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It's loaded with vitamins and plant compounds called phytochemicals, which protect your stomach's lining. Broccoli, broccoli sprouts, kohlrabi, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower — all members of cabbage's family tree - could be beneficial, too. Cranberry juice. Health experts have known for years that cranberry juice fights urinary tract infections. This tart drink has its own type of phytochemicals that prevent bacteria from setting up shop. Now researchers believe it might work against H. pylori in your stomach.

The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth: The Surprising, Unbiased Truth About What You Should Eat and Why

Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S.
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An analysis of their diet revealed a much higher intake of cabbage, and when the cabbage was analyzed, likely candidates for the effect were the phytochemicals called indoles. Years of research have now demonstrated that these indoles, in fact, alter estrogen metabolism in a favorable way, one that is likely to reduce the risk of cancer. Here's how it works. Estrogen has three basic metabolites, and they behave somewhat differently in the body.

101 Foods That Could Save Your Life!

David W. Grotto, RD, LDN
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They are rich in the phytochemicals 1,3-beta-glucan and avenanthramides. Oats contribute both soluble and insoluble fiber. Insoluble fiber benefits the digestive system. The soluble fiber found in oats works like a sponge by going after cholesterol and removing it before it has a chance to clog arteries and lead to heart disease. Home Remedies When oats first arrived on the scene in the American colonies, they were used to cure stomach discomfort and digestive ailments.

The Most Effective Natural Cures on Earth: The Surprising, Unbiased Truth about What Treatments Work and Why

Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S.
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Though the juice is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and amino acids, according to Steve Meyrerowitz, author of Power Juices, Super Drinks, the real healing wallop of aloe vera and aloe vera juice comes from the wealth of phytochemicals, such as the organic acids chrysophanic, salicylic, succinic, and uric, plus polysaccharides such as acemannan, enzymes such as glutathione peroxidase, and various resins. None of this, of course, was known to those hunter-gatherers a thousand years ago. They just knew that it worked.

PowerFoods: Good Food, Good Health with phytochemicals, Nature's Own Energy Boosters

Stephanie Beling
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From sweet treat fruits like figs to pungent, robust workhorses like garlic, in all their diverse textures, odors, tastes, and in a rainbow of color, the power of these plant foods is in the way the phytochemicals combine. When they do so, they ignite a synergy of pharmacological activity where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. It is only by eating the whole foods that you can benefit from the process at work inside your body. As a physician, I know that a way of eating that focuses on PowerFoods is far more in tune with our biology than the typical American diet today.

Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief

David Winston, RH(AHG), and Steven Maimes
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In attempting to discern the herb's active ingredients, researchers concluded that the most important phytochemicals were flavonoids, especially one known as vitexin-O-rhamnoside. When this substance was isolated and extracted, it was found to have no activity. Interestingly, when researchers tried giving the herb minus this specific chemical to animals, it no longer worked either. The active constituent of hawthorn turned out to be the herb itself. HOW ADAPTOGENS WORK Adaptogens have been defined and classified in this chapter.

Alternative Medicine Magazine's Definitive Guide to Sleep Disorders: 7 Smart Ways to Help You Get a Good Night's Rest

Herbert Ross, DC with Keri Brenner, L.Ac.
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Because in their whole form, they come packaged with complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, phytochemicals, and more—a veritable cornucopia of healthy nutrients. Plus, the fiber that they contain helps moderate the release of sugars into the bloodstream. These days, most of us are aware that fiber has many health benefits, from promoting good digestive function to helping reduce risk of certain diseases, including heart disease and cancer.

Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief

David Winston, RH(AHG), and Steven Maimes
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Various phytochemicals found in adaptogens have been isolated and researched. Most of the scientific research has been done in animals (in vivo) and in test tubes (in vitro) and published in Asian or European languages. There has been clinical (human) research that has confirmed animal research, but these studies were few and usually involved small samples of test subjects. Fortunately, there has been significant clinical research on a few adaptogens, including Asian ginseng, eleuthero, reishi, and rhodiola.

