Andrew Pengelly See book keywords and concepts | The Principles and Practices of phytotherapy, Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh.
Rao, K., McBride, T. and Oleson, J. 1968, Cancer Research 28: 1952-1954.
Robbers, J. E. and Tyler, V. E. 1999, Tyler's Herbs of Choice, Haworth Herbal Press, New York.
San Feliciano, A., Gordaliza, M., Miguel del Corral, J. M., Castro, M. A., Garcia-Gravalos, M. D. and Ruiz-Lazaro, P. 1993, 'Antineoplastic and antiviral activities of some cyclolignans', Planta Medica 59: 246-249.
Steele, V. E., Wargovich, M. J., McKee, K., Sharma, S., Wilkinson, B. P., Wyatt, G. P., Gao, P. and Kelloff, G. J. | Josef A. Brinckmann and Michael P. Lindenmaier See book keywords and concepts | Whether phytotherapy on its own is sufficient or a combination with chemotherapy is required, depends on the bacterial count as well as on the species of the invading bacteria [7]. The diuretic or aquaretic [8] effect is likely due to its flavonoid content. This effect has been shown in pharmacological experiments, which demonstrate an inhibition of neutral (metallo)endopeptidase (NEP). NEP is responsible for the breakdown of natriuretic peptides and regulates the excretion of sodium. | The above-mentioned indications and other uses probably stem from the homeopathic use of oat herb in phytotherapy. An empirically formulated tea mixture composed of oat herb, stinging nettle herb, St. John's wort herb and lady's mande herb (so-called "Vollmers prepared green oat tea") releases more of the silicic acid than oat herb tea alone [8].
Note: In traditional medicine, oat straw (Stramentum Avenae) baths are used to treat gout, rheumatism, paralysis, liver and skin disorders. These baths are also believed to be effective as sedatives for hypertension. | Therefore, the general opinion in the practice of phytotherapy today is that the efficacy of valerian depends upon an interplay between the constituent groups rather than on individual substances [11].
The following results are from pharmacological experiments: valeranone (component of the volatile oil) has shown motility depressive action in mice [13]. Valerenic acids inhibit the enzyme-induced breakdown of y-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an important neurotransmitter of the CNS [14]. Aqueous extracts of the dried root inhibit the transport of GABA in synaptosomes [15, 16]. | As with other extracts, tinctures can be adjusted to contain a specific amount of constituents or constituent groups (Standardized tinctures, Tincturae normatae)
It should be emphasized that in the context of phytotherapy, a specific extract or tincture is considered to be a single active substance despite the fact that each represents compound mixtures; the German drug approval authorities evaluate extracts or tinctures in the same manner.
Evaluation of Phytopharmaceuticals
Phytopharmaceuticals are, as previously stated, multi-component mixtures. | Physicians in particular tend to include phytotherapy in the same category as homeopathy. It is therefore necessary to provide a few definitions in the next paragraph, and a discussion of phyto-pharmaceutical-related aspects (galenical forms, quality criteria, product approval requirements, equivalency, etc.) relevant to the physician, pharmacist or other healthcare professional.
The word phytopharmaceutical is derived from the Greek "phyton", which means "plant", and "pharmakon" which means "medicine"; its literal translation is "plant-based drug". | Jack Challem See book keywords and concepts | One intriguing European study, published in phytotherapy Research, found that supplements of the flavonoid-containing Pycnogenol significantly reduced markers of inflammation and disease activity in patients with lupus. Patients taking corticosteroids to suppress inflammatory symptoms benefited from greater reductions in symptoms after adding 120 mg daily of Pycnogenol, and they also had reductions in their sedimentation rate, a general indicator of inflammation. It is possible that grape seed extract and other flavonoids might be beneficial as well.
What Else Might Help? | Mark Blumenthal See book keywords and concepts | European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy; 1997.
Europdisches Arzneibuch, 3rd ed. (Ph.Eur.3). Stuttgart: Deutscher Apotheker Verlag; 1997.
Frances H, Monier C, Bourre J. Effects of dietary alpha-linolenic acid deficiency on neuromuscular and cognitive functions in mice. Life Sci 1995;57(21):1935.
Frances H, Monier C, Clement M, et al. Effect of dietary alpha-linolenic acid deficiency on habituation. Life Sci 1996;58(21):1805.
General Sale List (GSL). Statutory Instrument 1994 No. 2410 The Medicines (Products Other Than Veterinary Drugs) Amendment Order. London, U.K. | Principles and Practice of phytotherapy. New York: Churchill
Livingstone; 2000;448.
