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1000 Cures for 200 Ailments: Integrated Alternative and Conventional Treatments for the Most Common Illnesses

Marshall Editions
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A typical dosage is one to two capsules with meals. vitamin C helps the immune system, is required for healthy adrenal gland function, and helps with liver detoxification; take 3 g throughout the day. Magnesium is involved in more than 300 enzyme reactions in the body and is essential for energy production, muscle function, nerve conduction, and bone health. People with chronic fatigue syndrome often have a deficiency in magnesium and should take 250 mg three times a day. CoQ10 is necessary for energy production and cell function. It also helps with the repair and maintenance of tissues.

The future of food fabrication, intellectual property and seeds

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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They say that anyone who uses the machine to create a food item containing vitamin D must pay a royalty to them. Given the way that patent laws are written today, it probably wouldn't be very difficult for them to claim a patent on vitamin D if it were used in the food fabrication device, because they could claim a patent on not just the molecule itself, but also the process of assembling the molecule at the nano scale.

The Doctor's Complete Guide to Vitamins and Minerals

Dr. Mary Dan Eades
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Take 2000 mg vitamin C every 3 hours. Use a buffered form for safety at high dosages and easier assimilation. • Niacinamide is important for brain function. Recommendation: Take 500 mg 3 times daily. Do NOT take niacin in place of niacinamide. High doses of niacin can be toxic. • Minimize withdrawal symptoms by withdrawing slowly. The dosage should be decreased gradually over a period of 4 weeks or longer. And don't try to do it alone; seek help and counseling at a hospital or from a professionally trained expert. Herbal remedies • Calm your nerves using valerian root.

The Doctor's vitamin and Mineral Encyclopedia

Sheldon Saul Hendler
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Chickweed (Rich in vitamin C) Chickweed (Stellaric media) is, in fact, a weed, one that is found all over the world. Some use it as a vegetable or as a salad green. Chick-weed has also been used in folk medicine. Therapeutic claims abound. Chickweed is a folk remedy, said to be good for asthma, cancer, blood disorders, constipation, eczema, fever, hemorrhoids, infections, inflammation, obesity, tuberculosis, bruises, nose bleeds, abscesses and boils. Homeopathic physicians use it for the treatment of gout and arthritis. There is no evidence to back any of this up.
See sections on choline, methionine, folic acid and vitamin B12 for more information.) Active forms of the lipotropes choline and methionine are cytidine diphosphate choline, or CDP-choline, and S-adenosylmethionine, or SAM. CDP-choline is available as an injectable drug in Japan and Italy. It is used as a brain-circulation stimulator to treat disturbances of consciousness that may follow a brain injury or brain surgery. The drug has also been used in Alzheimer's disease, severe depression, Parkinson's disease and other degenerative brain disorders.
The four lipotropes most significant for humans are choline, methionine, folic acid and vitamin B12. All of these participate in the synthesis of phosphatidylcholine, a major player in cell membrane fluidity. It was recognized many years ago that these substances are effective in helping prevent fat accumulation in the liver. We now know that these substances play major roles in other biologic activities besides lipid metabolism.

There Is a Cure for Diabetes: The Tree of Life 21-Day+ Program

Gabriel Cousens
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A 160-calorie handful of almonds supplies vitamin E, magnesium, and fiber. All are important in protecting against diabetes. Almonds and walnuts are the two most studied nuts in regard to diabetes and heart disease. Sea Vegetables People all over the world have been eating sea vegetables (known gener-ically as seaweed) for thousands of years. Four varieties of sea vegetables have been found preserved in Japanese burial grounds that were 10,000 years old. The Australian Aborigines use three different types of sea vegetables.
Additionally, walnuts combine these heart healthy fats with a hefty dose of the antioxidants, including at least sixteen antioxidant phenols, vitamin E, and ellagic and gallic acid. In 1993 the New England Journal of Medicine6* reported that eating 8-16 walnuts per day decreased total and LDL cholesterol by 5-10 percent, and reduced incidence of stroke and clogging of arteries up to 70 percent.

Shattering the false philosophy and junk science of conventional medicine

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Let's say you decide to start with one vitamin pill a day. Is that going to reverse your momentum? I don't think so. Even though you are taking that one vitamin, you are probably still poisoning your body with cancer-causing foods found in the national food supply. It's going to take shifting many habits and daily health choices to reverse decades of disease-promoting activity. Perhaps because that task seems daunting, the promise of pharmaceuticals is quite seductive. They promise that you can change your health without changing anything else. Unfortunately, many people believe this.

