certainly, taking one pill is a lot easier (and sometimes more economical) than taking a dozen different ones. Therefore, whenever possible, I recommend combination multisupplements for those who want to use them. When it is not possible, however, I still recommend taking individual supplements, or augmenting a combination multisupplement with other supplements.
Zinc and selenium are two immune-enhancing minerals that can help fight against infection. Helpful Herbs Evening primrose oil—This substance is high in GLA (gamma-linoleic acid) a natural antiinflammatory, and may be helpful in treating teenage acne. Evening primrose oil is available in capsules. Grapeseed—Sold under several different brand names, grapeseed contains bioflavonoids, substances that are related to vitamin C and have been reported to be highly effective acne fighters. Why do these compounds work? Skin cell nourishment depends on healthy blood circulating in the dermis layer.
Combination Multisupplements I am frequently asked whether it is better to take each supplement individually, or to take a combination multisupplement containing several vitamins, minerals, and herbs all in one pill or capsule. Indeed, there are many excellent combination multisupplement formulas on the market that are geared for specific problems. For example, there are multisupplements with potent antioxidants; multisupplements specifically geared for prostate health and multi-supplements for women suffering from PMS or looking to relieve menopausal symptoms.

Indian Herbal Remedies: Rational Western Therapy, Ayurvedic and Other Traditional Usage, Botany

C. P. Khare
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A 434 i.u., and 79 kcal/100 g. The corms are found efficacious as antiasthmatic, antiemetic, carminative, antidysenteric and are used in piles, enlargement of spleen, diseases due to vitiated blood, elephantiasis. The corms and seeds are applied externally as an irritant to treat acute rheumatism. The paste is prepared with clarified butter or honey for external application. Related species Amorphophallus dubius Blume (Purple-stalked Dragon) is allied to Amorphophallus campanulatus, found occurring in Kerala. The tuber is administered in piles and apoplexy.

Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Fruits, Vegetables and Herbs

John Heinerman
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Additionally, it contains 15-25% proteins, major minerals and trace elements like calcium, phosphorus, manganese, iron, zinc and copper, together with many naturally occurring sugars (sucrose, fructose, etc.). % Recommended Daily Allowances Alfalfa Parsley Kelp Molasses Milk Powder Nutrient (1 oz.) (1 oz.) (.2 oz.) (3 tbs.) (2 oz.

Alternative Medicine the Definitive Guide, Second Edition

Larry Trivieri, Jr.
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Yeasts: These single-celled organisms contain high concentrations of B vitamins and many minerals.Yeasts can be purchased in dried form and sprinkled on top of foods. Baker's, brewer's, and torula yeast are the three forms of "nutritional" yeasts most commonly available. Do not eat yeast or yeast products if you have candidiasis, the overgrowth of the fungus Candida albicans. Candida may overgrow when the immune system is weakened and this may contribute to other immune deficiency health conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome. ^£ See Candidiasis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Herbal Medicine.

Indian Herbal Remedies: Rational Western Therapy, Ayurvedic and Other Traditional Usage, Botany

C. P. Khare
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C 76 mg/100 g. Presence of fluoride (0.1-0.2 ppm) is reported. Pectin content (as calcium pectate) is 2.2-3.4 % on moisture-free basis. Fruit contains total sugars 5.4-10.5, reducing sugars 1.4-6.2, non-reducing sugars 3.2-8.0; and acidity (as citric acid) 0.2-1.1 %. Citric acid is the major acid in the fruit; malic and oxalic acids being present in small amounts. The oil, extracted from seeds, contains oleic acid 71.7; linoleic acid 15.4; and saturated acid about 13.0 %. Leaves contain crude protein 12.9-16.9; ether extr. (fat) 1.5-2.7; fibre 13.5-17.1; N-free extr. 55.3— 56.

