David Winston, RH(AHG), and Steven Maimes See book keywords and concepts | All German medical students must learn phytomedicine, and approximately 80 percent of German physicians regularly use plant medications in their practice. In England, herbalists are recognized health care providers. This is also true in Australia.
Because the primary markets for phytomedicines are Germany, France, and Italy, most research papers on them are published in European journals in non-English languages. However, in recent years more research is being published in English. | Thomson Healthcare, Inc. See book keywords and concepts | Antiphage activity in extracts of plants growing in Greece. phytomedicine 4 (2); 117-124. 1997.
Schimmer O, Mauthner H, Polymethoxylated xanthones from the herb of Centaurium erythraea with strong antimutagenic properties in Salmonella typhimurium. In: PM 62(6):561-564. 1996.
Schimmer O, Mauthner H. Centaurium erythraea RAFN. Tausendgiildenkraut / Portrait einer Arzneipflanze. Z Phytother. 15; 297-304. 1994.
Schimmer O, Mauthner H, Centaurium erythraea RAFN. Tausendgiildenkraut. In: ZPT 15(5):299-304. 1994. | David Winston, RH(AHG), and Steven Maimes See book keywords and concepts | The European phytomedicine market is estimated at more than $8 billion in annual sales, 70 percent of which are made in Germany, a country with a rich tradition of herbal medicine. One survey revealed that 76 percent of German women drink herbal teas for health benefits.
Herbal Medicine in the United States
Throughout the nineteenth century, several groups of physicians who practiced herbal medicine existed in the United States. These included the Thomsonians or Botanic physicians, their descendents the Phys-iomedicalists, and the most prominent group known as the Eclectic physicians. | Steven V. Joyal See book keywords and concepts | Cinnamaldehyde—a potential antidiabetic agent. phytomedicine 2007 Jan; l4(l):15-22.
Babu PV et al. Green tea attenuates diabetes induced Maillard-type fluorescence and collagen cross-linking in the heart of streptozotocin diabetic rats. Pharmacol Res 2007 May; 55(5):433-40.
Basu R et al. Obesity and type 2 diabetes impair insulin-induced suppression of glycogenolysis as well as gluconeogenesis. Diabetes
2005 Jul; 54(7):1942-48.
Belobrajdic DP et al. A high-whey-protein diet reduces body weight gain and alters insulin sensitivity relative to red meat in Wi-star rats. | James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Balm mint extract (Lo-701) for topical treatment of recurring herpes labialis. phytomedicine 6:225-30.
McCune, M. A., et al. 1984. Treatment of recurrent herpes simplex infections with L-lysine hydrochloride. Cutis 34:366-73.
Vynograd N., I. Vynograd and Z. Sosnowski. 2000. A comparative multi-centre study of the efficacy of propolis, Acyclovir and a placebo in the treatment of genital herpes. phytomedicine 7(1): 1-6.
Herpes Zoster. | Thomson Healthcare, Inc. See book keywords and concepts | In vitro inhibition of 5-Lipoxygenase by protolichsternic acid from Cetraria islandica. phytomedicine 1; 187-191. 1994
Ingolfsdottir K, Jurcic K, Fischer B, Wagner H. Immunologically Active Polysaccharide from Cetraria islandica. Planta Med. 60; 527-531. 1994
Kramer P, Wincierz U, Griibler G, Tschakert J, Voelter W, Mayer H. Rational Approach to Fractionation, Isolation, and Characterization of Polysaccharides from Lichen Cetraria islandica. Arzneim Forsch. 45 (6); 726-731. 1995
Nagell A, Griin TA. Reinheitspr, fung an pflanzlichen Rohstoffen und daraus hergestellten Zubereitungen. | David W. Grotto, RD, LDN See book keywords and concepts | Zea mays L extracts modify glomerular function and potassium urinary excretion in conscious rats. phytomedicine 2005; 12:363-369.
Yuan JM, Stram DO, Arakawa K, Lee HP, Yu MC. Dietary cryptoxanthin and reduced risk of lung cancer: the Singapore Chinese Health Study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2003 Sep;12(9):890-898.
Cranberries www.cranberryinstitute.com; http://nccam.nih.gov/health/cranberry/
Antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of common fruits. / Agric Food Chem. 2002 Dec 4;50(25):7449-7454.
Crews WD et al. | Sitosterol activates Fas signaling in human breast cancer cells. phytomedicine. 2007 Mar 9 [Epub ahead of print].
Kocyigit A, Koylu AA, Keles H. Effects of pistachio nuts consumption on plasma lipid profile and oxidative status in healthy volunteers. Nutr Metab Cardiovasc Dis. 2006 Apr;16(3):202-209.
