Of course, there's no harm in using already cooked or processed tomatoes; in fact, once cooked, the phytochemicals are rendered more available and thus more likely to be absorbed.
No one has to ask me twice to eat more tomatoes. I'll get them any way I can. Here are some of my favorite ways to enjoy tomatoes. þToss cherry or grape tomatoes in green or pasta salads. þStick tomato slices in a sandwich or have them sitting pretty on an open-faced grilled cheese. þChop and add tomatoes to an egg dish or vegetable saute. þEnjoy dishes featuring tomato-based sauces, such as marinara or salsa. | Gabriel Cousens See book keywords and concepts | My favorite anti-inflammatory food is ginger; it has active phytochemicals called gingerols, which have been shown to be quite effective in the treatment of arthritis and other inflammation problems. Used in conjunction with curcumin, these two have been shown to improve gene expression in regard to the anti-inflammatory response.6 One popular flavonoid is quercetin. Found in apples, onions, and garlic, quercetin helps improve gene expression related to allergy and arthritis, and helps maintain the integrity of vascular tissue for improved circulation. | Elaine Magee See book keywords and concepts | Broccoli is rich in sulforaphane (a member of the isothiocyanate family of phytochemicals), which stimulates enzymes in the body that detoxify carcinogens before they have a chance to damage cells in the first place. Through different mechanisms, indole-3-carbinol and crambene activate enzymes that help the body eliminate carcinogens before they can harm our genes.
In Dr. Wallig's recent study, his team exposed the detoxification enzymes to both indole-3-carbinol and crambene at the same time. | The members of this veggie family can thank these phytochemicals for their notoriously pungent aroma.) How do garlic supplements stack up against the real thing? According to the experts at Environmental Nutrition, eating fresh garlic regularly is still the best advice. An independent testing firm analyzed 16 brands of garlic supplements and found that few products clearly label how much active compound they contain; even when they do, it's often not accurate.
It's probably not one component in garlic and onions that holds the wealth of health benefits, either, but a combination of substances. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | You've got spirulina, which contains anticancer phytochemicals called phycocyanin, which provide a blue-green color. When injected into breast tumors in laboratory studies in Japan, it's been shown to cause breast tumors to self-destruct. You've got chlorella and oxygen treatments. There is a product out there called Cell Food; when you take it into your body, it creates nascent oxygen and hydrogen. This oxygen helps create an environment in the body in which your body naturally eliminates its own cancerous cells. That's just the tip of the iceberg here. | Phyllis A. Balch, CNC See book keywords and concepts | Phytochemicals: Betaine, beta-(Astragalus sitosterol, formononetin, isoliquiritimembranaceus) genin. Nutrients: Calcium, choline, copper, essential fatty acids, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, zinc.
Acts as a tonic to protect the immune system. Aids adrenal gland function and digestion. Increases metabolism, produces spontaneous sweating, promotes healing, and provides energy to combat fatigue and prolonged stress. Increases stamina. Good for colds, flu, and immune-deficiency-related problems, including AIDS, cancer, and tumors. Effective for chronic lung weakness. | Erich Grotewold See book keywords and concepts | ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
We appreciate the comments of Rebecca Lamb on this manuscript. Research on regulators of anthocyanin biosynthesis and on the mechanisms of pH regulation in petunia in the Quattrocchio laboratory is supported by grants of the Netherlands Organization for Life Science (ALW) and the Netherlands Technology Foundation (STW) with financial aid from the Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Research (NWO). A. Baudry and part of the research carried out in the Lepiniec laboratory are supported by a grant from GABI-Genoplante. | by Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Fruit, in general, is an excellent source of many vital antioxidant nutrients and phytochemicals, such as vitamin C, carotenes, flavonoids, and polyphenols. Regular fruit consumption, like regular vegetable consumption, has been shown to offer significant protection against many chronic degenerative diseases, including cancer, heart disease, cataracts, and strokes. Although most fruit is seasonal, with modern transportation methods a wide variety of healthful fresh fruit is now available to most people year-round. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | He can name the phytochemicals in these foods and in these herbs that are antiviral. He's done the research. In fact, the government hired Dr. James Duke to assess the chemistry profile of these medicinal herbs and put them in a database. The information is all there; it's all proven. This isn't even debatable. The only thing that's being debated is whether or not the public should be told about it, and, so far, the answer has been, "Keep people in the dark."
