volker schulz and Rudolf Hansel See book keywords and concepts | This type of product is preferred in the practice of rational phytotherapy. Nevertheless, a number of fixed combinations containing several active herbal ingredients are still being marketed in Germanyi. The German Drug Law requires proof that each of these pharmacologically active ingredients makes its own contribution to the efficacy of the product. As a result, one of the tasks of Commission E was to identify effective combination patterns for this category of herbal products1.
Commission E stopped gathering and reviewing monographs in 1994. | Dr. Michael Heinrich, Joanne Barnes, Simon Gibbons and Elizabeth M. Williamson See book keywords and concepts | Some alternative and complementary forms of phytotherapy (e.g. Bach flower remedies) have no (or very limited) quality control. Exceptions are homoeopathic medicines (which are based on a completely different philosophical principle) and some high-quality but unlicensed herbal medicines.
The concept of standardization is relatively recent for phytomedicines, but it is rapidly becoming essential to ensure that patients are provided with high-quality botanical products. | Drugs
Although the flowers are of great botanical importance, they are only a minor source of drugs used in phytotherapy or pharmacy. A very important example is:
• Chamomile, Matricaria recutita L. (Matricariase flos).
Other examples include:
• Calendula, Calendula officinalis L. (Calendulae flos).
• Arnica, Arnica montana L. (Arnicae flos).
• Hops. Humulus lupulus L. (Humuli flos).
Seed with embryo Testa (cover of seed)
Seed with embryo Embryo — Testa
Pericarp (outer layer of fruit)
Fruit and seed
The development of seeds occurred relatively late in the evolution of plants. | REPPED: Importance of plants in modern pharmacy and medicine
This introductory textbook aims to provide a scientific basis for the use of plants in pharmacy (pharmacognosy) and also to describe the main characteristics of herbal remedies (phytomedicines) and their clinical use (herbal medicine, phytotherapy). There is also an overview of some historical aspects of medicinal plant use by different societies (ethnobotany, ethnopharma-cology) and on the role of plants in a variety of popular 'non-scientific' medical systems (traditional medicine). | Edinburgh
Complementary/alternative medicine
In addition to phytotherapy, which is a rational and science-based approach to the use of medicinal plants in the treatment and prevention of disease, in developed countries there are other healthcare approaches involving the use of plants. These are based on philosophies towards health and illness that are fundamentally different from the approach of conventional, scientific medicine. The most popular of these non-conventional approaches are listed below, and each is discussed in this chapter:
• Medical herbalism.
• Homoeopathy. | However, minor disorders respond well to phytotherapy, with soothing and anti-inflammatory herbal products, as outlined below.
Arnica, Arnica montana L. il
(Arnicae flos)
The plant and the drug
Arnica (Asteraceae) is an important medicinal species widely used in many European countries, including the UK. The flower heads are the part used, and, as A. montana is protected, other species are being investigated as a substitute. Extracts and tinctures are applied topically, usually in creams. Arnica is an important herb in homoeopathy.
A. | volker schulz and Rudolf Hansel See book keywords and concepts | Formulas for Tea Mixtures
Tea formulas may be found in textbooks of phytotherapy (e. g., Weiss, 1982), books on medicinal plants (e. g., Braun and Frohne, 1987; Lindemann, 1979; Pahlow, 1979), and handbooks (e. g., Wurm, 1990). The standard approval criteria for medicinal teas (Braun, 1987) provide a reliable information source in Germany, listing tea mixtures that have a prescribed qualitative composition but a variable quantitative composition. | Examples of tea mixtures acceptable in German phytotherapy can be found in pharmacopeias and in the standard approval criteria established by German health authorities. The compositions and formulations of these tea mixtures are given in the special section of this book dealing with specific indications. There have been only a few controlled clinical studies on the efficacy of medicinal teas published in the medical literature. (Lindemuth, 2000; Brinckmann et al., 2003)
A. Psychosomatic disorders
A1 Anxiety and restlessness A2 Nervous sleep disorders A3 Functional cardiac complaints
B. | Dreikorn K (2002) The role of phytotherapy in treating lower urinary tract symptoms and benign prostatic hyperplasia. World J Urol 19: 426-35.