World Without Cancer

G. Edward Griffin
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It is a fact that the whole fruit—including the seeds—of an apple contains an amazingly high concentration of vitamins, minerals, fats, and proteins that are essential for health. Apple seeds are especially rich in nitrilosides or vitamin B17. The distasteful "spring tonic" or sorghum molasses and sulphur also was a rich source of nitriloside. And grandma's apricot and peach preserves almost always contained the kernels of these canned fruits for winter eating. She probably didn't know what they contained or why they were good for you.
The answer to cancer, therefore, is to avoid excessive damage or stress to the body, to minimize foods that preempt the pancreatic enzymes for their digestion, and to maintain a diet rich in all minerals and vitamins—especially vitamin B17. Opposition to the nutritional concept of cancer is strong and vocal. This concept has been branded as fraud and quackery by the Food and Drug Administration, the American Cancer Society, and the American Medical Association.
The other common factor, of course, is the food, which, typically, is low in carbohydrates, high in vegetable proteins, and rich in minerals and vitamins, especially vitamin B17. The Indians of North America, while they remained true to their native customs and foods, also were remarkably free from cancer. At one time, the American Medical Association urged the federal government to conduct a study in an effort to discover why there was so little cancer among the Hopi and Navajo Indians.
Just as in the past when valuable minerals or oil were discovered on Indian lands, government bureaucracy would move the Indians away to "better land," so attempts are being made now to move all innovators and pioneers on vitamin B17 away from the development—through the invocation of one legal ruse or another—until it "cools," and then allow monopoly supporting the involved bureaucracy to preempt the field.... Please keep in mind that the potential or waiting market for Aprikern is at least as great as that for all the other vitamins, including C.

20 Years of Censored News

Carl Jensen
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Under the Mining Act of 1872, companies can mine valuable minerals and metals from federal lands without paying a cent in royalties and buy federal lands for as little as five dollars an acre. 4. "The Price of Power" by David Lapp. The 1992 Energy Policy Act guarantees our government will continue to subsidize the nuclear power industry. These taxpayer dollars go to an industry with a dismal record on safety and efficiency. 5. "Last Stand" by Randal O'Toole. U.S. taxpayers own more than 192 million acres of forest land that are managed by the U.S. Forest Service and Department of Agriculture.
The way now appears clear for the ISA to begin monitoring the exploitation of minerals from the international seabed (Financial Times, 4/19/96). On October 18, 1996, United Nations Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali officially inaugurated the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea in Hamburg, Germany (Federal News Service, 10/21/96). 10.
And how much of our nation's resources could have been saved if the media had told the public about the scandalous Mining Act of 1872 that continues to give away valuable minerals and metals from federal lands for a song? Perhaps more than any other single story, the tobacco issue reveals the impact of a flawed press. CENSORSHIP AND TOBACCO Some three million people in developed countries worldwide—about one person every ten seconds—will die from smoking cigarettes in 1997. The death toll is expected to reach 10 million deaths annually by 2020.

Age Erasers for Men: Hundreds of Fast and Easy Ways to Beat the Years

Doug Dollemore, Mark Giuliucci and the Editors of Men's Health Magazine
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Fish, shellfish and poultry provide all the protein and minerals of red meats but not nearly as much fat. Keeping the Flavor You're more likely to win with a low-fat diet if you ease into it. "Look at what you're already eating and how you could eat the same foods with less fat," advises Susan Kayman, R.D., Dr.P.H., a dietitian and consultant with the Kaiser Permanente Medical Group in Oakland, California. Here are some suggestions. Skip the greasy extras. A lot of the foods we eat are naturally low in fat until we heap them with extras like butter, dressings and creams.
Of all the minerals, zinc is probably the most important for maintaining immunity," Dr. Phillips says. A shortage can cause a drop in production of the white blood cells that surround and destroy microscopic invaders. Zinc also helps the body process vitamin D, another important nutrient that bolsters immunity. To get the RDA of 15 milligrams from your diet, eat lean red meat, oysters, milk, oats, whole grains, eggs and poultry. Avoid supplements providing more than 40 milligrams, Dr. Blumberg warns. Beyond these levels, zinc can actually slow down the immune system.
When you become dehydrated, you lose not only water but also valuable electrolytes—essential minerals like potassium and sodium—which can leave you feeling especially tapped out. The feeling is like a hangover; you're achy, drained and feeling out of it. "When your body gets even a little low on fluids, physical performance and brain power can hit the skids," says Miriam Nelson, Ph.D., a research scientist and exercise physiologist in the Human Physiology Laboratory at the U.S. Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston.
Restless legs syndrome has been linked to a low intake of the B vitamins, specifically vitamin B12 and folic acid, as well as many minerals, including iron, potassium and calcium, says Dr. Stern. So it's important to get enough of them in your diet. Eat light and early. Do you chow down seven-course meals at 9:00 p.m.? Or make midnight raids on the fridge? If so, your overstuffed stomach may be to blame for your restless legs. "The process of digesting a heavy or spicy meal can trigger restless leg symptoms," says Dr. Stern. Apply warmth ... or cold. Here again, you must experiment.
A junk food diet high in sugar, fat and processed foods gives your body few or none of the basic vitamins, minerals and nutrients it needs to perform at normal levels. And sometimes just the slightest deficiency of any one nutrient is all it takes to send energy levels plummeting. The answer, says Dr. Peter Miller, is to find a balance in both the amount and the types of food that you eat.