Bottom Line's Health Breakthroughs 2007

Bottom Line Health
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It's fine to eat small amounts—say, two or three weekly servings—of vitamin K-rich foods when taking an anticoagulant, but ask your doctor about eating more than that. •Grapefruit. Both the juice and the whole fruit block liver enzymes that break down and clear drugs from the body. Eating grapefruit when you're on certain medications is like taking a higher dose, which can result in excessive levels of the drug in the blood. Don't combine grapefruit with the statin drugs lovastatin (Mevacor) or simvastatin (Zocor)...

NewsTarget survey results, part 1: Huge percentage of readers make healthy changes

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Given all the information now available on the health benefits of vitamin D and natural sunlight exposure, it is encouraging to learn that 56 percent of readers have now taken steps to experience more sunlight. Sunlight is, quite simply, the single most powerful healing therapy available to us. It's available free of charge. It is essentially infinite in duration, and through the creation of vitamin D, it helps prevent and reverse many types of cancer and other chronic diseases, including schizophrenia, depression, osteoporosis and even gum disease.

There Is a Cure for Diabetes: The Tree of Life 21-Day+ Program

Gabriel Cousens
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Associated with this osmotic process, the cells release small molecules such as inositol, glutathione, niacin, vitamin C, magnesium, and potassium to maintain the osmotic balance. These compounds are needed to protect the lens from damage, but are being lost because of the excess sorbitol; the loss makes the lens cells susceptible to further damage. The result: The delicate protein fibers in the lens become opaque. This intracellular accumulation of the sorbitol is a major factor in many complications of diabetes.
The nutritional benefits of flavonoids include the increase of intracellular vitamin C levels, a decrease in the leakiness and breakage of small blood vessels, the prevention of easy bruising, and immune system support—all of great benefit in diabetes.126 Bilberry, grapeseed, and ginkgo are important plant sources of flavonoids. Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) The essential fatty acids also play a very important role, which is why I am very hesitant to encourage dietary fat intake that is too low to get the benefits of EFAs. In diabetes the essential fatty acid metabolism is impaired.
Beanpod Tea contains the amino acids tyrosine, tryptophan, and arginine, plus the B vitamin choline and the enzyme betaine. Patience is the key word in the usage of this tea. Most people will not experience instant relief with the usage of this tea. Diabetics must drink Beanpod Tea on a regular basis for approximately three months in order to help normalize their blood sugar levels.169 KIDNEY BEAN According to John Heinerman, kidney bean pods are effective in lowering elevated blood sugar levels.

Bottom Line's Health Breakthroughs 2007

Bottom Line Health
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Never apply vitamin E—it may cause dermatitis. Soothe burned eyelids using tea bags that have been soaked in cool water. To make a compress for inflamed skin, soak a cloth in apple cider vinegar, witch hazel or a mixture of one part skim milk to four parts water and wring halfway. Apply for five to 10 minutes. Caution: If blisters develop, do not treat the sunburn yourself—see a doctor. Neal Schultz, MD, dermatologist, 1130 Park Ave., New York City 10128. Sweet!
I recommend to my patients a combination dietary supplement of methylsul-fonylmetbane (MSM) (1,000 mg daily) and vitamin C for its anti-inflammatory effect. I also recommend two other dietary supplements— alpha lipoic acid (50 mg daily), which provides protection against free radicals that can exacerbate eye pressure.. .and L-arginine (1,500 mg, twice daily), which increases circulation. Also helpful: The herbs grape seed extract (200 mg daily) and green tea extract (200 mg daily), both of which help prevent eye damage.
For example, although spinach is a good source of magnesium, bone-building vitamin K and other important nutrients, the fiber and plant chemicals in the spinach leaf bind to iron, inhibiting the mineral's bioavailability. Helpful: When shopping for meat, look for dark meat products, such as liver, beef or dark-meat turkey. They are the best sources of iron. Tofu and seafood (especially clams and shrimp) are also rich in iron. •Zinc. This mineral is essential for a healthy immune system. It is highly bioavailable in red meat, though some zinc is also found in nuts (almonds and walnuts).

Big Pharma: Exposing the Global Healthcare Agenda

Jacky Law
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It is not only vitamin E or C that causes confusion; these are just two particular windows through which one can observe the general chaos. Medical authority, not feeling it has to prove itself to anyone, has kept a respectable distance from anything that cannot obviously pass the gold standard; it hasn't got involved. Because vitamin C is old, obvious and natural, the precise opposites of everything needed for a patent, pharma doesn't get involved. Its value in fighting infections and as a protection against cancer is of no interest to anyone except the public.

The Doctor's Complete Guide to Vitamins and Minerals

Dr. Mary Dan Eades
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Take 500 mg of evening primrose oil (a source of linoleic acid in capsule form), plus 1000 mg EPA fish oil, plus 200 IU vitamin E 1 to 3 times a day. (Warning to diabetics: EPA fish oil can cause blood sugar fluctuations in some diabetics. Carefully monitor your blood sugar if you use this supplemental oil and discontinue its use if your blood sugar becomes difficult to control.) Herbal remedies • Angelica contains at least 14 anti-arrhythmic compounds. • Quinidine is standard anti-arrhythmic medication and is also a compound found in cinchona.

