Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts |
A food labeled "all natural" can contain pesticides, herbicides, toxic heavy metals, trace amounts of PCBs, toxic fluoride, hidden MSG, high-temperature cooking byproducts, synthetic chemical vitamins and dozens of other non-natural substances. This is all perfectly allowed and tolerated by the FDA as well as all virtually every media outlet in the world. Cable news stations, magazines, newspapers and other media giants are all too happy to take money from junk food manufacturers and run their advertisements claiming their foods are "all natural. |
They can take whole wheat berries from nature, mill them down and strip out 98% of the nutrients, bleach the flour with chemicals, "enrich" the flour with synthetic chemical vitamins, and then claim their wheat is "all natural."
And why is it natural? Because it comes from the earth, they would say. It was grown by nature.
Sure it was, but then it was physically and chemically modified, adulterated, contaminated and altered in ways that destroy its natural properties. The final product has no resemblance to anything truly natural. |
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts |
And we headed off a potential attack by Durbin -- who for some reason is always trying to get vitamins classified as drugs (more safety hypocrisy). Key to this effort was myself writing for NewsWithViews.com, Mike Adams writing for NewsTarget.com, and John Hammell of the International Advocates for Health Freedom. Support also came from many other groups who forwarded the message. All of our efforts resulted in the following testimony on the floor of the Senate as reported in the Congressional Record.
May 2, 2007:
Mr. HATCH. |
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts |
This retailer will never carry vitamins, herbs or nutritional supplements, by the way. I'm happy to recommend other sources for those products.)
Introducing RoHS compliance
Both EcoLEDs and Better Life Goods offer products adhering to strict RoHS guidelines. That's the new European standard called Reduction of Hazardous Substances. It means our products contain no mercury, cadmium lead or other toxic chemicals or heavy metals. |
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts |
The typical junk vitamins and junk health foods that other, more popular, health magazines and websites might happily promote for a fee will never get promoted on NewsTarget.com. We actually tell the truth about products, and we tell the truth rather bluntly about what's in your product.
If you send us a "natural" vegetarian food product made with yeast extract, for example, you can expect to get blasted on NewsTarget for using a hidden form of MSG. |
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts |
The FDA, drug companies and mainstream media routinely invent scare stories about vitamins and nutritional supplements, then publicize them in order to scare consumers away from nutritional therapies (and herd them into profitable drug treatments).
7) The FDA currently "negotiates" with drug companies over drug safety warning labels, refusing to do its job of protecting the public from dangerous or deadly drugs. Case in point: an FDA advisory panel actually voted to put Vioxx back on the market after it killed more than 50,000 Americans and its own manufacturer voluntarily recalled the drug. |
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts |
They take a perfectly healthy piece of raw food, loaded with vitamins and natural medicines, then nuke it in the microwave and destroy most of its nutrition. Humans are the only animals on the planet who destroy the nutritional value of their food before eating it. All other animals consume food in its natural, unprocessed state, but humans actually go out of their way to render food nutritionally worthless before eating it. No wonder humans are the least healthy mammals on the planet. |
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts |
The FDA recently declared war on natural medicine, and it went way beyond herbs and vitamins in naming things to regulate as drugs or medical devices. The agency is now targeting "energy medicine" and stating that any physical objects used in the practice of energy medicine will be regulated as medical devices. That is, unless the therapy in question is completely useless and has no effect on patients, in which case it will be happily allowed.
The FDA's ultimate game plan? Force everyone to rely on dangerous prescription medications by eliminating the competition. |
Mark Sircus See book keywords and concepts |
Beef from cattle raised in feedlots on growth hormones and high-grain diets has lower levels of vitamins E, A, D and beta carotene, and twice as much fat, as grass-fed beef."
Grassfed Beef Four Times Higher in Vitamin E
Grainfed plus extra E
Animal Diet
?Vitamin E
Health writer Jo Robinson has done groundbreaking work on this subject4 making us critically aware of the importance of the conditions in which our crops, meat and dairy are raised.