Plums (prunes) www.californiadriedplums.org
Aggarwal BB, Shishodia S. Molecular targets of dietary agents for prevention and therapy of cancer. Biochemical Pharmacology. 2007 May;71(10):1397-1421.
Arjmandi BH et al. Dried plums improve indices of bone formation in postmenopausal women. | Thomson Healthcare, Inc. See book keywords and concepts | The effect of Menyanthes trifolita E on acute renal failure might due to PAF-inhibition. In: phytomedicine 1:39-45. 1994.
Bog Bilberry
Vaccinium uliginosum description
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried ripe fruit.
Flower and Fruit: The flowers are arranged in axils of small leaves at the end of short lateral branches. They are hanging and white or reddish in color. The pedicle is encircled at the base with a light brown bud husk. The calyx is fused with the ovary. The fruit is a round or pear-shaped, blue-frosted, 7 to 10 cm long, multiseeded berry. | Efficacy and safety of Buxus sempervirens L preparations (SVP30) in HIV-infected asymptomatic patients: a multicentre, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. phytomedicine 5(1): 1-10. 1998.
Frohne D, Pfander HJ, Giftpflanzen - Ein Handbuch fur Apotheker, Toxikologen und Biologen, 4. Aufl., Wiss. Verlags-Ges Stuttgart 1997.
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Khodshaev BU et al., (1984) Khim Prir Soedin 6:802. | Antimycobacterial crude plant extracts from South, Central, and North America. phytomedicine 5 (2); 137-145 (1998).
Lu T, Menelaou MA, Vargas D, Fronczek FR, Fischer NH. Polyacetylenes and Diterpenes from Solidago canadensis. Phytochemistry 32; 1483-1488 (1993).
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Tiansheng L et al. | Pharmacologically active procyanidines from the bark of Uncaria tomentosa. Phytomedicine; 4(3):265-266. 1997
Wurm M, Kacani L, Laus G et al: Pentacyclic oxindole alkaloids from Uncaria tomentosa induce human endothelial cells to release a lymphocyte-proliferation-regulating factor. Planta Med; 64(8):701-704. 1998
Zhang W, Liu G-X. Effects of rhynchophylline on myocardial contractility in anesthetized dogs and cats. Acta Pharmacol Sin; 7:426-428. 1986
Zhu Y et al. Negatively chronotropic and inotropic effects of rhynchophylline and isorhynchophylline on isolated guinea pig atria. | Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. See book keywords and concepts | What the Research Shows
The August 2005 issue of phytomedicine published an analysis of sixteen clinical trials that investigated using 180 to 200 mg of enteric-coated peppermint oil in children with IBS or recurrent abdominal pain. Twelve of these trials were placebo controlled. Eight out of the twelve placebo-controlled studies showed statistically significant effects in favor of peppermint oil. The average response rate in terms of "overall success," meaning a reduction in symptoms, was 58 percent. | Joerg Gruenwald, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Gobel H, Schmidt G, Dworschak M, Stolze H, Heuss D, (1995b) Essential plant oils and headache mechanisms. phytomedicine 2:93-103.
Gobel H, Schmidt G, Effekt von Pfefferminz- und Eukalyptusolpraparationen in experimentellen Kopfschmerzmodellen. In: ZPT 16(l):23-33. 1995.
Gobel H, Schmidt G, Soyka D, (1994) Effect of peppermint and eucalyptus oil preparations on neurophysiological and experimental algesimetric headache parameters. Cephalalgia 14:228-234.
Grafe AK, Besonderheiten der Arzneimittel therapie im Sauglings- und Kindesalter. In: PZ 140(30):2659-2667. 1995. | Gary Null and Amy McDonald See book keywords and concepts | Boerner RJ; Sommer H; et al. phytomedicine, 2003, 10 (Suppl. 4):38-49.
This double-blind study determined that kava-kava extract LI 150 is well tolerated and as effective as psychopharmaceuticals in the acute treatment of generalized anxiety disorder.
Double-blind, Controlled, Crossover Trial of Inositol Versus Fluvoxamine for the Treatment of Panic Disorder. Palatnik A; Frolov K; et al. Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 2001 June, 21(3):335-339.
Patients receiving inositol experienced a reduction in the number of panic attacks per week by 4.0, compared with a reduction of 2. | Joerg Gruenwald, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Kirchhoff R, Beckers CH, Kirchhoff GM, Trinczek-Gartner H, Petrowicz O, Reimann HJ (1994) Increase in choleresis by means of artichoke extract. phytomedicine 1:107-115.