It's censorship, plain and simple. Sometimes censorship has a very high cost. It certainly seems like it's heading in that direction. | by Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Legumes contain many important nutrients and phytochemicals, and when combined with grains, they form a complete protein. According to studies conducted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, richly colored dried beans offer a high degree of antioxidant protection. In fact, small red kidney beans rated the highest, just ahead of blueberries.
Legumes and Flatulence
One of the problems caused by eating legumes is increased intestinal flatulence (gas) or intestinal discomfort. Most humans pass gas a total of fourteen times per day, for a total of 1 pint. | Richard Beliveau, Ph.D. and Denis Gingras, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | All fruits and vegetables were not created equal: in terms of their value in phytochemicals active against cancer, the potato or the carrot cannot be compared to, say, broccoli or kale, any more than bananas can be compared to grapes or cranberries. Important differences exist in the levels of active compounds present in fruits and vegetables; in some cases, a particular phytochemical occurs in one food only. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | I mean, the understanding of what phytonutrients are, of what phytochemicals are and into which category antioxidants are categorized is a whole new waking science about their benefits.
There's a new frontier of "cosmeceuticals" and other forms of life-extending and vanity drugs and medicines that are gaining more and more popularity, but again, they're brand new in this 21st century, and you know what? | Phyllis A. Balch, CNC See book keywords and concepts | Phytochemicals: Beta-carotene, gallic
(Myrica acid, myristic acid, phenol. Nutrients: cerifera) Calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, zinc, vitamins B-\, B2, B3, and C.
Acts as a decongestant and astringent. Aids circulation, reduces fever. Helps stop bleeding. Good for circulatory disorders, fever, hypothyroidism, and ulcers. Also good for the eyes and the immune system.
The wax of the berries is used to make fragrant candles.
Caution: Should not be used at high dosages or for prolonged periods. May temporarily irritate sensitive stomachs. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | It would allow cherry growers, for example, to reference the published scientific studies that report on the healing benefits of the phytochemicals found in cherries.
It is a shame that in this country we even need such a bill, but we do need it, because the level of censorship, oppression, and tyranny now practiced by the FDA has reached its apex, and we must fight back with legislation that ends the tyranny of the Food and Drug Administration and reinforces our right to access information that can help us live happier, healthier and longer lives. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | These oils will also help you regulate blood sugar levels, and there are phytochemicals in almonds that help fight cancer and regulate the growth of cancer tumors. In fact, almonds are one of the healing foods that I name in my upcoming book, Grocery Healing. They are a fantastic way to create a healing effect in your body.
So far, we have almond butter and date paste, which provide the delicious taste of the food bar -- the fat and the sweetness. But both the fat and the sweetness are provided in a healthy form. | Spirulina contains very powerful anti-cancer phytonutrients and phytochemicals. It is also a complete source of highly digestible protein. I've often said that spirulina's protein is 12 times more digestible than beef, ounce per ounce -- and it's absolutely true. If you are having trouble digesting protein, as many people are who are over 60 years of age, then spirulina is a fantastic source for making sure you get high quality protein assimilated into your body. Spirulina also contains some healthy oils such as GLA, an oil that is essential for the healthy functioning of your nervous system. | Richard Beliveau, Ph.D. and Denis Gingras, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | This amount corresponds to the daily ingestion of a cocktail of some 5,000 to 10,000 different phytochemicals! Far from being negligible, the phytochemical content of fruits and vegetables is without a doubt an essential attribute of these foods.
