Just Passing Through
Unlike vitamins and minerals, fiber isn't absorbed by the digestive tract. Instead, it spends a long time in the intestine, absorbing large amounts of fluid. And that's precisely its constipation-fighting secret.
When fiber absorbs water, stools gradually swell, getting bigger and wetter. Unlike small stools, which can accumulate for days before moving on, large stools are moved out of the intestine much more quickly, says Marie Borum, M.D., assistant professor of medicine at George Washington University Medical Center in Washington, D.C. | Neal Barnard, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Their difficult seek-and-destroy missions demand that they receive a broad range of vitamins and minerals. As we get older, many of us do not get the vitamins we need. Sometimes this is because of poorer intestinal absorption. Other times it is due to interference from medications or physical inactivity that leads us to eat less. The problem is aggravated by the diet of meat and dairy products that is common in Western countries. There is no vitamin C in meats, and beta-carotene is scarce as well. Western diets are also often low in vitamin E, vitamin B6, folate, magnesium, and zinc. | Francois Couplan, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Millet contains proteins, starch, fats, vitamins and minerals. Various species are used as food in Africa and Asia.
Our native P. capillare (m.a.) is sometimes planted for ornament in Europe. Endangered species: P. hirstii-Gz., N.J.-, mundum -Va., N.C. -and ther-male - Calif.
Paspalum (CI) Knot Grass
From the Greek "paspale," millet grain.
Throughout. Both native and species introduced from S.Am.
The grains of P. ciliatum - naturalized from S. Am. - and scrobiculatum, Kodo millet, are edible.
Those of other species are used as food in Asia, Africa and South America. | Neal Barnard, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | If your diet is rich in vegetables, fruits, legumes, and grains, you will get a cornucopia of vitamins and minerals.
The New Jersey researchers found that correcting vitamin and mineral deficiencies improved immunity. But they learned another lesson, too. Contrary to what they were expecting, those subjects who took zinc with their multiple vitamins did worse than those taking the placebo. It turns out that while a little zinc is needed by the white blood cells, higher amounts inhibit immune actions. | Judith Wills See book keywords and concepts | Vitamin C is close to the RDIs for the day and the dish is also high in protein and a variety of vitamins and minerals. However, salt content is still high (because of the processed foods, such as bacon) and the rest of the day should reflect a lower salt content. Many people opt to include milk at breakfast, since there is little calcium here, make sure other meals have higher sources of calcium.
¦ What is a healthy breakfast? | Dr. Cass Ingram See book keywords and concepts | Wild foods are far richer in vitamins and minerals than commercial foods. For instance, wild dandelion greens may contain as much as five times more vitamin A (as beta carotene) than greenhouse-grown varieties, and, in addition, up to ten times the potassium levels.
Dandelion greens
These are not difficult to find. They are right in your lawn. They are most edible during the spring and early summer. The best greens are the young leaves, which may grow under the older leaves. Older leaves are fibrous and inedible, that is they are mostly cellulose. | Jean Carper See book keywords and concepts | Increasing evidence also finds that adding vitamins and minerals, particularly antioxidants, to conventional cancer therapy can make a dramatic difference. In an extraordinary display of cancer-fighting power, adding megadoses of vitamins, mainly antioxidants, to drug therapy for bladder cancer cut recurrence of the cancers in half and nearly doubled the survival time of patients, in a recent study. "The effects were dramatic," said researcher Donald Lamm, head of urology at West Virginia University in Morgantown. In his study of sixty-five patients, all took BCG, a standard immunotherapy drug. | Christopher Hobbs See book keywords and concepts | When the Kombucha organism is grown on a tea infusion which provides nitrogen, vitamins and minerals, other essential nutritive substances, and sugar, its yeasts proliferate. They transform the sugar into small amounts of alcohol, much of which is ultimately changed to acetic acid (up to 3 %) by the bacteria, which also thrive on B vitamins produced by the yeast. This process gives the "tea" a sweet and sour smell of fermenting apple cider. The finished tea is reported to contain on average between 0. | Carlton Fredericks, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | They cover deficits of vitamins and minerals discarded or destroyed in food processing. They offset vitamins inactivated by prolonged storage or exposure to light and air. They compensate for the deficits created in foods by poor soils and by fertilization aimed at quantity rather than quality of the crops. They offer insurance against some of our errors in food selection, when the pleasures of the palate take precedence over the needs of the organism. They provide assurance in the face of the unknowns you encounter when you dine away from home. | Specially formulated Multi-vitamin/mineral for the modern woman (High Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and zinc)
