volker schulz and Rudolf Hansel See book keywords and concepts | The herb was systematically researched in the former Soviet Union, and more than 180 works on phytochemical, pharmacologic, and clinical studies have been published since i960. Similar in activity in some ways to Eleutherococcus, Rhodiola rosea is believed to have stress-reducing and performance-enhancing properties in addition to antioxidant and cardioprotective effects. A survey work was recently published on the results of some 20 recent therapeutic trials in humans (Brown et al, 2003). | Dr. Richard Schulze and Sam Biser See book keywords and concepts | Hotter means more phytochemical, which means more medicinal effect. So always get the hottest peppers you can find.
Habanero, African Bird, Serrano, Jalapeno, Cayenne.
TOP TEN Herb #2 The Second Emergency Herb: Lobelia.
Although sold in drug stores throughout Europe, and regarded as a potent healer, this herb has been highly criticized by medicine in the U.S.
It is also misunderstood by herbalists, who have never used it, or never used it on serious cases, and do not understand what it can do. Lobelia contains over a dozen alkaloids, one of the strongest phytochemicals found in plants.
Dr. | David Hoffman, FNIMH, AHG See book keywords and concepts | COMMONLY USED TERMS AND CONCEPTS
Here are some terms and concepts that the reader will encounter frequently in the phytochemical discussions. aglycone: A molecule that can exist with or without a sugar group attached. Without the sugar group, they are known as aglycones. When they contain a sugar group, they are known as glycosides. aromatic ring: A carbon ring structure seen, for example, in phenolic compounds, alkaloids, and terpenes. It consists of 6 carbon atoms in a flat, hexagonal pattern. Different functional groups may be attached to the ring. | volker schulz and Rudolf Hansel See book keywords and concepts | Hazelhoff B (1984) phytochemical and Pharmacological Aspects of Valeriana compounds.
Dissertation, Universitat Groningen. Hendriks H, Bos R, Woerdenbag HJ, Koster AS (1985) Central nervous depressant activity of valerenic acid in the mouse. Planta Med 51: 28-31. Hiller KO, Zetler G (1996) Neuropharmacological studies on ethanol extracts of Valeriana officinalis L.: behavioural and anticonvulsant properties. Phytother Res 10:145-151. Jager W, Buchbauer G, Jirovetz L, Fritzer M (1992) Percutaneous absorption of lavender oil from a massage oil. J Soc Cosmet Chem 43: 49-54. | Arthur Agatston, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | It contains resveratrol, too, the same phytochemical that makes red wine beneficial as a protection against heart disease and cancer. Peanut butter also contains folate, which helps you to metabolize homocysteine, a byproduct of protein metabolism that otherwise can harm the cardiovascular system. The drawbacks to commercially processed peanut butter are that bad fats—saturated ones—are sometimes added, and so is sugar. It's best to stick to all-natural peanut butter. | Glenn W. Geelhoed, M.D. and Jean Barilla, M.S. See book keywords and concepts | Mangos are also high in enzymes, and they've got something else that papayas don't — high quantities of phytochemical bioflavonoids. Produced when the plant grabs energy from the sun, phytochemicals act as antioxidants and immune system boosters.
Once thought of as a strange ingredient in Japanese food or as a nuisance to avoid while beachcombing, seaweed is now coming into its own as a youth tonic. Not only is it effective for fighting the ravages of time on the human body, but as seaweed works its way into the western diet, it is becoming appreciated for its good taste. | Susun S. Weed See book keywords and concepts | They contain a phytochemical which helps you metabolize organochlorines, increasing the production of benign metabolic by-products over potentially carcinogenic ones.
About 45,000 women die annually from breast cancer in the U.S.