Dreikorn K, Richter R, Schonhofer PS (1990) Konservative, nicht-hormonelle Behandlung der benignen Prostatahyperplasie. Urologe [A] 29: 8-16.
Dreikorn K, Schonhofer PS (1995) Stellenwert der Phytopharmaka bei der Behandlung der benignen Prostatahyperplasie (BPH). Urologe 34:119-29.
Ebbinghaus KD, Baur MP (1977) Ergebnisse einer Doppelblindstudie iiber die Wirksamkeit eines Medikaments zur konservativen Behandlung des Prostata-Adenoms. | Thomson Healthcare, Inc. See book keywords and concepts | Clinical Applications of Ayurvedic and Chinese Herbs: Monographs for the Western Herbal Practitioner. phytotherapy Press, Queensland, Australia 1997.
Cha RJ, Zeng DW & Chang QS. Non-surgical treatment of small cell lung cancer with chemo-radio-immunotherapy and traditional Chinese medicine. Chung Hua Nei Ko Tsa Chih; 33:462-466. 1994
Chen LX. Liao JZ. Guo WQ. Effects of Astragalus membranaceus on left ventricular function and oxygen free radical in acute myocardial infarction patients and mechanism of its cardiotonic action. Chung Kuo Chung Hsi I Chieh Ho Tsa Chih Mar;15(3):141-3. | Planta Med, 1999; 65: 351-355
Fokina GI, Frolova TV, Roikhel VM, Pogodina VV, Experimental phytotherapy of tick-borne encephalitis. Vopr Virusol, 36:18-21, Jan-Feb 1991
Iijima K, Kiyohara H, Tanaka M, Matsumoto T, Cyong JC, Yamada H, Preventive effect of taraxasteryl acetate from Inula britannica subsp. Japonica on experimental hepatitis in vivo. Planta Med, 61:50-3, Feb 1995
Jiang B, et al. Studies and comparisons on chemical components of essential oils from Clematis hexapetala Pall, and Inula nervosa Wall. | Adamek B, Drozdzik M, Samochowiec L, Wojcicki J, Clinical effect of buckwheat herb, Ruscus extract and troxerutin on retinopathy and lipids in diabetic patients. In: phytotherapy Res 10(8):659-662. 1996.
Dunaouau CH et al., Triterpenes and sterols from Ruscus aculeatus. In: PM 62(2):189-190. 1997.
Landa N, Aguirre A, Goday J, Raton JA, Diaz-Perez JL. Allergic contact dermatitis from a vasoconstrictor cream. Contact Dermatitis 22:290-291. 1990.
Maffei Facino R, Carini M, Stefani R, Aldini G, Saibene L. | Loew D, phytotherapy in heart failure. Phytomedicine 4 (3); 267-271. 1997
Mazumder PK, Rao PVL, Kumar D, Dube SN, Gupta SD. Toxicological Evaluation of Nerium oleander on Isolated Preparations. Phytother Res. 8 (5); 297-300. 1994
Paper D, Franz G. Glycosylation of Cardenolide Aglycones in the Leaves of Nerium oleander. Planta Med. 55; 30-34. 1989
Profumo P, Gastaldo P, Caviglia AM, Riboldi U. Formation of Cardiac Glyco sides in Calli from Leaf Explants of Nerium oleander L. Plant med et phyt. 26; 340-346. 1993
Siddiqui BS, Begum S, Siddiqui S, Lichter W. | David Winston, RH(AHG), and Steven Maimes See book keywords and concepts | Phytotherapy is the term primarily used in Europe for the treatment and prevention of disease by using herbal medicines. The prefix phyto- refers to plants.