The Encyclopedia of Popular Herbs

Robert S. McCaleb, Evelyn Leigh, and Krista Morien
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They also contain high levels of phytates, which bind with minerals such as iron and zinc and prevent their absorption by the body. In 1998, the FDA declared that these problems are not an issue for any soy product that has been subjected to heat through cooking.42 This includes nearly all soy foods, with the exception of products like un-toasted soy flour. These questionable substances are almost completely eliminated from traditional soy foods like tempeh and miso during the fermentation process.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Physiology:

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...and Absorption
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...and Deficiency
...and Effects
...and Prevent
...and Intake
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...and Foods and Beverages:

...and Vegetables
...and Sugar
...and Juice
...and Fruits
...and Grains
...and Fruit
...and Tea
...and Nuts
...and Meals
...and Beans

...and Actions:

...and Eat
...and Taking
...and Eating
...and Avoid
...and Drink
...and Growth
...and Making
...and Drinking
...and Cooking
...and Play

...and Health Conditions and Diseases:

...and Cancer
...and Pain
...and Diabetes
...and Osteoporosis
...and Diarrhea
...and Inflammation
...and Arthritis
...and Heart disease
...and High blood pressure
...and Infection

...and Plants and Herbs:

...and Leaves
...and Root
...and Garlic
...and Kelp
...and Ginseng
...and Alfalfa
...and Leaf
...and Roots
...and Flowers
...and Ginger

...and Who:

...and Women
...and Human
...and Children
...and Animals
...and Patients
...and Doctors
...and Men
...and Physician
...and Family
...and Child

...and Medical Terms:

...and Properties
...and Results
...and Doses
...and Dose
...and Drops
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...and Stimulant
...and Dosages
...and Syndrome
...and Potency

...and Medical Adjectives:

...and Digestive
...and Living
...and Cellular
...and Intestinal
...and Mental
...and Internal
...and Biological
...and Therapeutic
...and Adrenal
...and Water-soluble

...and Biological Functions:

...and Digestion
...and Metabolism
...and Concentration
...and Strength
...and Memory
...and Period
...and Weight loss
...and Attention
...and Vision
...and Breath

...and Where:

...and Chinese
...and United states
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...and Chemicals:

...and Free radicals
...and Chlorine
...and Caffeine
...and Pesticides
...and Aluminum
...and Mercury
...and Fluoride
...and Additives
...and Poisons
...and Carcinogens

...and Drugs:

...and Diuretic
...and Tablets
...and Antibiotic
...and Antibiotics
...and Laxative
...and Diuretics
...and Chemotherapy
...and Aspirin
...and Sedative
...and Steroids

...and Ingredients:

...and Sodium
...and Fructose
...and Lactose
...and Preservatives
...and Food additives
...and Msg
...and Aspartame

...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

...and Hormones
...and Insulin
...and Estrogen
...and Methionine
...and Lipids
...and Saliva
...and Steroid
...and Homocysteine
...and Neurotransmitter
...and Histamine

...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
...and Blood sugar levels
...and Blood levels
...and Body weight
...and Triglycerides
...and Blood cholesterol
...and Height
...and Heart rate
...and Blood glucose

...and Treatment Modalities:

...and Detoxification
...and Fasting
...and Cleanse
...and Massage
...and Relaxation
...and Chinese medicine
...and Acupuncture
...and Homeopathy
...and Meditation
...and Ayurvedic

...and Properties:

...and Anti-inflammatory
...and Oxidation
...and Antiseptic
...and Relieves
...and Expectorant
...and Calming
...and Antifungal
...and Relieving
...and Aphrodisiac
...and Analgesic

...and Organizations:

...and Health food stores
...and Fda
...and Clinic
...and Manufacturers
...and School of medicine
...and Government
...and Usda
...and Epa
...and Food and drug administration
...and Medical center

...and Supplements:

...and Spirulina
...and Flaxseed oil
...and Fish oil
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Glucosamine
...and Lactobacillus

...and When:

...and Spring
...and Winter
...and Summer
...and At night
...and July
...and December
...and April
...and September
...and August
...and February

...and Animals:

...and Turkey
...and Rats
...and Insects
...and Worms
...and Insect
...and Mice
...and Cat
...and Dogs
...and Cats
...and Cows

...and Persons:

...and Murray
...and Parent
...and Johnson

Related Concepts:

Vitamin C
Vitamins and minerals
Trace minerals
Amino acids
Blood pressure