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Interview: Miracle Greens superfood supplement

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Things such as vitamin C, vitamin E, ginkgo biloba and aloe vera, just to name a few. Mike: You even have aloe in it, huh? Wright: Yes. Mike: Excellent. Wright: So you can see that we stack up much better against all the other greens. Like I said, we're made from organic barley, so we're less reactive. Mike: Outstanding. For the listeners here, I want to add my own personal opinion on this. Spirulina is an excellent source of trace vitamins, vitamin B12, and it has a little GLA oil in it too. It's ocean dried blue-green algae, and it's an outstanding health product.

Interview with Dr. Ray Strand, author of Death by Prescription and Releasing Fat

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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I mean, even the American Heart Association has now come out against vitamin E, and their stand against vitamins is legendary. How do you account for this great disparity between the medical literature and the popular line? Dr. Strand: Well, first of all, the American Medical Association came out two years ago stating that multiple vitamins should be taken by everybody, which is a major change for them. The problem that you run into is that everybody looks at vitamin E, or calcium, or selenium, or something else as a drug, and that’s how we do our research.

Safe Trip to Eden: Ten Steps to Save Planet Earth from the Global Warming Meltdown

David Steinman
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He turned to me and said, 'Then, when I get to the vitamin section, all of this completely disappears.' What he meant was, the vitamins and minerals being sold today are largely synthetic. Once our vitamin and mineral supplements were fashioned from whole foods such as cereal grasses, and they were packed with organic whole food goodness.

The aloe vera miracle: A natural medicine for cancer, cholesterol, diabetes, inflammation, IBS, and other health conditions

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Aloe vera amplifies the antioxidant effects of vitamins This is an especially interesting effect of aloe: It makes vitamin C, vitamin E and other antioxidants work better! It actually potentiates antioxidants, probably due to its effect on enhancing blood quality and allowing the blood to more effectively transport oxygen and nutrients to the body's cells. In fact, it is my belief that aloe vera makes everything nutritious work better due to its blood-enhancing effects. If I'm right about that, it means aloe can potentiate anti-cancer herbs, too, helping them more effectively target tumors.

The health care reform legislation that Congress should pass, but won't

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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You can't even claim that vitamin C cures scurvy or that vitamin D cures rickets. (Just so you don't think I'm inventing all this information, read my book, Natural Health Solutions and the Conspiracy to Keep You From Knowing About Them, which documents over a dozen FDA raids on vitamin shops, medical clinics and even a church! I even describe the FDA's effort to order to destruction of recipe books that promoted the use of an herbal sweetener.

Interview with Greg Kunin of Ola Loa (DrinkYourVitamins.com)

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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My dad was the first medical doctor in America to start doing nutrient analysis on his patients and then integrate vitamin therapy into disease treatment, back in the 1960s and the early 70s. Mike: Wow. Kunin: So, actually about 40 years of medical research has gone into the development of the programs. In the past 10 years, much of the work that we've been doing has centered around pro-clotting factors and analyzing our patients for these clotting factors. If you're clotting, you're at risk for all the majors -- heart disease, stroke, cancer and blood vessel damage. Mike: Yes.

Breakthrough wellness supplements, part two: Wellness Resources

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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For example, while many "junk vitamin" companies products a multivitamin with super-cheap forms of vitamin B12 (cyanacobolamin), Wellness Resources uses what are called the "coenzyme" forms of vitamin B12 (50 percent methylcobalamin and 50 percent adenosylcobalamin), which are far easier for the body to assimilate. (Read more details at http://www.wellnessresources.com/products/daily_energy.php.

Interview with Greg Kunin of Ola Loa (DrinkYourVitamins.com)

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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I think we all recognize vitamin B12 as being critically important and hard to get. Most people have a tough time getting their B12. The vast majority of B12 on the market today is known as "cyanocobalamin," a toxic form of B12. In the most extreme case, if you inject somebody with a cyanocobalamin injection and they have weak antioxidant protection, they run the risk of going blind or having neurological problems. Okay, so we don't use any cyanocobalamin. We use hydroxycobalamin in this product, which the body is able to regulate and utilize much more.

Are the coral calcium claims by Bob Barefoot credible and believable?