A special formulation of essential vitamins and minerals designed to provide for the increased nutritional needs of the modern woman, supplying the important Vitamin B6 at high potency and ample quantities of Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and zinc—all derived from natural materials, including dolomite, fish liver oils, rose hips, and selected high-potency yeasts. | Prevention Magazine See book keywords and concepts | Even the marshmallow-filled, cocoa-covered concoctions for children, although they're too sugary to be truly healthful, are often fortified with a host of essential vitamins and minerals that you might not get enough of any other way. "We'd be in big trouble without fortified and enriched foods like breakfast cereals," says Paul Lachance, Ph.D., professor of nutrition and chairman of the department of food science at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey. "That's where we get up to 25 percent of many important nutrients. Their contribution to our health is very real. | Neal Barnard, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | The combination of the Western diet, reduced absorption, physical inactivity, and medications can starve your white blood cells for the vitamins and minerals they need.31
Scientists have tested various nutrients to see if a little more zinc, vitamin E, or beta-carotene will affect immune function. To an extent, they do. But a team of researchers in New Jersey stumbled on an interesting lesson. They wanted to test the effects of zinc. So they gathered together a group of older men and women and divided them into two groups. | Our bodies are designed to extract vitamins and minerals from foods. The tablets of vitamin E, beta-carotene, and the like that are sold in drugstores and health food stores greatly exceed normal quantities. In addition, these single antioxidants do not begin to match what nature offers in vegetables, fruits, and othei plants. Beta-carotene tablets, for example, contain lots of beta-carotene, but miss the dozens or even hundreds of related carotenoids that occur naturally in plants. Some of them are probably more important than beta-carotene for protecting the heart, the eyes, and other organs. | Carlton Fredericks, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Such a substitution would not be possible if your intake of vitamins and minerals were not protected by the use of supplements. Bran tablets are included in the supplements to the low carbohydrate reducing diet for the same reasons which make them helpful in any reducing diet. See page 125.
Which, logically, leads us to that subject. But first, we must return to the main subject of this book, the prevention of breast cancer. It is now held that 80 percent of the incidence of cancer originates with environmental causes. | Isadore Rosenfeld, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | So if you have IBD, ask your doctor about supplemental vitamins and minerals.
The stools of people with IBD, especially ulcerative colitis, sometimes contain abnormal amounts of fat. In such cases, I advise restricting total fat intake to 25 percent of calories, and taking a multivitamin containing zinc, magnesium, calcium, and the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K), all of which are lost in the fatty stools. How much of these supplements you need will depend on the frequency and severity of the diarrhea.
There is a complication of Crohn's disease of which you should be aware. | Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Sadly, on any given day, 80 to 90 percent of the population is deficient in one or more of the vitamins and minerals listed in the RDAs.
I am a great believer in healthy eating and in fact am a careful eater myself. I eat only fresh food and never touch junk food. Unlike many folks, I avoid colas with phosphate, which can literally wash minerals out of the body. I rarely drink alcohol, which can deplete the body of B vitamins. I don't smoke, which can decrease natural levels of vitamin C. | Even though I try to eat fresh, organic produce, I am aware that modern farming practices have depleted the soil of nutrients, which in turn, can strip fruits and vegetables of their valuable vitamins and minerals. The storage and shipping of food can also sap it of its nutrients. I take supplements to ensure that I am getting all of the micronutrients I need to maintain optimal health, and I advise others to do the same. | The RDAs are only for a select group of vitamins and minerals. They virtually ignore whole categories of important supplements that in recent years have been the subject of numerous research studies. In fact, most of the supplements I write about in this book are not included in the RDAs. For example, there are no RDAs for important compounds found in plants called carotenoids, which include lycopene, lutein, and other phytochemicals that can—among other things—help fight cancer and preserve vision. | Today we know that vitamins and minerals do more than protect us from diseases: they play a key role in preventing many diseases, including cancer, heart disease, and even depression.
Throughout this book, I cite study after study clearly showing that when blood levels of vitamins, minerals, and other important micro-nutrients drop below optimal levels, our bodies cannot function properly. For example, the RDA for vitamin E, an essential vitamin for a healthy heart and proper immune function, is a paltry 8 to 10 IU daily; yet, studies sponsored by the U.S. | Judith Wills See book keywords and concepts | Most foods are a mixture of more than one element (along with combinations of the vitamins and minerals).
For example, bread is high in carbohydrate, but also contains protein and fat; whole milk contains carbohydrate, fat, and protein, each in reasonable quantity; meat is a mixture of protein and fat; and so on.