Medicinal plants can be found in every region of the world. James Duke, PhD, a recently retired botanist for the United States Department of Agriculture, put together a database that includes eighty thousand plants with more than twenty thousand species throughout the world that can be documented as being used for medicinal purposes. | Paula Begoun and Bryan Barron See book keywords and concepts | Although both of these ingredients have research about their benefit for varicose veins (especially when consumed orally), the research does not study the effects of the small amounts contained in cosmetic products like this (Sources: Pharmacological Research, September 2001, pages 183-193; phytotherapy Research, March 2002, number SI, pages 1-5; and Archives of Dermatology, 1998, volume 134, pages 1356-1360). Although this product has no discernible effect on veins, it is a lightweight, water-based serum that can be helpful for normal to oily or blemish-prone skin. | Tamarind doesn't perform well as an antioxidant (Source: phytotherapy Research, March 1999, pages 128-132), but it does wotk well for wound healing and may be a useful addirion ro sunscreen because it seems to protect the skin's immune system from sun damage (Sources: European Journal of Ophthalmology, January-March 2000, pages 71-76; and Cutis, November 2004, pages 24-28). That can be helpful for skin, but no more so than many othet ingredients, from vitamin E to copper, and none of that has anything to do with puffy eyes or dark circles. | Also known as ylang ylang, this oil has research demonsttating its relaxing quality when inhaled, but that's how most essential oils are best enjoyed (Source: phytotherapy Research, September 2006, pages 758-763).
© Aroma Purete Instant Purifying Mask ($40 for 1.69 ounces) contains a high amount of ylang ylang oil, which can be irritating to skin (Source: www.naturaldatabase.com). This is otherwise a very standard clay mask that is easily replaced by many others that not only omit problematic ingredients but also cost much less. | Simon Mills and Kerry Bone See book keywords and concepts | If science is an integral part of phytotherapy, then it should be good science. Too many texts about herbs and herbal medicine contain misleading information because of excessive extrapolation from scientific publications, be they in vitro, animal or clinical studies, or because of vague allusions to traditional use. While it is appropriate to speculate on new uses for herbs, such speculation should be transparent. Hypotheses should not be presented as fact and all sources of information, be they traditional or scientific, should be clearly cited. | Thomson Healthcare, Inc. See book keywords and concepts | Lowe FC, Ku J. phytotherapy in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia: a critical review. Urology 1996, 48:12-20.
Mathe G, Hallard M, Bourut CH, Chenu E. A Pygeum africanum extract with so-called phyto-estrogenic action markedly reduces the volume of true and large prostatic hypertrophy. Biomed Pharmacother 1995;49(7-8):341-3.
Mathe G, Orbach-Arbouys S, Bizi E, Court B. The so-called phyto-estrogenic action of Pygeum africanum extract. Biomed Pharmacother 1995;49(7-8):339-40.
McQueen CE, Bryant PJ. Pygeum. Am J Health Syst Pharm 2001;58(2):120-123.
Nieri E et al. | Simon Mills and Kerry Bone See book keywords and concepts | However, any radical therapeutic approaches in European phytotherapy emerge only dimly out of the Mzffe/european naturopathic and vitalistic traditions. Very often, it is merely medicin douce, a gentle alternative to chemical drugs. Herbs are often provided on the same symptomatic basis as other drugs (from drogen, dried herb) but at least in over-the-counter supply, mainly for the 'minor, self-limiting conditions' deemed appropriate for the therapy by legislators. | It still suffers, however, from the confounding effect of non-specific effects of treatment: in many of the conditions for which modern phytotherapy is applied the placebo effect is likely to be high, sometimes very high, and without controlling for this effect the independent activity of the herbs themselves is extremely hard to isolate. Nevertheless, there are ways in which the fog can be cleared and practitioners can often obtain quite reliable insights into the action of their prescriptions; where these accord more widely, they may also add usefully to a growing caseload. | Thomson Healthcare, Inc. See book keywords and concepts | A randomized double-blind pilot study of mild, essential hypertension. phytotherapy Res; 16:48-54. 2002
Wichtl M. Pflanzliche Geriatrika. In. DAZ; 132(30):1576. 1992
Zapfe jun G. Clinical efficacy of Crataegus extract WS 1442 in congestive heart failure NYHA class II. Phytomedicine; 8(4):262-266. 2001
English Horsemint
Mentha longifolia description
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal part is the dried herb.
Flower and Fruit: The flowers are sometimes interrupted lower down by 1 cm thick, gray to white, downy, panicled, false spikes. | Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. See book keywords and concepts | A study published in phytotherapy Research concluded that persimmon peel extract has potential therapeutic value as an antitumor agent. And persimmons have a number of carotenoids and polyphenols that have been shown to have health benefits. The fruit also contains potassium, magnesium, manganese, and iron.
