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84% of sunscreen products are harmful to health, says alarming EWG study

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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The Environmental Working Group, sadly, still does not recognize the healing power of vitamin D and continues to recommend that people avoid sunlight. This is merely an oversight by the group, not any sort of malicious disinformation conspiracy. The EWG means well, but they remain ignorant of the nutritional impact of vitamin D. They're experts on toxicology, not nutrition, and they still suffer under the illusion that the less sunlight consumers receive on their skin, the healthier they will be (hence the EWG's insistence that sunscreen products with ineffective UV blocking are also "unsafe").

Not Just a Pretty Face: The Ugly Side of the Beauty Industry

Stacy Malkan
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All African Americans have vitamin D deficiency and they consequently have higher rates of cancer. Slathering on sunscreen is not such a good idea. We've gone too far with sunscreen because we're not getting enough vitamin D. This is a "coming public health disaster in the US." Everyone should get a half hour of sunshine a day. "People say the cancer rates are increasing, that's all nonsense." To illustrate the point, he showed several slides of declining cancer deaths.2 Natural and synthetic substances have the same cancer "hit rates.

Pet nutrition revealed: the Health Ranger interviews Dr. Lisa Newman on pet nutrition and pet food ingredients (part 3 of 4)

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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The puppies needed a lot more vitamin C because they were growing. I can't put that much vitamin C in my dog food. My senior dog needed a lot more vitamin C. My adult dog needed 1,000 milligrams less a day than the puppies and the senior dog. You can address the individual needs of the pet and bring a total supplement that is going to help that animal more than one bag of dog food will. We don't have puppy formula or senior formula for that reason. Most companies that have a senior or puppy food are only cleaning up their meat source from what they put in their adult formula.

Interview with "Kevala" Karen Parker, master raw foods chef

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Kevala: Certainly, human beings are very young on the planet, and we have to remember that vitamins only came out of the void when sailors were on ships and wound up getting scurvy, and we hadn't even identified vitamin C before. Science did not contain, in itself, a mechanism to define vitamins, and it was only out of a lack of something that we realized there was a need and then looked for an answer. I mean, the understanding of what phytonutrients are, of what phytochemicals are and into which category antioxidants are categorized is a whole new waking science about their benefits.

The Organic Food Bar packs a nutritional punch in portable form

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Vegetarians especially tend to miss out on getting enough vitamin B-12 because that particular vitamin is not commonly available from the plant kingdom. So by eating spirulina, you can avoid any nutritional deficiencies in the B-vitamin area. Spirulina also provides some outstanding macrominerals, such as calcium and magnesium, and at the same time provides important trace minerals. This is because spirulina is harvested from ocean waters, so the microalgae is absorbing and assimilating the minerals naturally found in the ocean into its own structure.

Gunpoint medicine: Teenager arrested, jailed for refusing TB treatment at hospital

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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The only people susceptible to TB infectious are those who are chronically deficient in vitamin D! That includes people who don't get enough sunlight (or who have been brainwashed into using sunscreen all the time) and who eat atrocious diets lacking in vitamin D sources like fish oils. The problem with TB is not simply the person walking around with the bacteria, it's the people who are in such poor nutritional health that they're practically begging to be infected by something.

Hemp Today

Ed Rosenthal
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Heavy metals must be avoided in a healthy diet. The vitamin results were disappointing until you see that hemp's vitamins compare favorably with other grains. Vitamins are mostly provided by fresh vegetables. You would have to eat over a pound of hemp seeds to meet your RDA in many vitamins. The heat from the sterilization process may affect the vitamin content. This will be the subject of further research. The fresh green leaves of the hemp plant could not be tested for nutrition.

Sensible sunlight exposure prevents skin cancer; findings baffle old school doctors

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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The darker your skin, the more sunlight you need in order to generate vitamin D. The lighter, or fairer, your skin, the less sunlight you need. By the way, one of the people commenting on this study was so baffled by the results they said, "It must all be due to vitamin D, and if you want vitamin D, there are better places to get it like drinking milk." It's typical advice from conventional medicine. They’re still telling people to avoid the sun and, instead, drink lots of cows' milk. How's that for lousy health advice?

From Belly Fat to Belly FLAT: How Your Hormones Are Adding Inches to Your Waistline and Subtracting Years from Your Life

C. W. Randolph, M.D.
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The ingredients in the Adrenal Boost formula are vitamin C, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, deglycerized licorice root, Mexican wild yam root, schizandra berry, Eleutherococcus senticosus root, stinging nettle leaf, trimethylglycine, special plant cellulose, natural silica, vegetable stearate, and magnesium stearate. I recommend that people dealing with chronic (long-term) stress take one capsule every morning and every night if they need it. You should not take Adrenal Boost, however, if you have high blood pressure, because licorice root can elevate blood pressure.