Reuter HD, Pflanzliche Gallentherapeutika (Teil I) und (Teil II). In: ZPT 16(1): 13-20, 77-89. 1995.
Schilcher H, Pharmazeutische Aspekte pflanzlicher Gallentherapeutika. In: ZPT 16(4):211-222. 1995.
Schmidt M, Phytotherapie: Pflanzliche Gallenwegstherapeutika. In: DAZ 135(8):680-682. 1995.
Wasielewski S, Artischockenblatterextrakt: Prevention der Arteriosklerose?. In: DAZ 137(24):2065-2067. 1997. | Vesper J, Hansgen KD, (1994) Efficacy of Ginkgo biloba in 90 Outpatients with Cerebral Insufficiency Caused by Old Age. phytomedicine 1:9-16.
Volz HP, Hansel R, (1994) Ginkgo biloba - Grundlagen und Anwendung in der Psychiatrie. Psychopharmakotherapie 1:70-76.
Vorberg G, Schenk N, Schmidt U, (1989) Wirksamkeit eines neuen Ginkgo-biloba- Extraktes bei 100 Patienten mit zerebraler Insuffizien. Z Herz + Gefa^e 9:396-401.
Wichtl M, Pflanzliche Geriatrika. In: DAZ 132(30):1576. 1992.
Woerdenberg HJ, Van Beek T.A. Ginkgo biloba. In: DeSmet PAGM, Keller K, Hansel R, Chandler RF, ed. | Harrer G, Sommer H, Treatment of mild/moderate depressions with Hypericum. In: phytomedicine 1:3-8. 1994.
Hiller KO, Rahlfs V, Therapeutische Aquivalenz eines hochdosierten Phytopharmakons mit Amytriptylin bei angstlich-depressiven Versimmungen - Reanalyse einer randomisierten Studie unter besonderer Beachtung biometrischer und klinischer Aspekte. In: Forsch.
Holzl J, Inhaltsstoffe und Wirkungsmechanismen des
Johanniskrautes. In: ZPT 14(5):255. 1993.
Hdlzl J, Ostrowski E, (1986) Planta Med 6:62P. | Wagner H, Wilier F, Samtleben R, Boos G (1994) Search for the antiprostatic principle of stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) roots. phytomedicine 1:213-224.
Wilier F, Wagner H, Schecklies E, Urtica-Wurzelextrakte. In: DAZ 131(24):1217. 1991.
Further information in:
Madaus G, Lehrbuch der Biologischen Arzneimittel, Bde 1-3, Nachdruck, Georg Olms Verlag Hildesheim 1979.
Schulz R, Hansel R, Rationale Phytotherapie, Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1996.
Steinegger E, Hansel R, Pharmakognosie, 5. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg 1992.
Teuscher E, Biogene Arzneimittel, 5. Aufl., Wiss. Verlagsges. | A systematic, criteria-based overview. phytomedicine 2:67-71.
Freytag WE, (1984) Dtsch Apoth Ztg 124(46):2383.
Giese AC, (1980) Hypericism. Photochem Photobiol Rev 5:229-255.
Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G, (Hrsg.), (1993) Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Auflage, Drogen E-O. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg New York, S 268-292.
Hansgen KD, Vesper J, (1996) Antidepressive Wirksamkeit eines hochdosierten Hypericum-Extraktes. Munch Med Wschr 138:29-33.
Harrer G, Payk TR, Schulz V, (Hrsg) Hypericum als pflanzliches Antidepressivum. Nervenheilkunde 12:268-366. | Amarjit S. Basra See book keywords and concepts | Studies on the binding of Urtica dioica agglutinin (UDA) and other lectins in an in vitro epidermal growth factor recptor test, phytomedicine, 4: 287-290.
31. Wagner et al., 1994, Search for the antiprostatic principle of stinging nettle.
32. Bruhn, C, 2002, Dronabinol der Wirkstoff im Hanf, Dtsch. Apoth. Ztg. 142: 3057-3063.
3.3. Baker, D., Pryce, G., Croxford, J.L., Brown, P., Pertwee, R.G., Huffman J.W., and Layward, L., 2000, Cannabinoids control spasticity and tremor in a multiple sclerosis model, Nature, 404: 84-87.
34. Williamson, E.M. and Evans, F.J. | Investigation of Cecropia and Crataegus extracts for their angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory and vasorelaxant activities, phytomedicine, 1: 93.
26. Dirsch, V.M., Gerbes, A.T., and Vollmar, A.M., 1998, Ajone, a compound of garlic, induces apoptosis in human promyclo-leucemie species and activation of nuclear factor kb, Mol. Pharmacol., 53: 402-407.