Morant J, Ruppanner H. Patientenin formation: Democal Kreuz-Pflaster D. In: Arzneimittal-Kompondium der Scbweiz 2001. Basel, Switzerland: Documed AG, 2001.
Morgan M, Bone K. Professional review: horse chestnut. MediHerb 1998;(65):l-4. MPA. See: Medical Products Agency.
Neiss A, Bohm C. Clinical evidence of the efficacy of horse chestnut extract for the symptoms of varicose veins, [in German]. Munch Med Wochenschr 1976;118:213-6.
Neues Rezeptur-Formularium (NRF 3. Erganzung 1986). | David Hoffman, FNIMH, AHG See book keywords and concepts | Phytomedicine: International Journal of phytotherapy and Phytopharmacology 1997; 4(l):67-69.
109. Vuorela, et al. Calcium channel blocking activity: Screening methods for plant derived compounds. Phytomed 1997; 4:167-81.
110. Elbl G, Wagner H. A new method for the in vitro screening of inhibitors of angiotensin converting emzyme (ACE), using the chromophore- and fluorophore-labelled substrate, dansyltriglycine. Planta Medica 1991; 57:137-41.
111. Wagner H. Leading structures of plant origin for drug development. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 1993; 38:105-12.
112. Wagner, et al. | Mark Blumenthal See book keywords and concepts | From ancient remedies to modern therapeutics: pine bark uses in skin disorders revisited. phytotherapy Res 2001;15(l):76-8.
Rohdewald P. Pycnogenol® In: Rice-Evans CA, Packer L, editors. Flavonoids in Health and Disease. New York (NY): Marcel Dekker, Inc.; 1998. p. 405-19.
Rohdewald P. A review of the French maritime pine bark extract (Pycnogenol), a herbal medication with a diverse clinical pharmacology. Int ] Clin Pharm Ther 2002;40(4): 158-68.
RosefT SJ, Gulati R. Improvement of sperm quality by Pycnogenol®. Euro Bull Drug Res 1999;7(2):33-6.
Ruppanner H, Schaefer U, editors. | David Hoffman, FNIMH, AHG See book keywords and concepts | Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern Herbal Medicine. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone, 1999.
6. Belch JJF, Hill A. Evening primrose oil and borage oil in rheumatologic conditions. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2000; 71(suppl):352S-5S.
7. Huang Y-S, Mills DE, eds. Gamma-linolenic Acid: Metabolism and Its Roles in Nutrition. Champaign, IL: AOCS Press, 1996.
8. James MJ, Gibson RA, Cleland LG. Dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids and inflammatory mediator production. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2000; 71(suppl):343S-48S.
9. Prasad K. | Andrew Pengelly See book keywords and concepts | Pharmacological effects of phenylpropanoid glycosides from Orobanche bederae', phytotherapy Research 6: 83-93.
Pintao, A., Pais, M., Coley, H. and Judson, I. 1995, 'In vitro and in vivo antitumour activity of benzyl isothiocyanate: a natural product from Tropaeolum majus', Planta Medica 61: 233-236.
Recio, M., Giner, R., Manez, S. and Rios, J. 1994, 'Structural considerations on the iridoids as anti-inflammatory agents', Planta Medica 60: 232-234.
Sasaki, H., Nishimura, H., Morota, T., Chin, M., Mitsuhashi, H., Komatsu, Y., Maruyama, H., Guo-rui, T., Wei, H. and Yu-lang, X. | Principles and Practices of phytotherapy,
Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh. Morigiwa, A., Kitabatake, K., Fujimoto, Y. and Ikehaura, N. 1986,
'Angiotensin converting enzyme-inhibitory triterpenes from Ganoderma lucidum', Chemical Pharmaceutical Bulletin 34: 3025-3028. Oh, S. R., Kinjo, J., Shii, Y, Ikeda, T., Nohara, T., Ahn, K. S., Kim, J. H. and Lee, H. K. 2000, 'Effects of triterpenoids from Pueroria lobata on immunohemolysis', Planta Medica 66: 506-510. Osbourn, A. E. 2003, 'Saponins in cereals', Phytochemistry 62: 1—4. Phillips, P. and Johnston, C. | Principles and Practice of phytotherapy,
Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh. Murakami, S., Isobe, Y, Kijima, H., Nagai, H., Muramatu, M. and Otomo, S.