The Detox Strategy: Vibrant Health in 5 Easy Steps

Brenda Watson and Leonard Smith
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I think we're just beginning to understand the power of these phytochemicals and there will be nothing but good news ahead. Where you find a healthy dose of phytonutrients, you often find a cornucopia of vitamins and minerals. Calcium and Magnesium for Women Women have an extra need for these minerals, so you would do well to add a calcium/magnesium supplement containing the proper ratio of these important macronutrients. Avoid carbonate forms of calcium (e.g., Turns), and instead look for a calcium-magnesium chelate containing a 2:1 ratio.

Supplement Your Prescription: What Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Nutrition

Hyla Cass
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The deeper the color, the more antioxidants and other beneficial phytochemicals you 're getting. These foods also are rich in fiber that aids in digestion and carbohydrates that break down slowly for steady energy. Some even contain protein. To support your movement towards a more colorful diet, refer to Eat Your Colors by Marcia Zimmerman, M.Ed., C.N. (Owl Books, 2001), and What Color is Your Diet by David Heber, M.D. (HarperCollins, 2001). Fruits and vegetables are best bought fresh, the closer to picking time the better, and eaten soon after.

Anti-Aging Manual: The Encyclopedia of Natural Health

Joseph E. Mario
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Phytochemicals produce Phase-2 Enzymes that destroy cancer cells as they attach to normal cells, include Carotenoids (SEE Vitamin A), Ascorbates (SEE Vitamin C), Pectins (SEE under Mineral Hydrocarbon polysaccharides), Isoterpenes, Vitamin E Tocopherols, and Vitamin F Omega-3 essential fatty acids. phytochemicals will be used in "designed" foods ofthe future. SEE Carotenoid antioxidants Canthaxanthin and Lycopene under Vitamin A.

Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease

Ann M. Coulston and Carol J. Boushey
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Continued trials, for example, with lipids, amino acids, probiotics, short-chain fatty acid and fiber sources, antioxidant nutrients, and phytochemicals, may make enteral diets more effective in managing IBD (Table 8). Regardless of the issue of effectiveness of nutrition support as a primary therapy, both parenteral and enteral feedings are valuable in restoring nutritional reserves and allowing growth and maturation in children. Enteral nutrition is typically the route of choice for nutrition support whenever possible.

Adaptogens: Herbs for Strength, Stamina, and Stress Relief

David Winston, RH(AHG), and Steven Maimes
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It is not uncommon for studies to be done on animals and the results extrapolated to humans, even though people may metabolize various phytochemicals quite differently than animals. 2. Researchers have done studies on an herb without making sure that the substance they are examining truly is the herb in question, making results meaningless. 3. It is not uncommon for information on isolated constituents of an herb to be confused with results on the whole herb or for studies on injectable forms of herbs to be confused with studies of herbs taken orally. 4.
They believe that in many cases the whole herb has more value than its individual constituents and that most phytochemicals work better together in their natural matrix rather than in isolation. When considering different approaches to herbs, it is important to recognize the difference between the traditional herbal approach and the Western pharmacological approach. Traditional herbalists favor ingesting the whole herb or whole herb extract. Western pharmacologists usually take an herb, find the supposed active ingredient, extract it, and then study the isolated compound.

PowerFoods: Good Food, Good Health with phytochemicals, Nature's Own Energy Boosters

Stephanie Beling
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The real beta carotene that occurs naturally in both fruits and vegetables is very good for you indeed, especially when it combines with other phytochemicals. The National Cancer Institute confirmed that conclusion. The Power of This PowerFood Fruits are loaded with health benefits. To begin with, since water makes up 80 percent to 95 percent of most fruits, they are low in calories. In addition, fruits are excellent sources of fiber, both soluble and insoluble.

