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Soy isoflavones

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Societies that eat a high intake of soy products derive between 50 and 100 mg per day of soy isoflavones. Are There Any Side Effects or Interactions? Soy products and cooked soybeans are safe at a wide range of intakes; however, a small percentage of people have allergies to soybeans and thus should avoid soy products. Certain constituents in soy interfere with13 or alternatively might increase14 thyroid function; however, the clinical importance of this problem remains unclear.

Dr. Earl Mindell's Unsafe at Any Meal: How to Avoid Hidden Toxins in Your Food

Earl Mindell and Hester Mundis
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Also, keep in mind that the more processed the soybeans, the less amount of usable soy isoflavones you're getting. (Soy sauce and soy oil have no nutritional value.) 110. Please Pass on the Salt You know those two shakers that are on dinner tables? Stay away from the one with the small holes: It's a killer. Asking someone to pass it to you is committing nutritional hara-kiri. High salt consumption can cause hypertension, migraine headaches, abnormal fluid retention, and potassium loss; interfere with proper utilization of protein; and increase your chances of heart disease and other ailments.

Cancer & Natural Medicine: A Textbook of Basic Science and Clinical Research

John Boik
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Dietary soy isoflavones are 85% degraded in the intestines. However, sufficient isoflavones may enter the plasma to exert some health effects. The isoflavone daidzein was more bioavailable than genistein (Xu et al., 1994). table 14.4. induction of apoptosis and inhibition of mitosis by genistein in vitro T-lymphocyte leukemia (Jurkat) Induced apoptosis at 18 to 110 uM; inhibited tyrosine kinase activity atllluM. Spinozzi et al., 1994 Rat lymphoma (Nb2) Inhibited growth by 50% at 15 to 25 uM. Buckley et al., 1993 Human gastric carcinoma (AGS) Inhibited growth by 50% at 10 to 23 uM.

The New Encyclopedia of Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements and Herbs

Nicola Reavley
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Flavonoids that have been shown to have particularly beneficial properties include proanthocyanidins, green tea polyphenols and soy isoflavones. Quercetin and its derivatives; the citrus bioflavonoids, including quercitrin, rutin and hesperidin; have also been fairly well studied. What they do in the body Cardiovascular system Flavonoids are important for blood vessel health. They regulate capillary permeability, thereby stopping fluid, protein and blood cells from seeping out while still allowing oxygen, carbon dioxide and other nutrients to pass through.

What Color is Your Diet?

David Heber, M.D., Ph.D.
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There is another receptor, called the beta estrogen receptor, where soy isoflavones have the same effects as estrogen on building bone and counteracting hot flashes that often occur with menopause. Scientists call these actions "selective estrogen response modifiers," or SERMS, and some soy researchers have applied this same terminology to soy protein isoflavones. A chemical formed from plant estrogens called "ipriflavone" is sold as a dietary supplement and has been studied extensively in Europe, where it has been shown to reduce thinning of the bones.
Today, much scientific support exists for his theory, as we now know that estrogen helps slow bone resorption, the process by which bone cells are broken down. soy isoflavones are often called "phytoestrogens," but they are not really estrogens. In fact, they act as antiestrogens in the breast and uterus by displacing estrogen from its binding protein, called the alpha estrogen receptor.

Earl Mindell's Vitamin Bible for the 21st Century

Earl Mindell
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MVP MINDELL VITAMIN PROGRAM • An all-natural, high-potency multiple vitamin and amino acid-chelated mineral complex (containing no preservatives or artificial colors and digestive enzymes for better absorption) AND • A broad-spectrum antioxidant formula (containing alpha-and beta-carotene, lutein, lycopene, vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, ginkgo biloba, coenzyme-QlO, bilberry, L-gluta-thione, soy isoflavones [genistein and daidzein], grapeseed extract, and green tea extract) Take each of these twice daily, a.m. and p.m. with meals.

Smart Medicine for Healthier Living : Practical A-Z Reference to Natural and Conventional Treatments for Adults

Janet Zand, LAc, OMD, Allan N. Spreed, MD, CNC, James B. LaValle, RPh, ND
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Ipriflavone, a synthetic supplement based on soy isoflavones, has been reported to show promising results in stopping bone loss as well. The recommended dose is 200 milligrams three times a day. ¦ A natural trace mineral combination is an excellent adjunct to your calcium supplement. More and more research is showing that trace minerals such as boron, vanadium, and manganese are crucial for the proper use of calcium in the body. ¦ Horsetail and oat straw are high in silica, which is needed for strong bones and also assists in the assimilation of calcium.

Permanent Remissions

Robert Hass, M.S.
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Because of this variability, you may want to use one of the new soy cocktails that have recently been developed, to ensure that you consume a clinically effective amount of soy isoflavones. Tables 4.1 and 4.2 show the variable isoflavone content of soy protein that is used in soy foods, beverages, and cocktails made by a growing number of manufacturers. Table 4.3 describes the phytonutrients found in soy foods.