The Food Charts at the end of the book give the protein, fat, and carbohydrate content of about 400 items, along with the other elements important for good health. Reading the next few pages will help you interpret these charts. | Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | In addition, compounds found in common foods, such as zinc, phytic acid in cereal, and caffeine in coffee, can block the absorption of vitamins and minerals. To complicate the problem, people on a low-fat diet may not be able to properly absorb fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, E, and D. Studies have shown, however, that pepperine can enhance the absorption of nutrients so that more essential nutrients get to the tissues that need them. For example, in one study, healthy volunteers were given 5 mg. | Judith Wills See book keywords and concepts | Indeed, most vitamins and minerals can be toxic in excess. The use of supplements is discussed in more detail in Section Two on page 146.
Vitamin A
USA RDI 1,500 |jg UK RNI 6oo pg (female), 700 ug (male) EC RDA 8ooug
Vitamin A (retinol) is essential for healthy vision, eyes, skin, and growth. Symptoms of deficiency include poor night vision, gradual loss of sight, and reduced resistance to infection. | Dr Bernard Jenson and Mark Anderson See book keywords and concepts | So, as we see, the body uses the vitamins and minerals as a means of increasing the success of the immune response. Knowing this, it is easy to understand why the best way to help the immune system is to first cleanse the tissues and then fortify the body with natural whole complex nutrients.
There can be little doubt that the greatest and most enduring of medical discoveries of the twentieth century were the vitamins. Here, at last, was the discovery of factors that caused health. | Dr. Cass Ingram See book keywords and concepts | Peanuts are also an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, many of which are difficult to procure in the diet in large quantities. Both peanuts and peanut butter contain a high density of thiamine, niacin, pantothenic acid, and biotin as well as vitamin E, copper, and potassium. Few if any other nuts/legumes can match such nutrient density.
Aflatoxin contamination is a significant problem with peanuts/peanut butter. This danger can be ameliorated by the addition of antifungal spices, which are a particularly amenable addition to peanut butter. | The broth remaining is extremely nourishing, being high in both B vitamins and minerals; be sure to drink it or use it as a soup base, never waste it.
Wild rice is one of the most sustaining of all types of carbohydrate sources. The protein and starch it contains are easily digested. This makes it an excellent food for children. It is also very nourishing for the elderly. Use it as the preferred grain type starch for a high level of nourishment without risk for allergy or intolerance. | In contrast to other common forms of sugar, such as white sugar, brown sugar, and Karo syrup, honey is a fair source of vitamins and minerals. Dark honeys are the richest types, containing considerable amounts of potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Dr. Paavo Airola indicated that honey not only provides calcium but also aids in its absorption and retention in the body.
Wild honeys are by far the best ones medicinally. These honeys are produced by bees that visit exclusively wild medicinal plants. | Milk is one of the few foods which offers a complete array of necessary fat, carbohydrate, and protein as well as a full array of vitamins and minerals. This is why the individual can live adequately for prolonged periods on milk supplemented with a bit of fruit and/or a crude vitamin C/flavonoid supplement such as Flavin-C. Here is an interesting confabulated food. Mix a tablespoon of Flavin-C with a pound of milk powder. To fortify it even more immensely add a tablespoon or two of Resvitanol (red sour grape powder). | The types of vitamins and minerals it contains is easily absorbed. It is one of the best natural sources of natural niacin and is also exceptionally rich in pantothenic acid and biotin. Rice bran or polish is the top sources of magnesium and phosphorus in addition to supplying a good amount of manganese, potassium, and chromium.
One problem is that rice bran and polish have a limited shelf life. However, if unopened, the shelf life is at least two years.
Nutri-Sense is a supplemental source of natural rice bran and rice polish. | Francois Couplan, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Sprouted barley contains proteins, vitamins and minerals, but most of the starch has turned into sugars.
The germination is stopped when the sprout has reached about three-quarters of the length of the grain. A low temperature (100 to 140°F) conserves the properties of the enzymes, while a higher temperature (roasting) destroys them, but enhances the aroma of the grains, which turn brown. The transformed barley grain is then ground into a meal and used for various food purposes: as a sweetener, for making a highly digestible mush or as an excellent coffee substitute. | Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Compiled decades ago, the RDAs reflect the way medicine is practiced in this country—their focus is on illness, not on the maintenance of health and vitality. The RDAs were designed when scientists knew very little about how our cells worked and how micronutrients and cells interact. Today we know that vitamins and minerals do more than protect us from diseases: they play a key role in preventing many diseases, including cancer, heart disease, and even depression. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.
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