27. Dirsch, V.M., Kiemer, A.K., Wagner, H., and Vollmar, A.M., 1998, Effect of allicin and ajoene, two compounds of garlic on inducible nitric oxide synthase, Atherosclerosis, 139: 333-339.
28. Schilcher, H.. | Numerous reviews and books have been published since 1985, offering a view of the state of research in phytomedicine, its tasks, and its methods. | Michael Friedman, ND See book keywords and concepts | Choleretic activity and biliary elimination of lipids and bile acids induced by an artichoke leaf extract in rats. phytomedicine. 2002 Dec;9(8):687-93.
60.Velussi M, Cernigoi AM, De Monte A, et al. Long-term (12 months) treatment with an anti-oxidant drug (Sily-marin) is effective on hyperinsulinemia, exogenous insulin need and malondialdehyde levels in cirrhotic diabetic patients.J Hepatol 1997; 26(4):87l-79.
61. McDermott MT. Endocrine Secrets. Philadelphia, PA: Hanley and Belfus Inc, 1998.
62. Sadri P, Lautt W. Blockade of hepatic nitric oxide synthase causes insulin resistance. | Amarjit S. Basra See book keywords and concepts | REPPED: Trends and Challenges in Phytomedicine: Research in the New Millennium
Hildebert Wagner
To define and describe the future tasks of phytomedicinal research in the new millennium requires an analysis not only of the current state of development of phytomedicinal research but also of chemosynthetic pharmaceutical research. Both find themselves in a race to develop new medicines, with fewer or no side effects, for therapeutic and preventive application in illnesses for which causality-based treatment has been nonexistent or imperfect. | James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | A comparative multi-centre study of the efficacy of propolis, Acyclovir and a placebo in the treatment of genital herpes. phytomedicine 7(1): 1-6.
Herpes Zoster. See Shingles
Hiatal Hernia and Acid Reflux Disease
A person is said to have a hiatal hernia when part of the stomach protrudes, or herniates, through the opening of the diaphragm and into the chest cavity. While almost half of all Americans over the age of forty have this disorder, many of these people experience few, if any, symptoms. | Amarjit S. Basra See book keywords and concepts | Turmeric or Curcuma longa (Zingiberaceae) is an example of a species that in recent years has been shown to have the potential for being developed either into a phytomedicine or one of its main constituents—curcu-min—may well be a lead compound for novel anti-inflammatory pharmaceuticals. The species is endemic to peninsular India, especially the provinces of Tamil Nadu, West Bengal, and Maharashtra. It is the rhizome that is the source of turmeric, widely used in both Indian cuisine, the dyeing of cloth, and traditional medicine. Turmeric is produced by grinding the dried rhizome to a powder. | James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | A double-blind placebo-controlled study of four weeks treatment. phytomedicine 3:113-19.
Volz, H. P., and M. Kieser. 1997. Kaya (Piper methysticum)—Kava (Piper methysticum) extract WS 1490 versus placebo in anxiety disorders. A randomized placebo-controlled 25-week outpatient trial. Pharmacopsychiatry 30:1-5.
Warnecke, G. 1991. Psychosomatic dysfunctions in the female climacteric. Clinical effectiveness and tolerance of kava (Piper methysticum) extract WS 1490. Fortschritte de medizin 119-22 [in Gerrnan].
Arteriosclerosis. | Amarjit S. Basra See book keywords and concepts | The bark of Prunus africana—a tree from the higher altitude forests of Africa and Madagascar—has become an important European phytomedicine used for benign prostatic hyperplasia.30 Within Africa, different decoctions of the plant are also used to treat various conditions including fevers, urinary tract infections, inflammation (bark tea), and wound dressings (leaves), and the leaf sap is drunk for insanity. Although it has been an established medicine for many years (i.e., has been a licensed drug in many European countries), recently the demand has increased substantially. | Mark Blumenthal See book keywords and concepts | An in vitro evaluation of human cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibition by selected commercial herbal extracts and tinctures. phytomedicine 2000 Jul;7(4):273-82.
Cabieses F. The saga of the cat's claw. Lima, Peru: Via Lactea Editores; 1994.
CAMR. See: Center for Alternative Medicine Research.
Center for Alternative Medicine Research. Cat's Claw Summary [University of Texas, Health Science Center at Houston, School of Public Health web site]. 4 May 1999. Available at: http://www.sph.uth.tmc.edu/utcam/summary/cat.htm. Accessed 18 Oct 1999.
Cerri R, Aquino R, De Simone F, Pizza C. |
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