The inside scoop: Natural Health Products Expo West industry event

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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For example, there's one vitamin company called Swanson vitamins. And Swanson, which is located in North Dakota, manufactures and distributes its own line of vitamins and supplement products directly to consumers. They are not in the channel, and as a result, they offer tremendous value in terms of the ingredients you're getting for the dollar you're spending. Other small companies are not in the channel either. They sell directly and offer a much better value.
They are often still malnourished, even though they are consuming enough food matter and vitamin matter to eliminate deficiencies. The problem is that they are not digesting those nutrients. But with a product like the Ola Loa, their digestive system doesn't have to do as much work. Some of these vitamins go into the bloodstream right in the mouth. In fact, some vitamins are assimilated right there in the mouth, in the saliva under the tongue. And once you swallow, they don't have proteins and fats that need to be physically broken down through the churning of the stomach.

Product Review: New natural health products

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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It's a sprayable vitamin and mineral formula that's very nutrient dense and goes to work right away when you spray it in your mouth. It's designed specifically to support eye health, but the truth is that it also supports the entire nervous system, cardiovascular health, digestive health and much more. Check it out at www.GoodHealthUsa.com I've been looking for a quality sprayable vitamin product for a long time, and this is it!

Gunpoint medicine: Teenager arrested, jailed for refusing TB treatment at hospital

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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That includes people who don't get enough sunlight (or who have been brainwashed into using sunscreen all the time) and who eat atrocious diets lacking in vitamin D sources like fish oils. The problem with TB is not simply the person walking around with the bacteria, it's the people who are in such poor nutritional health that they're practically begging to be infected by something. This is why TB is now an epidemic in the UK, by the way: There's very little sunlight at that latitude, and more than 80 percent of UK citizens are vitamin D deficient.

Ten Lies About Health Your Doctor Taught You

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Most Americans (and Canadians and Europeans, for that matter) are deficient in vitamin D. As a result, tumor cell growth in the breast and prostate is unregulated. Sensible exposure to natural sunlight generates cancer-preventing vitamin D... at no charge! Sunburns are actually caused by nutritional deficiencies (lack of antioxidants in the skin), not by sensible exposure to sunlight. See http://www.newstarget.com/Vitamin_D.html Lie #6: CT scans (CAT scans) are perfectly safe. Truth #6: CT scans expose patients to 1000 times the radiation of chest X-rays.

The aloe vera miracle: A natural medicine for cancer, cholesterol, diabetes, inflammation, IBS, and other health conditions

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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By the way, most people with gum disease are also chronically deficient in vitamin D, so if you boost your vitamin D intake while treating your gums with aloe vera gel, your results will be greatly accelerated!) Aloe vera heals burns, cuts and scrapes When used externally, aloe is the best wound dressing ever discovered, far exceeding the capability of even the most advanced emergency room wound dressings. It works by simultaneously sealing the wound while attracting an increased flow of blood to the wound, acclerating wound healing.

The future of food fabrication, intellectual property and seeds

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Returning to the food fabrication equipment, let's assume that some company patents not just the chicken recipe, but also the molecular configuration of vitamin D, for example. They say that anyone who uses the machine to create a food item containing vitamin D must pay a royalty to them. Given the way that patent laws are written today, it probably wouldn't be very difficult for them to claim a patent on vitamin D if it were used in the food fabrication device, because they could claim a patent on not just the molecule itself, but also the process of assembling the molecule at the nano scale.

Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, author of "Pain Free 1-2-3," discusses natural pain management, without dangerous drugs

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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So, for example, migraines -- if you take vitamin B2 at 400 milligrams a day, that will decrease migraines by 67 percent after six weeks. Mike: That's phenomenal. Teitelbaum: That was on one of the national news services a while back. Right before it, they had this thing about cutting out major face muscles to decrease migraines by 50 percent. I wanted to stick my head in the studio and say 10 cents of vitamin B2 is more effective. Also, B12 -- there's a whole host of natural things that are great for treating the food allergies.