• How do fruits and vegetables prevent cancer? With concentrated amounts of antioxidants, carotenes, folates, selenium, indole-3-carbinol, and other anti-cancer phytochemicals and nutrients in synergistic combinations impossible to duplicate in a pill. I eat some from every category every day:
Raw ones for antioxidant vitamin C. | The Life Extension Editorial Staff See book keywords and concepts | It may be more efficacious to take green tea in capsule form rather than a brewed beverage because 2 capsules exceed the phytochemical potency of 5 cups of freshly brewed green tea. An appropriate dose for VEGF-blockade would be five 350-mg capsules of a lightly caffeinated 95% gteen tea extract with each meal. Some people may want to use a decaffeinated green tea extract capsule toward the end of the day because 5 capsules of even lightly caffeinated green tea may be overstimulating. | volker schulz and Rudolf Hansel See book keywords and concepts | For economic reasons further phytochemical characterization of the quality of extracts by defining additional herb-specific test parameters would be feasible only in cases where it could be definitely shown that the expanded control measures would yield a corresponding gain in efficacy and therapeutic safety (Gaedcke and Steinhoff, 2000).
Besides pharmaceutical quality, dosage is a critical concern in the prescription of herbal products. | Dianne Onstad See book keywords and concepts | Ellagic acid A phytochemical phenol found in grapes, cherries, and strawberries. One of ellagic acid's primary actions is to protect against damage to our chromosomes and to block the cancer-causing actions of many pollutants. Ellagic acid is a potent antioxidant and has shown an ability to increase many of the body's antioxidant compounds.
Emetic An agent that causes or promotes vomiting.
Emmenagogue A substance that promotes the onset of menstruation. Some emmenagogues are so strong that they have been used to induce abortion. | volker schulz and Rudolf Hansel See book keywords and concepts | Strict standards usually are not applied to the phytochemical ingredients of these extracts, so there is no guarantee that processing of the extracts will yield an herbal medicine of consistent and acceptable quality (Hansel and Trunzler, 1989; Gaedke and Steinhoff, 2000). Adjustment of Quality
Another approach to achieving consistent pharmaceutical quality is to blend selected batches of the primary extracts together in a way that ensures a most consistent concentration of specific ingredients or groups of compounds. | Dr. Vern Cherewatenko and Paul Perry See book keywords and concepts | Soybeans contain this phytochemical, along with several other antioxidant substances, including phytic acid, protease inhibitors, saponins, phytoserols, and phenolic acid.
Lignans. Commonly found in oil pressed from flaxseed, lignans is a powerful antioxidant that also contains omega-3 fatty acids that may protect against heart disease and colon cancer.
Monoterpenes. Commonly found in citrus fruits and caraway seeds, this phytochemical can prevent oxidation and keep potent carcinogens from taking hold.
Organosulfur compounds. | Common in grapes, strawberries, raspberries, and walnuts, this phytochemical appears to remove cancer-causing agents from the bloodstream.
• Flavonoids. A family of chemicals found in apples, red wine, and tea, flavonoids seem to play a role in cancer and heart disease prevention. They may reduce cancer risk by blocking hormones that create cell changes and by suppressing changes in malignant cells.
Indoles and isothiocyanates. Cruciferous vegetables, such as Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, and cabbage, are especially good sources of antioxidant phytochemicals.
Isoflavones. | Rebecca Wood See book keywords and concepts | Health Benefits The vegetables at the pinnacle of phytochemical research are the cabbage family. Their known phytonutrients aid the enzymes that ward off carcinogens and other outside invaders; they also inhibit cancer formation, detoxify carcinogens, and protect against colorectal, stomach, and respiratory cancers. Their leaves—especially their dark green leaves—often contain more phytochemicals than their other parts. Therefore, favor kale, collards, arugula, and Brussels sprouts over cauliflower or a pale cabbage, and even the leaves of broccoli over broccoli heads and stems. | Brenda Davis and Tom Barnard See book keywords and concepts | For example, adding a little oil to a salad considerably enhances the nutrient and phytochemical absorption of the vegetables. If you do use some fats and oils, select unrefined, mechanically pressed, organic oils. In regular supermarkets, extra-virgin olive oil is generally the only unrefined oil available. The high monounsaturated fat content makes it an excellent choice. In natural food stores you will find other high-quality, fresh-pressed oils. (Those with high omega-3 content will be kept refrigerated.) Your best choices are flaxseed, canola, walnut, and hazelnut oil. | James A. Duke, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | With supplements, you get one mineral or a few plant chemicals (phytochemicals), but with whole herbs, you get every therapeutic phytochemical in the plant—possibly hundreds.