Until very recently, vitamins, minerals, and fibres were considered the only substances responsible for the beneficial effects of fruits and vegetables in the prevention of chronic diseases such as cancer. However, results obtained in the last few years have cast these conclusions into
MACRONUTRIENTS doubt. | Phyllis A. Balch, CNC See book keywords and concepts | Bilberry Entire Phytochemicals: Anthocyanosides,
(Vaccinium plant. beta-carotene, caffeic acid, caryomyrtillus) phyllene, catechin, chlorogenic acid, ferulic acid, gallic acid, hyperoside, lutein, quercetin, quercitrin, ursolic acid, vanillic acid. Nutrients: Calcium, inositol, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, sulfur, zinc, vitamins B^ B2, B3, and C.
Acts as an antioxidant, diuretic, and urinary tract antiseptic. Keeps blood vessels flexible, allowing increased blood flow. Helps control insulin levels and strengthen connective tissue. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | Mike Adams: Let me shift gears, if I could, and ask you about some of the phytochemicals and research. Is the Amazon herb company getting into sponsoring any kind of research to further explore the medicinal value of the herbs?
Amazon John: Your questions are so timely! I just left Phoenix last week, and we were one of the corporate founders of Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine. I was one of the speakers at their very first graduating class in 1996. And last week was the second time I've been on campus giving a presentation and it was overwhelming, the response from the students. | Richard Beliveau, Ph.D. and Denis Gingras, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Plants cannot flee their attackers and have consequently had to develop advanced defence systems to counter the harmful effects of aggressors present in their environment. The phytochemicals produced by plants have antibacterial, antifungal, and insec-ticidal properties; they repair the damage caused by aggressors and allow the plant to survive in hostile conditions. | THE PREVENTION OF CANCER THROUGH DIET
Almost all of life's misfortunes come from false ideas we hold about what is happening to us.
Stendhal, Journal (1801-1805)
The Curse of Cancer
Some people have an irrational fear of flying; others are terrorized by the idea of sharks or by lightning: the fear of fatal consequences that might arise from events beyond our control is, after all, a very human characteristic. | by Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Specifically, one of the key phytochemicals in cabbage, indole-3-carbinole (I3C), has been shown to be effective in reversing cervical cancer at dosages of 200 to 400 milligrams per day.
Other Recommendations
Avoid cigarettes, as smoking is a major risk factor for cervical dysplasia and cervical cancer. In fact, the incidence of cervical dysplasia in smokers is two to three times greater than that in nonsmokers. | Mike Adams See book keywords and concepts | Now we know that it is loaded with phytochemicals — with isoflavones like genistein, cholesterol-lowering daidzein, protease inhibitors, phytic acids, saponins, phenolic acids, and intense concentrations of coumarins. This is a stew with potent properties as an antioxidant and with phytosterols that compete against the hormone-related cancers; it's a hormone-deflecting, tumor-suppressing, blood-thinning, virus-fighting, cholesterol-lowering warrior.
Genistein, for example, has been shown to thwart cancer at every stage of its development. | Robyn Landis, Herbal Defense
These antioxidant phytochemicals form the water-soluble colors of vegetables, fruits, grains, leaves, and bark. There are many types of flavonoids, and different plants contain varying concentrations of them. In fact, studies have shown that some flavonoids possess up to 50 times more antioxidant activity than vitamins C and E - and those in red grapes are more than 1,000 times more powerful than vitamin E in inhibiting oxidation of human LDL cholesterol! | Add phytochemical supplements and superfoods to your diet. The phytochemicals found in plants offer extraordinary health benefits, including protection against cancer, heart disease, oxidation, aging, and much more. My recommendations: chlorella, spirulina, Jenny Lee Supergreens, Berry Green, The Ultimate Meal, whole food complexes (green foods mixes) and sea vegetables.