Disease Prevention and Treatment

The Life Extension Editorial Staff
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Asian diets. IPRIFLAVONE AND BONE LOSS Early reports on the synthetic isoflavone known as ipri-flavone were positive fot the ptevention of bone loss, certainly in early menopause. This synthetic isoflavone is synthesized from daidzein and has generated considerable interest in the hormone and bone loss research community (Gennari et al. 1998). A 2-year trial tested women of postmenopausal age of less than 5 years who had low vertebral bone density: 56 women received 200 mg, of ipriflavone three times a day, with meals or a placebo. All subjects received 1 gram of oral elemental calcium daily.

Permanent Remissions

Robert Hass, M.S.
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He is currently testing a number of antiangiogenesis compounds that work like soy isoflavones to choke of the blood supply to tumors, shrink them to a harmless size, and keep them in a dormant state. That state of dormancy, which I believe should be the holy grail of anyone suffering from disseminated or metastatic cancer, is crucial to achieving a long-term or permanent remission. A member of Folkman's laboratory research team at Harvard, Michael S. O'Reilly, has discovered a potent angiogenesis inhibitor, the protein angiostatin.

What Color is Your Diet?

David Heber, M.D., Ph.D.
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Genistein (one of the soy isoflavones) (protein) Induces programmed cell death, reminding cells that they need to die to make way for new, healthier cells; inhibits the growth of new blood vessels that form to feed a growing tumor. Garlic allyl sulfides (white/green) Modify activity of DNA polymerase. Folic acid (yellow/green) Corrects imbalances in DNA methylation. These compounds, which comprise a virtual anticancer pharmacy, affect the process of cancer formation and growth in far more ways than we have yet discovered.

Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 1

Michael T. Murray, ND
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Silybum marianum (milk thistle) 947 112. soy isoflavones and other constituents 953 113. Tabebuia avellanedae (LaPacho, Pau D'Arco, Ipe Roxo) 967 114. Tanacetum parthenium (feverfew) 975 115. Taraxacum officinale (dandelion) 979 116. Taxus brevifolia (taxol) 983 117. Uva ursi (bearberry) 989 118. Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry) 991 119. Valeriana officinalis (valerian) 997 120. Viscum album (European mistletoe) 1001 121. Vitamin A 1007 122. Vitamin toxicities and therapeutic monitoring 1015 123. Vitex agnus castus (chaste tree) 1019 124.
Plasma levels of soy isoflavones are also increased after consumption of soy and certain other leguminous plants, such as clover.10 Levels in soy products Fukutake et al11 analyzed soy products for genistein and genistin (the glycoside of genistein) content. The results are outlined in Table 112.1. In general, they found that fermented soy products contain more genistein than soybeans, soy milk and tofu. Alcohol extraction, a process used in the production of many soy protein concentrates and isolates (used in soy protein powders), results in the removal of up to 90% of the isoflavones.

PDR for Nutritional Supplements

Sheldon Saul Hendler and David Rorvik
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Daidzein's weak estrogenic effect may play some role in the possible activity of soy isoflavones against prostate cancer. Likewise, daidzein's weak estrogenic effect, as well as its possible antioxidant activity, may contribute to its possible anti-atherogenic activity. Daidzein's weak estrogenic effect may also be involved in its possible anti-osteoporotic activity. Daidzein has been found to have an anabolic effect in an osteoblastic cell line in culture, suggesting that it may be able to stimulate osteoblastic bone formation.

Smart Medicine for Healthier Living : Practical A-Z Reference to Natural and Conventional Treatments for Adults

Janet Zand, LAc, OMD, Allan N. Spreed, MD, CNC, James B. LaValle, RPh, ND
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Take 200 micrograms daily. ¦ soy isoflavones, phytochemicals derived from soybeans, may aid in maintaining hormonal balance. Take 250 milligrams three times a day. ¦ The amino acid tryptophan helps to tame anxiety and relieve insomnia. The recommended dose is 500 milligrams of L-tryptophan, taken once daily at bedtime, for one month. This supplement is currently available only by prescription, however. You may want to discuss it with your doctor. ¦ Vitamin A can reduce excessive bleeding and thus help to prevent anemia.

Permanent Remissions

Robert Hass, M.S.
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Made by ecoNugenics, contains a blend of milled and liquid soy extracts that provide a high level of soy isoflavones. Haelan 851: Made by Haelan Products Inc., is a fermented soy beverage that doesn't have a pleasant taste but does contain a rich supply of isoflavones. Supro: is made by Protein Technologies. Supro-based soy drinks are available to the public only in products sold through health-food stores. Read the label to discover if a product contains Supro. TABLE 4.