"V Spinach (Spinacia oleracea) and other foods containing folate. Although I prefer to recommend that you get your vitamins and minerals from foods rather than supplements, deficiencies of folate (the naturally occurring form of folic acid) are quite common, and you might need a folic acid supplement. The average American consumes only 61 percent of the Daily Value of 400 micrograms of folate. | Francisco, M.D. Contreras See book keywords and concepts | Paul Talalay, of Johns Hopkins Medical Institute, added the phytochemical sulforaphane to human cells growing in a lab dish and reported that it boosted the growth of anti-cancer enzymes. In April 1994 issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, his team reported conclusively that the compound protects living animals against cancer.
We should be eager to eat fruits and vegetables, since we automatically benefit from the protective qualities of their phytochemicals, but supplementation with products like Preven-Ca, Barley green and other quality products is advisable. | Scientists recently found that people in northern Italy who ate seven or more servings of raw tomatoes (containing the phytochemical lycopene) every week had 60% less chance of developing colon, rectal and stomach cancer than those who ate two servings or less.
Cornell University researchers reported that two tomatoes contain an estimated 10,000 phytochemicals including: p-coumaric acid and chlorogenic acid, which stop the formation of cancer-causing substances. Tomato acids remove the nitrosamines before they can do any damage. | Andrew Pengelly See book keywords and concepts | Phytochemical Dictionary, Taylor &c
Francis, London.
Hormann, H. and Korting, H. 1995, 'Allergic acute dermatitis due to Arnica tincture self-medication', Phytomedicine 4: 315-317.
Huang, K. 1993, The Pharmacology of Chinese Herbs, CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Klaas, C. A., Wagner, G., Laufer, S., Sosa, S., Delia Loggia, R., Bomme, V., Pahl, H. L. and Merfort, I. 2001, 'Studies on the anti-inflammatory activity of phytopharmaceuticals prepared from Arnica flowers', Planta Medica 68: 385-391.
Lenaz, L. and De Furia, M. D. | Janet Zand, LAc, OMD, Allan N. Spreed, MD, CNC, James B. LaValle, RPh, ND See book keywords and concepts | These foods contain alliin, a phytochemical known to help regulate blood pressure and aid in the production of red blood cells. Dialylsulfide, another phytochemical found in these vegetables, has been shown to deactivate some cancer-causing agents in animals. These vegetables also stimulate the production of glutathione, a potent antioxidant agent that fights premature aging.
¦ Include in your diet sardines, salmon, wheat germ, asparagus, spinach, and white mushrooms. | Francisco, M.D. Contreras See book keywords and concepts | Soybeans contain genistein. This phytochemical has an anti-aggregate that won't allow small tumors to attach themselves to capillaries. In this way, the tumors can't get nutrients and, consequently, they can't metastasize. They also contain phytohormones with the "good" estrogenic action without the undesirable effects of the synthetic estrogens.
Chili peppers contain the phytochemical capsaicin, which does not allow the carcinogens in cigarette smoke to penetrate the DNA. Thus, the carcinogens can't trigger the mutations that produce lung and other cancers. | Andrew Pengelly See book keywords and concepts | Phytochemical Dictionary, Taylor &C
Francis, London.
Hikino, H. 1985, 'Chinese medicinal plants used against hepatitis', in H. M. Chang, H. W. Yeung, W.-W. Tso, A. Koo (eds), Advances in Chinese Medicinal Materials Research, World Scientific Pubs, Singapore.
Huang, K. C. 1993, The Pharmacology of Chinese Herbs, CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Johri, J. K, Banerji, R., Chaurasia, R. S., Misra, G, Siddigni, S. A., Balasubrahmanyam, V. R. and Nigam, S. K. 1992, 'Coumarins as potent biocides', Fitoterapia LXIII: 78-80. Kashiwada, Y., Nonaka, G. I., Nishioka, I., Chang, J. J. and Lee, K. H. | Phyllis A. Balch, CNC See book keywords and concepts | It is the richest of all leafy greens in carotenoids and contains an abundance of lutein, a phytochemical that scientists think may be more protective against cancer than beta-carotene. Kale helps regulate estrogen and wards off many forms of cancer, including breast, bowel, bladder, prostate, and lung cancers; protects against heart disease; and regulates blood pressure. The calcium in kale is more absorbable by the body than the calcium in milk. Also, ounce for ounce, kale contains more calcium than milk. | Andrew Pengelly See book keywords and concepts | In this text he comprehensively covers the major phytochemical classes found in plants and their implications for human therapy. Key features are the many chemical structures and the wide-ranging discussion of their pharmacological activities.