1991, 'Inhibition of gastric H+, K+-ATPase and acid secretion by ellagic acid', Planta Medica 57: 305-308.
Okuda, T., Toshida, T. and Hatano, T. 1988, 'Ellagitannins as active constituents of medicinal plants', Planta Medica 55: 117-122.
Pathak, D., Pathak, K. and Gingla, A. K. 1991, 'Flavonoids as medicinal agents—recent advances', Fitoterapia LXII: 371-389.
Rice-Evans, C. | Heather Boon, BScPhm, PhD and Michael Smith, BPharm, MRPharmS, ND See book keywords and concepts | The European Scientific Cooperative on phytotherapy (ESCOP) lists the symptomatic treatment of micturition disorders (nocturia, pollakisuria, dysuria, urine retention) in benign prostatic hyperplasia as one of the indications for stinging nettle root.4
Preparations made primarily from the roots of Urtica dioica L. have been shown in vitro and in vivo to affect many aspects of prostate physiology thought to be implicated in BPH. | C. P. Khare See book keywords and concepts | We, at the Society of New Age Herbals, got trapped in the labyrinth of the vast and scattered data, during a long-drawn-out phase of literary research, but ultimately succeeded in unveiling and highlighting the potential of Indian herbs on a scientific platform for our own scientists and for the West, where phytotherapy is emerging as a movement to be reckoned with.
Each monograph carries the family of the plant, scientific name, followed by authentic Ayurvedic, Unani, Siddha and common English nomenclature. | Mark Blumenthal See book keywords and concepts | Rational Phytotherapy: A Physicians' Guide to Herbal Medicine 4th ed. New York: Springer; 2000;57-77.
Serkedjieva J, Manolova N, Zgorniak-Nowosielska I, et al. Antiviral activity of the infusion (SHS-174) from flowers of Sambucus nigra L., aerial parts of Hypericum perforatum L., and roots of Saponaria officinalis L. against influenza and herpes simplex viruses. Phytother Res 1990; 4(3):97-100.
Shelton RC, Keller MB, Gelenberg A, et al. Effectiveness of St. John's wort in major depression: a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 2001;285:1978-1986.
Staffeldt, B et al. | C. P. Khare See book keywords and concepts | Rational phytotherapy.)
In a study at A. K. Tibbya College, Aligarh, India, alcoholic extract, aqueous extract and crude powder of the drug was used in 40 cases of chronic sinusitis. Best response was produced by alcoholic extract (41.66 %), followed by crude powder (33-3 %) and aqueous extract (16.66 %). In another study Lavandula stoechas, in the form of 750 mg tablets, two tablets three times a day for a period of three weeks, was administered to 198 patients of chronic sinusitis. Promising results were recorded. | Sharma RD, phytotherapy Res (1996) 10:332)
Fenugreek seed powder is used in India by Ayurvedic and Unani physicians for rheumatic disorders and spondylosis, chronic bronchitis, hepato- and splenomegaly and obesity. Encouraging results have been achieved.
Use in Western herbal
German Commission E monograph reported secretolytic, hyperemic and mild antiseptic activity of Fenugreek seed. It recognized its internal use for loss of appetite and external use as a poultice for local inflammation.
The British Herbal Pharmacopoeia reported its actions as demulcent and hypoglycaemic. | Dr. Gary Null See book keywords and concepts | Euphytose, an Association of Plant Extracts with Anxiolytic Activity: Investigation of its Mechanism of Action by an In Vitro Binding Study," phytotherapy Research 5 (1991): 241-44.
Passiflora edulis aqueous extract was the subject of a study involving rats, mice, and healthy human volunteers. It was shown to have a nonspecific depressant effect on the central nervous system, and not a hypnotic-sedative effect.
E. Maluf et al., "Assessment of the Hypnotic/Sedative Effects and Toxicity of Passiflora Edulis Aqueous Extract in Rodents and Humans," phytotherapy Research 5 (1991): 262-66. | Andrew Pengelly See book keywords and concepts | Clinical Applications of Ayurvedic and Chinese Herbs, phytotherapy Press, Warwick.
Beekman, A. C, Wierenga, P. K., Woerdenbag, H. J., van Uden, W, Pras, N., Konings, A. W. T., El-Feraly, F. S., Galal, A. M. and Wikstrom, H. V. 1998, 'Artemisinin-derived sesquiterpene lactones as potential antitumour compounds: cytotoxic action against bone marrow and tumour cells', Planta Medica 64: 615-619.