Smart Medicine for Healthier Living : Practical A-Z Reference to Natural and Conventional Treatments for Adults

Janet Zand, LAc, OMD, Allan N. Spreed, MD, CNC, James B. LaValle, RPh, ND
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Take 400 to 800 milligrams of magnesium aspartate or magnesium citrate daily. ¦ soy isoflavones provide phytoestrogens that help to balance hormone levels. Take 500 milligrams twice daily. ¦ The B vitamins are essential to the health of the nervous system. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) also acts as a coenzyme in many hormonal functions. Take a vitamin-B complex supplement supplying 25 milligrams of each of the major B vitamins two or three times daily, plus an additional 50 to 100 milligrams of vitamin B6. ¦ Vitamin C is a natural anti-inflammatory and helps to rid the body of excess estrogen.
Take a proteolytic-enzyme supplement as directed on the product label, with and between meals. ¦ soy isoflavones, particularly genistein and daidzein, help to metabolize estrogen and have anticancer properties. Take 500 milligrams twice daily. ¦ Superoxide dismutase (SOD) is a strong antioxidant often used as part of a nutritional therapy program for both the prevention and treatment of cancer. Take an SOD supplement as directed on the product label.

PDR for Nutritional Supplements

Sheldon Saul Hendler and David Rorvik
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RESEARCH SUMMARY Epidemiological data suggest that higher intakes of foods containing soy isoflavones are significantly correlated with reduced incidence of heart disease and some forms of cancer. Animal, in vitro and human studies have provided further support for the epidemiological findings. Soy proteins were shown to lower plasma levels of cholesterol in animal models of hypercholesterolemia, and, subsequently, a metaanalysis of human studies has more recently established that soy consumption is significantly associated with reduction in plasma cholesterol levels in humans, as well.
Commerce Road Fairfield, NJ 07004 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 700-7325 Nutritional Products Available: Cartilade Capsules Genista Soy Protein Powder soy isoflavones Tablets BLAINE PHARMACEUTICALS 1515 Production Drive Burlington, KY 41005 Direct Inquiries to: (800) 633-9353 (859) 283-9437 FAX: (859) 283-9460 www.blainepharma.com Nutritional Products Available: Mag-Ox 400 Tablets Uro-Mag Capsules BOCA PHARMACAL, INC.
Nutritional Products Available: Golden Primrose Capsules L-Ornithine Powder Liquid Bone Meal Capsules Reguloid Powder soy isoflavones Tablets CELESTIAL SEASONINGS, INC. 4600 Sleepytime Drive Boulder, CO 80301-3292 Direct Inquiries to: (303) 530-5300 FAX: (303) 581-1294 www.celestialseasonings.com Nutritional Products Available: Authentic Green Tea Bags Grape Seed Capsules Green Tea Bags Green Tea Capsules CENTURY PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. 10377 Hague Road Indianapolis, IN 46256 Direct Inquiries to: (317) 849-4210 FAX: (317) 849-4263 E-mail: info @ century pharmaceutic als. com www.

Smart Medicine for Healthier Living : Practical A-Z Reference to Natural and Conventional Treatments for Adults

Janet Zand, LAc, OMD, Allan N. Spreed, MD, CNC, James B. LaValle, RPh, ND
See book keywords and concepts
Take 200 micrograms daily. ¦ soy isoflavones, phytochemicals derived from soy, may aid in maintaining hormonal balance. Take 250 milligrams three times a day. ¦ Women with cervical dysplasia are often seriously deficient in vitamin A. Take 20,000 international units of vitamin A daily for six weeks; then 10,000 international units of vitamin A daily until your follow-up Pap smear. Also take 50,000 international units of beta-carotene twice a day for one month.

Foods That Fight Disease: A Simple Guide to Using and Understanding Phytonutrients to Protect and Enhance Your Health

Laurie Deutsch Mozian, M.S., R.D.
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It is assumed that proportional quantities of isoflavones would confer the same protection against cancer we see in Asian countries. To determine how much you will need, divide your weight by 2.2 and multiply that figure by 1.75. According to those figures, a 150-pound woman would need to take in 102 to 136 milligrams of isoflavones daily to reach a therapeutic dose. Isoflavones as Phytoestrogens Isoflavones also have the ability to act as weak estrogens, so they are often referred to as phytoestrogens, which means plant estrogens.
To determine how much is best for you, divide your weight in pounds by 2.2 and then multiply that figure by 1.75. Other Dietary Recommendations There is a significant amount of anecdotal information that supports the adoption of dietary changes to help alleviate the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. If you are overweight, striving to achieve and maintain an ideal body weight can be helpful because the loss of body fat would help reduce the amount of estrogen being stored by the fat cells of the body.

Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
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HERBS TO AVOID Women who have fibrocystic breasts should avoid the following herbs: cordyceps, dan shen, fennel seed, licorice, and peony. (For more information regarding these herbs, see cordyceps, dan shen, fennel seed, licorice, and/or peony under The Herbs in Part One.) FORMULAS formula comments Augmented A traditional Chinese herbal formula that lowers estrogen Rambling levels. Most useful if accompanying symptoms include dry Powder1 mouth, blurry vision, sensation of pressure in the lower abdomen, difficult urination, and increased menstrual flow.

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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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