Supplement Your Prescription: What Your Doctor Doesn't Know About Nutrition

Hyla Cass
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When you eat a wide variety of these foods, you'll reap the benefits of a wide variety of plant chemicals (phytonutrient or phytochemicals), each with its own special benefits. ?Think—rainbow colors, fresh, and unusual! Plant chemicals known as phytonutrients, which are rich in antioxidant power, come in a great variety of colors. Picture a cornucopia of fruits and vegetables: crunchy orange carrots; deep purple eggplants; bright red plump tomatoes; shiny green peppers; luscious purple grapes; abundant green leaves of lettuce, kale, and spinach; yellow and green squash; large juicy peaches.

PowerFoods: Good Food, Good Health with phytochemicals, Nature's Own Energy Boosters

Stephanie Beling
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What scientists found—and are still finding—was that a single fruit or vegetable contains thousands of phytochemicals in trace amounts that interact in complex but complementary ways to prevent certain diseases and boost overall health. It is awesome to think that every bite of apricot, every leaf of a green leafy vegetable, every mushroom contains a rich chemical stew that can, among other things, block, retard, suppress, or flush away carcinogens; lower serum cholesterol and decrease arterial plaque; enhance the immune system; fight the effects of aging.

1001 Chemicals in Everyday Products

Grace Ross Lewis
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When it was determined that phytochemicals played a role in cancer prevention, many studies were conducted to determine which substances were most effective. The food industry supports nutrition research in cancer prevention and the possibility of supplementing foods with phytochemicals. 59. What are the phytochemicals? These are chemicals that are contained in all plant foods. In fact, the word "phyto" means "plant" in Greek. Interestingly, they are not vitamins or minerals. phytochemicals are not nutritious in the usual sense.

Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease

Ann M. Coulston and Carol J. Boushey
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Intake of macronutrients, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes, and phytochemicals may be compromised. 1. Macronutrient and overall nutrient intake Weight loss, growth failure, muscle wasting, and delayed maturation are some of the most common problems in adults and children with IBD, but several micronutrient deficiencies also occur. Anorexia, malaise, and malabsorption [61], concerns about potential adverse effects of eating, and perceived food intolerances may all contribute to decreased quality and quantity of food intake.
Conversion of Isoflavones Soy isoflavones, which may be classified as "other non-nutritive components," are phytochemicals found in soy beans. Currently, soy is the only recognized nutritionally relevant source of isoflavones. The primary isoflavones in soy are genistin and daidzin. Following ingestion, these glycosides are hydrolyzed by intestinal glucosidases and converted to the aglycone form of genistein and daidzein. These aglycones are further converted by certain intestinal microflora into specific metabolites, such as equol. Chemically, equol is similar to the hormone estradiol.
The anti-inflammatory effects of fibrous foods are commonly attributed to the short-chain fatty acids produced during colonic fermentation [49], but the harmful effect of a refined sugar diet may be more related to lack of immunoregulatory and anti-inflammatory micronutrients such as vitamins, phytochemicals, and antioxidants provided by fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. As mentioned, several dietary lipids can also affect the inflammatory process [22, 27, 34-40]. 5.
Some of the GSTs also deactivate other phytochemicals that are thought to exert protective effects. Included in the latter group would be the isothiocyanates from cruciferous vegetables, which are metabolized by GST, also resulting in their excretion [21]. Genetic variation in the pathway for a vitamin can affect the physiologic impact of intake of that vitamin. If a vitamin plays a role in cancer prevention, differences in the receptor for the vitamin could also affect the susceptibility of an individual to cancer.
On the other hand, most have no fiber and lack the phytochemicals provided by a normal diet. Some study of enteral products tailored for use in IBD are under way and additional study may be ultimately performed for the various subtypes of inflammatory bowel disease [99-102]. Subsequent results may better help clarify the role, effectiveness, and mechanisms of action for nutrition therapies. Probiotics are a relatively new and promising application in the management of IBD. If IBD is a result of an aberrant response to luminal bacteria, the attractiveness of probiotics is understandable.