Understanding Medicinal Plants: Their Chemistry And Therapeutic Action

Bryan Hanson, PhD
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The more reactive ROS such as the hydroxide radical (HO) can react directly with vitamin E too, and other molecules such as vitamin C or glutathione can play the role of the flavonoid. Atherosclerosis Atherosclerosis, more commonly known as hardening of the arteries, is a form of cardiovascular disease. It is a very serious condition that kills many people each year and decreases the quality of life for many more. On a molecular level, atherosclerosis has its origins in ROS damage. The trouble begins largely with lifestyle choices, although there are genetic aspects as well.
This is because an LDL particle contains vitamin E in addition to protein and lipids, and a variety of antioxidants can help regenerate the vitamin E after it has taken the initial damage from ROS. We have now come full circle on the topic of antioxidants, ROS and chemical reactivity. We have seen that a variety of normal processes produce ROS. Our bodies have mechanisms to deal with them, although studies on aging and oxidative stress suggest that our natural defense mechanisms lag slightly behind the ROS load.

The Doctor's vitamin and Mineral Encyclopedia

Sheldon Saul Hendler
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It is rich in vitamin C. Comfrey/Allantoin (Potentially Potent Stuff) Comfrey is a very popular herb and has been used for hundreds of years as a folk remedy. The most commonly used comfrey comes from the plant Symphytum officinale. Russian comfrey comes from a related plant, Symphytum peregrinum. Comfrey is rich in protein, and some use it as a vegetable or in their salads. Comfrey is reputed to be good for a wide range of maladies.

Bottom Line's Health Breakthroughs 2007

Bottom Line Health
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The recommended daily intake of vitamin D is 400 international units (IU), but many researchers now believe that much higher daily intakes are necessary. Diane Feskanich, ScD, assistant professor, Channing Laboratory, department of medicine, Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School, both in Boston. Emotional Well-Beim Antidepressants Do Raise Kids'Suicide Risk: Study here is new evidence that 'a. the use of common antics depressants increases the mm risk of suicide in children and adolescents.

Green For Life

Victoria Boutenko, M.A.
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For example, calcium in beet tops is 7 times higher than in its roots and vitamin A is 192 times higher in the tops than in the roots! In turnips vitamin K in the tops is 2,500 (!) times higher than in the roots. The compelling difference between nutrients in these two parts of the plants is obvious and indisputable. Think about thousands of tons of highly nutritious food, the green tops of the root vegetables, that are wasted year after year due to our ignorance, while the majority of people suffer from chronic deficiencies. Naturally, one question comes to mind.

Health roundup: The depression patch, McDonald's trans fat goofs and bottled water (satire)

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Many "vitamin water" products are often just colored water with a trace of low-cost vitamins. Popular sports water products are just water, artificial colors, salt and a few low-grade minerals. These are rip-off products, if you ask me. But there are also quality, genuine bottled water products on the market that I believe are worth every penny. Those would be the ones from natural mineral springs, like Evian or Aquarius water out of Oregon.

Women's Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine: Alternative Therapies and Integrative Medicine for Total Health and Wellness

Tori Hudson, N.D.
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Pantethine is the activated form of vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) and a key component of coenzyme A (CoA). CoA plays a significant role in lipid metabolism and is involved in the transport of fats. The cells of our body need CoA to utilize fats in the form of energy. Pantethine, at the typical dose of 300 mg three times per day, has been shown to significantly reduce serum triglycerides, total cholesterol, and LDL cholesterol, while also increasing HDL cholesterol.243, 244 This same dose was found to be effective at decreasing adverse lipid parameters in postmenopausal women.
In fact, as mentioned in the section on vitamin Bg, one study showed a synergistic effect of 50 mg of B6 combined with 200 mg of magnesium in reducing premenstrual anxiety.38 In addition, another study suggests that cyclical hormonal changes may cause a relative deficiency state that can exacerbate symptoms associated with PMS.55 Magnesium 300 mg 1-3 times per day Calcium. Reports have suggested that problems in calcium regulation and frank calcium deficiency actually mimic many PMS symptoms56-58 and may underlie some of the symptoms of PMS.
Calcium and vitamin D are discussed in detail in the nutritional supplement section. The influence of dietary fats on mineral absorption is complex and only understood in part. Several key observations have been made, although many of the factors that influence absorption are still unknown. For example, increasing linoleic acid in the diet significantly reduce calcium in the stool, indicating that omega-6 essential fatty acids (EFAs) stimulate calcium absorption.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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Related Concepts:

Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Vitamin b6
Folic acid
Immune system
Vitamin b12
Heart disease
Blood pressure
B vitamins