Boatto, G., Pintore, G., Palomba, M., De Simone, F., Ramunda, E. and Jodice, C. | David Hoffman, FNIMH, AHG See book keywords and concepts | Care must be taken with dosage for children. Because of their smaller body size, children obviously require lower dosages than adults do, but there is no clear-cut guideline for herbal formulations. Chapter 12 provides various pharmaceutical methods of deriving dosages for children based on age or body size.
Noncompliance with therapy is widespread among children. Among pediatric patients, an estimated 34% to 82% have been reported to be noncompliant with drug therapy regimens.2 Thus, palatability is a critical factor with children, as it impacts whether or not the child will take the herbs. | Gary Null, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Lievoux, "Clinical Studies on the Palliative Treatment of Prostatic Adenoma with Extract of Urtica Root," phytotherapy Research, 5, 1991, p. 267-269.
Cardiovascular/Coronary Heart Disease
Results of this study found that intake of a linoleic acid-rich diet, applying 12% sunflower seed oil in rat food pellet for 4 weeks, decreased the occurrence of life-threatening arrhythmias both during the acute phase of myocardial ischemia and during reperfusion in anesthetized rats.
—I. Lepran & L. | Richard Leviton See book keywords and concepts | Heinz, "The Significance of phytotherapy in Europe," Quarterly Review of Natural Medicine, Spring 1995.
Sibbison, Jim, "Covering Medical 'Breakthroughs,'" Columbia Journalism Review, (July/August 1988).
Sloan, FA., et al., "Medical Malpractice Experience of Physicians: Predictable or Haphazard?" Journal of the American Medical Association, Vol. 262, No. 23, (December 15, 1989).
Sportelli, Louis, DC, Risk Management, Malpractice and Chiropractic, Health Services Ltd., Palmerton, 1990.
Staff writer, "1989 Physician Survey Examines Attitudes, Professional Needs," Texas Medicine, Vol. 85, No. | Kathi Keville See book keywords and concepts | In a series of studies that were presented in 1992 at the Fourth International Congress on phytotherapy in Munich, Germany, Saint-John's-wort helped well over half of those who were mildly to moderately depressed. In less than a month of taking this herb, the depression and accompanying disturbed sleep and fatigue experienced by participants in these studies generally improved.
In a 1984 study conducted in Germany, depressed women were given a tincture of Saint-John's-wort. | After conducting a study of this root at the Department of phytotherapy in Paris, French researchers declared that the nettle root appears to be a useful therapy for milder cases of prostate inflammation and a good alternative to surgery. Men with mild prostate enlargement who took nettle root found that their symptoms disappeared after only three weeks.
These researchers added that nettle root, saw palmetto berry and pumpkin seed all help prostate problems, possibly because they contain abundant amounts of b-sitosterol, a hormonelike substance known to reduce prostate inflammation. | Jean Carper See book keywords and concepts | Medicinal plant expert Kerry Bone, technical director and a founder of MediHerb, Australia's largest producer of botanical medicines, recently described kava's effects in an article in the British Journal of phytotherapy. In small doses, he says, kava creates a mild euphoria, relaxation, and restful sleep. "The kava beverage first causes a numbing and astringent effect in the mouth," wrote Bone. "This is followed by a relaxed, sociable state where fatigue and anxiety are lessened. | Prevention Magazine See book keywords and concepts | American phytotherapy Research Laboratory in Salt Lake City. Here's what he recommends.
Licorice root. This sweet-tasting herb, which you can use to make tea, is a natural anti-inflammatory that can help relieve irritation in the bowel, Dr. Mowrey says.
Peppermint. In one study, people with IBS who took peppermint capsules were able to eliminate all or most of their symptoms, Dr. Mowrey says. Peppermint tea is also effective, he adds.
Psyllium. | The Editors of Prevention Magazine Health Books See book keywords and concepts | American phytotherapy Research Laboratory in Lehi, Utah, points to a few foods that might help.
Eat foods that go with the flow. Certain foods have anti-clotting properties, says Dr. Mowrey. "They may reduce the tendency for blood platelets to stick together or to the sides of blood vessels," he explains. These foods include garlic, onions, ginger and cayenne, a hot red pepper. to three setvings of fruits and thtee to fout setvings of vegetables a day, get only about 190 micrograms of folate a day. As fot B6, men get about 1.9 milligtams and women get about 1. |
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