A major advantage is that this book assumes only a basic understanding of chemistry, which makes it an ideal primer for students and practitioners alike. In addition, it provides a simple yet comprehensive introduction to the field which does not fall into the trap of being overly reductionist or technical. | Phyllis A. Balch, CNC See book keywords and concepts | The greens contain significant amounts of beta-carotene, a phytochemical that protects against various forms of cancer. The parts eaten are the roots and leafy greens.
Key nutrients in turnips include calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin E, vitamin K (turnip greens), vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), pantothenic acid, fiber, folate, and small amounts of lipids and amino acids. | Brenda Davis and Tom Barnard See book keywords and concepts | Found to have the greatest antioxidant activity when rated against nineteen other vegetables, kale is rich in lutein (see page 61), a phytochemical that protects the eyes from macular degeneration, a major concern for people with diabetes and the leading cause of blindness in North America. It is also high in beta-carotene (antioxidant), indoles (help eliminate toxic compounds), sulforaphanes (anticarcinogens), and quercetins (anti-inflammatory agents). þbroccoli. | Phyllis A. Balch, CNC See book keywords and concepts | Limes contain the phytochemical psoralen, which can make the skin more sensitive to the sun. People who have or are prone to urinary tract infections should avoid citrus fruits, as they produce alkaline urine, which encourages bacterial growth.
Mangoes aid poor circulation. Mango juice combined with papaya juice helps to ease inflammation, digestive problems, fever, and pain. In parts of Asia, mango juice is used to relieve dehydration. Mangoes are one of the top fruit sources of beta-carotene, in addition to having a high vitamin C content. | Brenda Davis and Tom Barnard See book keywords and concepts | They are also phytochemical powerhouses. While variety is the real key to maximizing the benefits from these foods, dark green leafy vegetables definitely stand out as being especially protective. Make vegetables the central part of your meals for at least one or two meals each day. Include both cooked and raw vegetables where possible. Keep washed, cut-up vegetables in the fridge as handy snacks.
Legumes (4 to 6 servings)
Legumes are important sources of protein, iron, and zinc. They also contain a wealth of B vitamins, trace minerals, and some calcium. | Andrew Pengelly See book keywords and concepts | Phytochemical Database,
USDA—ARS—NGRL, Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville,
Elizabetsky, E., Coelho de Souza, G. P., Dos Santos, M. A. C, Siquieira, I. R. and Amador, I. R. 1995, 'Sedative properties of linalool', Fitoterapia LXVI: 407-415.
Elizabetsky, E., Silva Brum, L. F. and Souza, D. O. 1999, 'Anticonvulsant properties of linalool in glutamate-related seizure models', Phytomedicine 6: 107-113.
Endo, K., Kanno, E. and Oshima, Y. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.
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Phytochemicals Cancer Acid Foods Plant Vegetables Food Studies Garlic Content Fruits Research Supplements Activity Disease Diet Body Fruits and vegetables Fiber Study Vitamin Cells Source Fresh Prevent Plants Effects Intake Enzyme Levels Fruit Health Water People Properties Estrogen Beta-carotene Blood Broccoli Produce Seeds Sources Antioxidant Eat Active Skin Root Oil Eating Work Liver Chemicals New Juice Herb Supplement Risk Effect Time Cabbage Calcium Substances Tumors Enzymes Healthy Whole Growth Products Taking Beans Production Vitamin C Drug Increase Vitamins Tumor Species Natural Red Process Tea Drugs Ginger Anticancer Cancers Animal World Green Chemical Blood pressure Vegetable Leaves Breast Database Potential Family Stomach Helps Acids Isolated