Data from: Smith, G.C. |
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts |
Pizza is made with refined flour (which lacks vitamins and minerals) that's cooked to high temperatures (creating cancer-causing acrylamides), then smothered with tomato sauce made with refined sugar (yes, there's sugar in most pizza sauce), then layered with more processed meat (yet more cancer risk) and processed cheese (can you spell H-E-A-R-T D-I-S-E-A-S-E?). Slapping a few flappy bits of overcooked green peppers and canned mushrooms into this pie does NOT make it a health food.
Geesh. You would think this stuff would be obvious by now. |
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts |
They think, "Maybe vitamins are okay for me, but why would I give it to my dog?" The situation is the same. You want to do the same things for your animals, your cats, your dogs, and your other pets. Give them high-quality nutrition, give them the supplements, and give them a clean environment. Prevent the toxins, and you will have healthy animals and healthy humans. All the things we talked about for humans -- that whole discussion -- also applies to the animals.
Mike: I find, too, that for some reason, veterinarians are far more open to nutrition than human doctors. |
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts |
The study clearly showed that women who took vitamins E and C experienced a statistically significant and rather remarkable reduction in risk of heart attacks (22 percent reduction), strokes (31 percent reduction) and other cardiovascular events. Yet the American Medical Association issued a press release implying that the study found antioxidants to be of no use whatsoever, and the mainstream media ran that as de facto news without bothering to assess whether the opinion of the AMA was, in fact, true. (And apparently without actually reading the study in question. |
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts |
The message from the FDA to other vitamin companies couldn't be more clear: Don't you dare tell your customers the truth about vitamins, or we'll shut you down and prosecute you!
1990: The Century Clinic "chelation" raids
In Reno, Nev., 1990, the Century Clinic was raided by the FDA and Postal Service inspectors. Agents seized large quantities of items from the clinic, virtually wiping it out of computers and equipment, as well as patient records and files. No charges were filed. |
Nonetheless, likely due to FDA pressure on the presiding judge, she was sentenced to 179 days in prison and fined $10,000 for daring to say that vitamins are good for puppy dogs!
1990 - The Highland Laboratories raid
In 1990, Ken Scott ran a vitamin business in Mt. Angel, Oregon, a small rural town. |
Gabriel Cousens See book keywords and concepts |
They are rich in vitamins A, B, C, and E. The minerals in sea vegetables are found in similar ratios to those in the blood. Sea vegetables produce substantial amounts of proteins, complex carbohydrates, carotenes, and chlorophyll. For example, dulse and nori have 21.5 and 28.4 grams of protein, respectively, per hundred grams of sea vegetable. They have approximately 2^4.5 percent fat, and 40?5 grams of carbohydrate per hundred grams of sea vegetable. Alaria
(essentially identical to the Japanese wakame) and kelp are extremely high in calcium. |
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts |
The El Cajon pet food store raid
In 1990, FDA agents raided the pet food store of Sissy Harrington-McGill, a 57-year-old pet lover who was guilty of the "crime" of claiming that vitamins would help keep pets healthy. Without a search warrant, FDA agents ransacked her store, confiscating products and literature.
She was later tried and convicted of violating the Health Claims Law, a law that did not exist at the time of the raid and was never passed by the U.S. Congress. |
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts |
Utterly ignoring the fact that the vitamins worked remarkably well in those who actually took them, the media now seems to be on a crusade to discredit nutritional supplements by lying to its readers. Having abandoned all common sense or scientific scrutiny, the media is now engaged in an organized campaign of disinformation designed to boost the profits of their largest advertisers -- the drug companies -- by spreading fear, uncertainty and doubt about nutritional supplements.
Here are some of the headlines that appeared yesterday in the mainstream media. |
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts |
Functional foods, supplements, vitamins and homeopathic remedies will disappear from store shelves, pending FDA "review." (The only things remaining will be processed junk foods and pharmaceuticals, which is exactly what Big Business wants.)
Therapeutic tea products, such as green tea, will be outlawed and confiscated.