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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You'll get a lot more vitamin D by just walking outside and getting some natural sunshine on your skin, which is of course the preferred way to get vitamin D in the first place. You don't need to be drinking vitamin D if you have the sun. Just go out and get some sun and let your body create it for you. That's also a great way to save money on vitamin D supplements. Another reason I don't like cows' milk as a source of calcium is because there is a lot of bad that goes in with the good of the calcium. You get the homogenized milk fats, which I call "processed milk fats.

The week in review: Questions and answers on health freedom, the FDA and more

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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It's the silent, non-violent way to accomplish the same thing as breaking down doors and raiding vitamin shops. If they can regulate natural medicine out of existence, even just one herb or vitamin at a time, they can eventually win their war without firing a single shot and attracting too much public attention. (Hence the actions against ephedra, kava kava, etc.). To my knowledge, the FDA has not raided any vitamin shops in recent years, but they've sure cranked up the threatening legal tactics.

The top herbs and supplements for wound healing and post-surgical recovery

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Ascorbic acid is not the same thing as full-spectrum vitamin C. Get your vitamin C from nutritional supplements or superfoods made from plants. Good sources are rose hips and Pure Camu -- a product from the Amazon Herb Company that's made from camu camu berries (the highest natural source of vitamin C in the world). (See http://amazondreams.amazonherb.net/Pure_Camu_Solo.aspx ) The Amazon Herb Company also makes a high-grade Camu C Serum product that's excellent for wound care. It's positioned as a high-end skin care product, but many people use it directly on wounds to speed healing.

Breakthrough wellness supplements, part two: Wellness Resources

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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For example, while many "junk vitamin" companies products a multivitamin with super-cheap forms of vitamin B12 (cyanacobolamin), Wellness Resources uses what are called the "coenzyme" forms of vitamin B12 (50 percent methylcobalamin and 50 percent adenosylcobalamin), which are far easier for the body to assimilate. (Read more details at http://www.wellnessresources.com/products/daily_energy.php.

The top five nutrients for healthy skin

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Free radicals consume collagen and elastin - the fibers that support skin structure - and can cause wrinkles and other signs of premature aging. vitamin C is especially effective at protecting the skin from overexposure to the sun when combined with vitamin E. Foods high in vitamin C include acerola (a cherry-like fruit), red and green bell peppers, guava, kale, parsley, collard greens, turnips, and broccoli.

Vitamin E death risk scare has some people avoiding nutritional supplements to their own detriment

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Sadly, most people believe the vitamin E scare stories and change their behavior to stop taking both vitamin E and other nutritional supplements altogether. And that, of course, seems to be precisely what conventional medicine wants people to do.

The four steps to getting more vitamin D to prevent cancer, osteoporosis, depression and more

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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If you can't get sunlight or get to a tanning booth, find other sources of vitamin D. The best source is cod liver oil, which you can mix into a delicious shake the same as you would most whole food supplements. If you do these things, you will simply amaze your doctor with your improved health. You will have healthier bones, tissues and blood. You'll help prevent cancer, depression and gum disease. You'll heal more quickly from injury, and your mood will markedly improve.

Vitamin E scare study used synthetic, not natural vitamin E

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Modern medical researchers continue to look at isolated nutrients like vitamin E or lycopene rather than whole foods like nuts or tomatoes. As a result, they don't get an accurate picture of how these whole foods provide a full-spectrum healing effect on the human body that fights chronic disease, including cardiovascular disease. These sort of studies on isolated synthethic vitamins aren't honest science. In fact, they're distortions that seem to be designed to discredit all nutritional supplements.

Dramatic reduction in national rates of diabetes, prostate cancer, breast cancer, and depression are possible with simple exposure to sunlight or vitamin D supplements

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Holick: We've thought about that, and we've developed a method where we can tell you how much vitamin D you're making, but it's somewhat cumbersome, and it's probably going to take a lot more effort before such a product could potentially be available. Adams: I certainly hope you find cause to pursue that, because I think that would be a great aid to people. There's a big question mark when people go outside - they don't know how much time ... is it too much, is it too little? They need something they can look at, that will give them some guidance.