Pears are among the twelve foods on which pesticide residues have been most frequently found, according to the Environmental Working Group's 2003 report, "Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce." You might want to be sure to wash them in a strong vegetable wash, or buy organic. | Simon Mills and Kerry Bone See book keywords and concepts | It is time to embrace the concept of phytotherapy and further develop its art and science for the benefit of all humanity.
Queensland, Kerry Bone
Australia 1999
It is obviously a large task to comprehensively capture and review at any one time the now extensive literature on major medicinal plants. Several herbalists assisted with Part Three of this text which contains the herbal monographs. The contributions of Mark Walker, Berris Burgoyne, Andrew Pengelly and Michael Thomsen are gratefully recognized. | Because of its use of secondary plant products, particular caution is necessary in applying phytotherapy in cases of:
• warfarin, heparin and other anticoagulant prescription;
• digitalis glycoside prescription.
Old and new perspectives on the circulatory system
A phytotherapeutic perspective on the circulatory system has to take two parts. | Nevertheless, in setting out a new professional identity, the new NIMH school opted instead for European phytotherapy, from the established herbal medicine of Germany and France, where modern physicians and pharmacists still supply plant medicines and increasingly integrate them with modern medicine. | volker schulz and Rudolf Hansel See book keywords and concepts | For commercial production the yeast strain is grown in large fluid cultures and freeze-dried; the lyophilization preserves the viability of the cells. The optimum development temperature is 30-40 °C, corresponding to the normal temperature range in the bowel. Lactose is added to the lyophilisate for technical reasons (to allow the precise filling of capsules). Microbiologic and microscopic quality control measures are conducted to check the purity of the cultures and the viability of the cells. Pharmacology and Toxicology
The antidiarrheal action of S. | Paula Begoun and Bryan Barron See book keywords and concepts | Research into magnesium ascorbyl phosphate's ability to lighten skin via inhibition of melanin is scientifically promising (Sources: phytotherapy Research, November 2006, pages 921-934; Skin Research and Technology, May 2002, page 73; and Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, January 1996, pages 29-33). These studies used 3% and 10% concentrations, respectively—and although this Dior product may meet that criterion, the alcohol makes this potentially effective skin-lightening product an irritating proposition. | Joerg Gruenwald, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Comparision of phytotherapy (Permixon (R)) with finasteride in the treatment of benign prostate hyperplasia: a randomized international study of 1,098 patiens. In: Prostate 29(4):231-240. 1996.
Casarosa C, Cosci M, o di Coscio, Fratta M, (1988) Lack of effects of a lyposterolic extract of Serenoa repens on plasma levels of testosterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone. Clin Ther 10:5.
Engelmann U, Phytopharmaka und Synthetika bei der Behandlung der benignen Prostatahypertrophie. In: ZPT 18(1):13-19. 1997.
Hansel R et al, (1964) Planta Med 12:169. | David Winston, RH(AHG), and Steven Maimes See book keywords and concepts | A few of our favorites are Medical Herbalism by David Hoffmann, Principles and Practice of phytotherapy by Simon Mills and Kerry Bone, and Herbal Therapy & Supplements: A Scientific and Traditional Approach by Merrily Kuhn and David Winston.
In compiling this book, many sources (including scientists, academics, authors, and health care practitioners) were consulted, and the research was assembled so that it could be presented in a readable format for comprehensive understanding. In most cases, references are not provided within the text. |
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Herbal Research Treatment Plant Medicine Clinical Herbs Journal Effects Scientific Plants Drugs Extract European New Medicinal Herbal medicine International Modern Effect Study Phytomedicine Products Medical Herb Drug Extracts Traditional Preparations Patients Therapeutic Natural Medicines Activity Remedies Strategies Example Development Conditions Symptoms Health Medicinal plants World Cancer Doses Disease Practice Phytotherapy research Chronic Therapy Herbalism Monographs Pharmacy Root Liver Berlin Pharmacology Major Natural products Prostate Medica Trial Congress American London Skin Infections Herbalists Conventional Review Garlic Species Essential Specific Traditions Studies Phytomedicines British Potential Problems Europe Pharmacognosy Acute Chinese Food Aids Standardized Benign prostatic Properties Dosage Herbal medicines General Prostatic Chemical In vitro Diseases Bone Approach Body Treatments