Vitamin store owners will be arrested and prosecuted for "practicing medicine without a license. |
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts |
If the FDA declared all vitamins to be toxic and announced a nationwide ban on all dietary supplements, the mainstream media would fall right into step, parroting whatever scientific half-truths the FDA was spouting at that particular moment. If the American Cancer Society declared that sunlight caused cancer and that the citizens should avoid sunlight and cover their skin with toxic chemical creams to block out the sun, the press would gladly run with that story, too. |
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts |
A new FDA "guidance" document, published on the FDA's website, reveals plans to reclassify virtually all vitamins, supplements, herbs and even vegetable juices as FDA-regulated drugs. Massage oils and massage rocks will be classified as "medical devices" and require FDA approval. The document is called Docket No. 2006D-0480. Draft Guidance for Industry on Complementary and Alternative Medicine Products and Their Regulation by the Food and Drug Administration.
The FDA is accepting public comments on the docket until April 30th. |
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts |
REPPED: Following yesterday's announcement of a new study showing the phenomenal benefits of antioxidants for preventing heart disease in women, the mainstream media rallied behind a blatantly false distortion of the study designed to convince the public that vitamins E and C are somehow useless. The popular press, which maintains an incestuous relationship with the pharmaceutical industry, once again demonstrates it is little more than a mouthpiece for the pro-pharma propaganda machine. |
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts |
"Common vitamins no help for women's hearts: study" http://www.reuters.com/article/healthNews/idUSN1336012020070814
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To Contact a Reuter's Editor, click on this link: http://today.reuters.com/HelpAndInfo/ContactUs.aspx and fill in your comment in the form after selecting "Contact A Reuters Editor"
Dr. Sanjay Gupta Blog on CNN.com
"Antioxidants Not All They're Cracked Up To Be?" http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/blogs/paging.dr.gupta/2007/08/antioxidants-not-all-theyre-cracked-up.html
Contact details: http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form1.html?40
U.S. |
A Randomized Factorial Trial of vitamins C and E and Beta Carotene in the Secondary Prevention of Cardiovascular Events in Women: Results From the Women's Antioxidant Cardiovascular Study")
The AMA's statement on antioxidants having no benefits in this study is based on the inclusion of all those women who did not take the antioxidants. I believe this conclusion to be biased in favor of drug company interests and wholly incorrect from a scientific point of view. |
News & World Report
"Some 'Enhanced' Products Might Not Enhance Health, vitamins, superfoods, and more are touted to sell products. The evidence may be disheartening" http://health.usnews.com/usnews/health/articles/070813/13nutraceuticals.htm
Contact details:
Editorial Offices:
1050 Thomas Jefferson Street NW
Washington, DC 20007
202-955-2000 http://www.usnews.com/usnews/usinfo/infomain.htm
Sample letter
Dear [Media name here],
Your organization recently published an incorrect article regarding a major antioxidant study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine. |
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts |
They contain phytonutrients that can actually reverse cancer, and they're packaged with natural plant-based vitamins, minerals and natural medicines.
A lot of the blue-green algae sold on the market today is actually heated during the drying process, killing the enzymes and degrading its nutrients, but these two sources I'll reveal use special techniques to preserve the nutrients found in the raw state. It's a whole new level of microalgae nutrition. |
Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts |
Items seized in the raids included vitamins, minerals, herbs, and nutritional supplements. IRS officials also seized computers, automobiles, and bank accounts. The U.S. Postal Service illegally blocked the mail of some of the targeted companies, denying them the ability to conduct business or even organize a legal defense.
Targeted products included Dr. Kurt Donsbach's nutritional products and Dr. Hans Neiper's German-made health products. |
Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. See book keywords and concepts |
Back in 1968, two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling coined the term orthomolecular medicine to refer to the practice of using optimal amounts of substances like vitamins and minerals that are "natural" to the body. (The body, for example, knows quite well what to do with vitamin B12 or with the amino acid tryptophan, both of which it encounters every day of its life. The body does not normally encounter, for example, Prozac or Prevacid. |
Craig Pepin-Donat See book keywords and concepts |
Today, people are popping diet pills, vitamins, minerals and herbal supplements like candy in the hopes of finding the ultimate quick-fix solutions to their health concerns. Instead of natural cures we should be focused on natural living to avoid diseases that need to be cured.
How can you avoid falling for the lies of products that do not work or do actual harm? First, find the right resources that can provide you with unbiased information. Know what you are ingesting and do not be fooled by slick marketing gimmicks designed to make you believe results will come without work. |