Breakthrough wellness supplements, part two: Wellness Resources

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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For example, while many "junk vitamin" companies products a multivitamin with super-cheap forms of vitamin B12 (cyanacobolamin), Wellness Resources uses what are called the "coenzyme" forms of vitamin B12 (50 percent methylcobalamin and 50 percent adenosylcobalamin), which are far easier for the body to assimilate. (Read more details at http://www.wellnessresources.com/products/daily_energy.php.

Vitamin warning! Some nutritional supplements use hydrogenated oils as filler

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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People would be all over TV and radio talking about how vitamin E kills you. How do I accomplish that? I just choose a soft gel container with hydrogenated oils as the toxic filler ingredients because I, as an evil researcher, know that these journalists are not going to ask questions. No one's going to look at this study and see what the other filler ingredients were. No one's going to do anything other than reprint whatever I fax them. Why? Because I'm associated with a medical school or a university, that's why. That's how it works out there.

The four steps to getting more vitamin D to prevent cancer, osteoporosis, depression and more

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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The most efficient vitamin D supplement is still fish oil, and cod liver oil is the best way to go. There are four main points you should take from this:
    You have to get sunlight into your life in order to be healthy and prevent or even reverse major chronic diseases. Start getting more sun. Boost your antioxidant count, because antioxidants will protect you from the risk of overexposure to sunlight. Astaxanthin, green foods powder, Berry Green, and other green foods are all excellent sources. Get those supplements now and find ways to work them into your diet starting today.

Mandatory AIDS testing proposal is public health lunacy

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Because you could do a lot more good in this country and dramatically reduce health care costs by testing for nutritional deficiencies like magnesium, zinc, vitamin D or the B vitamins. If you want to talk about public health, let's talk about public health that works. Let's talk about being able to prevent diseases with a nickel's worth of nutritional supplements per day per person. Because that's what you can do with simple vitamins and minerals. Zinc alone, if given to expectant mothers, can reduce the incidence of low birth weight infants by nearly one third.
I'll tell you why we don't: because if you test the country for vitamin D and you find that half the population doesn't have enough vitamin D, then you can't sell them overpriced pharmaceutical products to solve their "disease." To solve the vitamin D problem, the only thing the people need to do is start drinking cod liver oil by the tablespoon, or exposing their skin to natural sunlight on a regular basis. Our medical community doesn't test for nutritional deficiencies because nobody makes any money when the tests come back positive.

In U.S., science is distorted to promote political and corporate agendas

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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Recent research shows that vitamin D supplements (or sunlight exposure, which produces vitamin D), slash cancer risk by an astonishing 77% in women (and that includes ALL cancers). There will never be a chemical cure for cancer, because cancer is not a disease based on germs, an infection, parasite or virus. There is no chemical that can cure cancer, but there are many natural remedies and prevention strategies that very effectively eliminate cancer. Scientists aren't looking for those, however. They're steeped in the world of synthetic chemical medicine. Where has the real science gone?

The future of food fabrication, intellectual property and seeds

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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But then you have economically challenged families that are not going to be able to afford the vitamin D, or vitamin B, or minerals and so on. They’re going to be eating food that's made without these vitamins because it's cheaper. At such a point, you'll have a big company, the futuristic Monsanto if you will, saying, "If you want to be healthy, you've got to pay up." The upshot of all this is that big business is going to be telling humanity that it doesn't have the right to be healthy unless it pays for it. This situation will stand as a heinous violation of human rights and nature.

America Fooled: The Truth About Antidepressants, Antipsychotics and How We've Been Deceived

Dr. Timothy Scott
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If a researcher "knows" vitamin C cures colds, he might see improvement in those taking vitamin C but not in those taking a sugar pill—even if there is no change in anyone. Thus, it is best not to allow even the researcher to know who is getting the vitamin C and who is getting the placebo; i.e., the researcher should also be kept "blind" to that information until all the data is collected. Then the envelope which reveals who got what (kept by an independent assistant) can be opened, and the results can be analyzed.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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Related Concepts:

Vitamin C
Vitamin E
Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Vitamin b6
Folic acid
Immune system
Vitamin b12
Heart disease
Blood pressure
B vitamins