Kevin Trudeau's Natural Cures book review

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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And then some pharmaceutical giants launch vitamin companies (or buy existing ones) and sell you crap vitamins loaded with antifreeze chemicals (I'm not kidding), hydrogenated oils, coal-tar artificial colors and other chemical toxins just to make sure you never really get well from taking those cheap vitamins. The result? You end up hooked on drugs for life. That's how the con works. And, of course, your doctor fully supports it and the FDA rubber-stamps the whole thing, going the extra mile to make sure that herbs are outlawed and deadly drugs remain perfectly legal.

Beating cancer -- how to take charge of your cancer cure and outlive the lies of the cancer industry

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Let's talk about some nutrition supplements -- selenium, zinc and modified citrus pectin for prostate cancer, for example. vitamin D is a potent moderator of cancer tumor cell growth, so if you get enough vitamin D in your body, you're going to prevent and even help reverse prostate, cervical and breast cancers. The way you get vitamin D is to get some sunshine on your skin. This is not rocket science, folks. Doctors try to make it sound complicated, but it isn't.

The sunscreen myth: How sunscreen products actually promote cancer

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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The American Cancer Society, for example, still will not recommend that anyone take vitamin D supplements, even though the vitamin can prevent nearly 4 out of 5 cancers. The cancer industry simply has no interest in preventing cancer. It is only interested in treating cancer and profiting from those treatments. (That's why genuine cancer cures have been routinely suppressed, censored or discredited in the United States.

The Organic Food Bar packs a nutritional punch in portable form

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Vegetarians especially tend to miss out on getting enough vitamin B-12 because that particular vitamin is not commonly available from the plant kingdom. So by eating spirulina, you can avoid any nutritional deficiencies in the B-vitamin area. Spirulina also provides some outstanding macrominerals, such as calcium and magnesium, and at the same time provides important trace minerals. This is because spirulina is harvested from ocean waters, so the microalgae is absorbing and assimilating the minerals naturally found in the ocean into its own structure.

Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain

John J. Ratey, MD
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I would recommend 1000 IU (international units) of vitamin D and for women, 1500 mg of calcium. I would also recommend taking vitamin B with at least 800 mg of folate, which improves memory and processing speed. PHYSICAL EXERCISE: STEADY DOES IT For anyone over sixty, I recommend exercising almost every day. In retirement, why not? Six days a week would be ideal, but make it fun rather than work. It's a good idea to use a heart rate monitor. They're invaluable for keeping track of your progress, and this is both motivating and reassuring.

Processed meat consumption results in 67% increase in pancreatic cancer risk, says new research

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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According to Adams, consumers can help reduce the cancer-causing effects of sodium nitrite by consuming protective antioxidants before meals, such as vitamin C and vitamin E. But no vitamin offers 100% protection. The only safe strategy is to avoid sodium nitrite completely. Adams especially warns expectant mothers to avoid consuming sodium nitrite due to the greatly heightened risk of brain tumors in infants.

Interview with Dr. Dennis Goodman on how to naturally lower LDL cholesterol and raise HDL cholesterol

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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It's actually a vitamin. It's also called Nicotinic Acid. Mike: Let's talk about what else is in this product, "HDL Booster." There's CoQ10 in here, I noticed. What are some of the other major ingredients? Goodman: There's Policosanol, which is a sugar cane extract that's been shown in studies to lower LDL and raise HDL. There's vitamin C. There's vitamin E. There's Arginine and grape seed extract. What I try to do, Mike, is take a whole lot of ingredients that have some data behind them so they're not just put together and thrown in together but there's a method to it.

Processed meat consumption results in 67% increase in pancreatic cancer risk, says new research

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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According to Adams, consumers can help reduce the cancer-causing effects of sodium nitrite by consuming protective antioxidants before meals, such as vitamin C and vitamin E. But no vitamin offers 100% protection. The only safe strategy is to avoid sodium nitrite completely. Adams especially warns expectant mothers to avoid consuming sodium nitrite due to the greatly heightened risk of brain tumors in infants.

Organized medicine remains ignorant of causes, treatments for prostate cancer

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Many diseases automatically appear as a result of a deficiency in one or more nutrients, and osteoporosis, prostate cancer and breast cancer are all precipitated by a lack of vibrational nutrition, or natural sunlight. Even vitamin D is not the entire answer to this. Without a doubt there are influences of natural sunlight that go beyond the creation of vitamin D, and thus a discussion of vitamin D alone cannot account for the nutritional deficiency present in these diseases, nor the ability to treat and reverse those diseases through the consumption of nutritional supplements.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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Related Concepts:

Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Vitamin b6
Folic acid
Immune system
Vitamin b12
Heart disease
Blood pressure
B vitamins