• Add unrefined coconut oil (or macadamia nut oil) to your diet. Coconut oil is an extremely healthy, plant derived source of healthy saturated fats that's made up of medium chain triglycerides. | It is also prone to oxidation by light, air, and heat, especially after the refining process has robbed it of its natural antioxidants and phytochemicals. Hydrogenation was the answer. Through modern alchemy, vegetable oil could be heated, exposed to a metal catalyst such as nickel or copper, and transformed into a more plastic, less perishable fat. This fat could then be added to convenience foods, allowing them to be shipped in warm, humid weather and parked on the grocery shelf for months on end. | It is estimated that millions of chemicals are synthesized by plants as a result of the diversity of products that biochemical processes have produced over millions of years
- Carcinogens And Anticarcinogens In The Human Diet, The National Research Council
The plant kingdom is the only source of healing phytochemicals a person needs to be healthy and vibrant. Right now, plants all across the globe are synthesizing miracle-class compounds that offer astounding health benefits to humans. | The fact that the phytochemicals in fruits and vegetables are potent anticancer agents helps explain why cancer studies involving vitamin supplements have had such lackluster results: The pills contain only a fraction of what the plants have to offer. Until researchers can identify and encapsulate all the myriad healing substances found in plants, it is far wiser to eat the whole foods themselves. This way, you will be getting all their known cancer-fighting nutrients - plus all those yet to be identified.
-Artemis P. Simopoulos, M.D. | by Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Meat lacks the antioxidants and phytochemicals that protect us from cancer. At the same time, it contains lots of saturated fat and other potentially carcinogenic (cancer-causing) compounds, including pesticide residues, as well as heterocyclic amines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which form when meat is grilled, fried, or broiled. The better done the meat, the higher level of amines and hydrocarbons.
Some proponents of a diet high in meats claim that we should eat the way our caveman ancestors did, but that argument doesn't really hold up. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | Weeds are smarter than the pharmaceutical industry
Take a close look at a plant and marvel at how it is an independent pharmaceutical factory; how one plant sitting in a yard can produce $100,000 worth of healing phytochemicals that save many lives, even though it doesn't know what it's doing. In fact, I bet there is a plant in your yard right now, called the dandelion plant, that contains literally hundreds of different chemical compounds with medicinal potential. We already know that dandelion leaves and roots protect the liver, support kidney function and help regulate blood sugar. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.
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...and Adjectives:...and Fresh ...and Whole ...and Green ...and New ...and Red ...and Natural ...and Beneficial ...and Healthy ...and Free ...and Active
...and Plants and Herbs:...and Leaves ...and Garlic ...and Ginger ...and Root ...and Roots ...and Saponins ...and Bark ...and Spices ...and Stems ...and Flowers
...and Actions:...and Eat ...and Eating ...and Growth ...and Taking ...and Cooking ...and Avoid ...and Drink ...and Protects ...and Preventing ...and Making
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...and Biological Functions:...and Digestion ...and Metabolism ...and Vision ...and Memory ...and Attention ...and Weight loss ...and Concentration ...and Period ...and Breath ...and Menstruation
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...and Ingredients:...and Sodium ...and Fructose ...and Msg ...and Aspartame ...and Food additives ...and Preservatives ...and Lactose
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...and Supplements:...and Flaxseed oil ...and Spirulina ...and Coenzyme q10 ...and Fish oil
Related Concepts:
Acid Vitamin Foods Cancer Nutrients Vegetables Food Body Fiber Calcium Disease Potassium Plant Iron Magnesium Vitamins Beta-carotene Zinc Diet Vitamin C Phytochemical Fruit Manganese Prevent Fruits People Eat Health Leaves Water Fruits and vegetables Antioxidant Research Cells Vitamin E Fresh Source Beans Folate Skin Antioxidants Protein Effects Studies Seeds Blood Properties Levels Risk Whole Minerals Helps Selenium Work Substances Oil Intake Garlic Plants Vitamin b3 Amino acids Broccoli Flavor Supplements Copper Green Acids Disorders Vitamin b6 Quercetin Heart disease Vegetable New Cabbage Content Chemicals Heart Enzymes Vitamin A Red Sources Study Liver Flavonoids Damage Effect Family Eating Blood pressure Nutrition Products Natural Herbs Juice Beneficial Problems Sodium Cancers Herb Healthy