PDR for Herbal Medicines, Fourth Edition

Thomson Healthcare, Inc.
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Antitumor-promoting and anti-inflammatory activities of licorice principles and their modified compounds, in Food phytochemicals II: Teas, Spices, and Herbs. American Chemical Society; 1994a. Shintani S, Murase H, Tsukagoshi H et al. Glycyrrhizin (Licorice)-induced hypokalemic myopathy. Eur Neurol; 32(1):44-51. 1992. Sigurjonsdottir HA, Franzson L, Manhem K et al. Liquorice-induced rise in blood pressure: a linear dose-response relationship. J Hum Hypertens; 15(8):549-552. 2001.Sigurjonsdottir HA, Manhem K, Axelson M et al.

The Green Tea Book

Lester A. Mitscher and Victoria Toews
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Perhaps you've already heard about phytonutrients, or know them by another name, such as nutriceuticals, phytochemicals, phytomedicines, or functional food factors. Regardless of their label, they're all the same thing: naturally occurring compounds found in plants (phyto is the Greek word for plant) that protect against disease and promote good health. Plants use these compounds for their own survival. Many act in the plant as hormones, enzymes, pigments, or growth regulators. Others provide color, odor, and taste.

PowerFoods: Good Food, Good Health with phytochemicals, Nature's Own Energy Boosters

Stephanie Beling
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The following list includes most of the essentials: O Vegetable brush O Three sharp knives: a paring knife, a chef's knife, a knife with a serrated edge O Vegetable peeler O Colander O Collapsible metal steamer O Blender O Cutting board O Rubber or plastic spatulas in a range of sizes O Wooden spoons O Lots of storage bags and covered containers The fact is, the skins, cores, and interior membranes of fruits and vegetables are nutrient-rich, stockpiled with phytochemicals.

Food Synergy: Unleash Hundreds of Powerful Healing Food Combinations to Fight Disease and Live Well

Elaine Magee
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Matthew Wallig, DVM, PhD, professor of comparative pathology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, discovered that crambene, one of the phytochemicals in cruciferous vegetables (like broccoli), is more active when combined with another better-known cruciferous phyto-chemical, indole-3-carbinol. There's also evidence that components in broccoli have synergy with components in other plant foods.

Transdermal Magnesium Therapy

Mark Sircus
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Chlorella algae contain phytochemicals that support detoxification while the cell walls function as an ion exchange resin to absorb and retain toxic metals which can then be excreted. Chlorella is a food-like all purpose mild detoxifier (not chelator) of heavy metals. The detoxification capability of chlorella is due to its unique cell wall and the material associated with it. The cell walls of chlorella have been shown to have three layers of which the thicker middle layer contains cellulose microfibrils.

Food Synergy: Unleash Hundreds of Powerful Healing Food Combinations to Fight Disease and Live Well

Elaine Magee
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The lab studies showed (continued on page 76) Flavonol-Rich Foods What three foods contain the most flavonols (the group of phytochemicals that includes quercetin, along with mycertin and kaempferol)? Why, it's onions, apples, and tea! For more on each of these powerful foods, turn to pages 86, 118, and 132. The flavonoids anthocyanin and proanthocyanidins provide color and antioxidant activity to many fruits and vegetables. Often, we can let our eyes guide us to the fruits and vegetables highest in flavonoids-the ones with the most color! You'll find them in these fruits and vegetables.

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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Properties:

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...and Biological Functions:

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...and Drugs:

...and Diuretic
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...and Steroids
...and Aspirin
...and Antibiotic
...and Chemotherapy
...and Antibiotics
...and Antidepressants
...and Tablets

...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
...and Blood cholesterol
...and Blood sugar levels
...and Triglycerides
...and Blood levels
...and Body weight
...and Heart rate
...and Blood glucose
...and Height

...and Ingredients:

...and Sodium
...and Fructose
...and Msg
...and Aspartame
...and Food additives
...and Preservatives
...and Lactose

...and Organizations:

...and Usda
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...and Animals:

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...and Treatment Modalities:

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...and Supplements:

...and Flaxseed oil
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...and Coenzyme q10
...and Fish oil

Related Concepts:

Vitamin C
Fruits and vegetables
Vitamin E
Vitamin b3
Amino acids
Vitamin b6
Heart disease
Vitamin A
Blood pressure